It is continually said and written from various places there are…

…which is true.

There are in essence ONLY TWO although Satan as he stands at the roiling, boiling pot of world stew, a roiling, boiling pot in which EVERY PERSON ON EARTH IS IN EVEN THOSE THAT ARE TRUE CHRISTIANS, or profess to be Christan (though the true transformed and renewed of mind and spirit believer is a citizen of heaven and a sojourner here, a stranger, a pilgrim or ought to be — we are still in this swirling, roiling pot of earthly stew while still here in the flesh, animated in this realm)  adding his ingredients, of which everyone is mingled among in the swirling pot, causing more distraction and swirling about when all should be very clear, direct, calm, no debating, no straying from and EVERY PERSON avowing and making the claim of being “Christian” should only have a…

Yet, in every survey, every viable accurate poll and discovery into the facts only…

Only 6% of Americans have a “Biblical worldview,” research from George Barna finds

Only 6% of Americans Have a Biblical Worldview

Christian Research Group: U.S ‘Moving Toward Elimination of Biblical Worldview as Cornerstone of Society’

‘Profoundly Disturbing’: Survey Finds Only 2 Percent of Millennials Have Biblical Worldview

Americans Who Hold To A Biblical Worldview Declines Yet Again
American Worldview Inventory 2021 Release #5: Top 10 Most Seductive Unbiblical Ideas Embraced by Americans
American Worldview Inventory 2020-21 — The Annual Report On The State Of Worldview In The United States
The battle of worldview education
America’s Most Popular Worldview — Moralistic Therapeutic Deism

Because if we’re truthful? The overwhelming majority of those professing to be Christian haven’t a clue as to what it means to be truly a disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ. If they attend a “church” it is NOT a Bible-centered, Bible-preaching, Bible-teaching, Bible-believing all of it omitting nothing nor adding to place. It’s a place to be seen. To get your figurative gold attendance star and to be ENTERTAINED! To be treated to a light show, smoke/fog machines, and visual and a massive sound system pumping out the rock-based so-called “worship service of music,” followed up to be ENTERTAINED further by someone called a Christian pastor. Doing a poor stand-p comedy routine, offering worldly psychology and self-help, focused on self, on the world, and providing illustrations and world dung with not even watered down milk from Scripture at this point. Only offering up false teachings for the greater part if offering up anything supposedly referring to God, Jesus, or the Bible. And to mention or ask the Holy Spirit for words of guidance? Do you hear that? I doubt it!

And why?

Because who among those professing to call themselves a Chrisitan in these times actually READS, actually STUDIES, actually PRAYS, actually KNOWS, actually TURNS TO THE WORD OF GOD DAILY, and in ALL THINGS!!!?

Survey Shows Many Professing Christians Being Shaped by Culture Rather Than Biblical Truth 

2020 ‘State of the Bible’ Report Finds Few Americans Read Bible Daily
Survey Shows Many Professing Christians Being Shaped by Culture Rather Than Biblical Truth
The State of Theology — Survey Reveals Many Christians Deeply Confused About Biblical Theology
Where is Your Bible? — Is the Church Ignoring “the Oracles of God”?

And it isn’t complicated, multi-faceted, complex, or fraught with so many factors…

It is, in truth simple, clear, precise, concise, and only a result of…

Taking place WITHIN and AROUND EVERY SINGLE PERSON ON THIS EARTH 24 hours a day, seven days a week, every week of the year.

Whether folks want to acknowledge that FACT or not, believe it or not.

It ISN’T POLITICAL and let’s stop there and place it at the feet of a certain political ideology or party, it isn’t a political ideology, due to a government program, an election, this or that or everything other thing in the swirling roiling, boiling (about to boil over) pot stirred.

It is because the overwhelming majority of ingredients in the pot claiming to be of a certain ingredient, Christian, would rather mingle, absorb the flavors, the color, the texture, and tastes of all the otherworldly ingredients in the pot and they know not truly of the origin, the place, the state they claim. They say with their mouths, with their words they are something they are not.

Because they were never nurtured, raised, grown, experienced in the vineyard of the word of God to come to any level of maturity, any depth of growth to be made into what it is they should be made into — disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ. True children of God, which, contrary to the worldview and the lies of the world, not every person is. Most are children of disobedience, children of the devil, children of this world.

Not according to me.

According to the word of God.

Where most spend little or no time, are totally unaware, unknowledgeable in and bereft, void, empty, dead dried bones, aimless and lost because they claim to be Christian, claim to be a believer yet have never, do not ever spend time in the word of God to be nourished, fed, to grow, to come to know and to put on the whole armour of God, to become equipped and to put on a BIBLICAL worldview and to hold it.

And sadly, there is but a remnant that knows this understands it and sees it.

Alas, I hope and pray at least some bumping around in the swirling pot of roiling and boiling stew in the world pot being stirred by the god of this world, Satan, know they are the Lord’s, truly, and are but strangers and pilgrims here. Nationalism isn’t what matters. An election doesn’t matter. Being truly transformed and regenerated, chosen and changed by the power of the Spirit of God into a new creature is what matters. And spending time in the word of God to be sustained, grow, strengthened, taught, guided, protected, and to know what to do IN EVERY OCCASION, EVERY CIRCUMSTANCE, EVERY SITUATION here on earth in the here and now of every day in every way.

It’s a war folks.

A spiritual war. The most important war.

And no one is absent from partaking in it. Where are each of us in this ongoing and escalating battle? With the world? Or with the Lord and His word?

And those are the only two choices.

No matter what the world says. No matter what someone around you says. No matter if your pastor says differently and wants you to buy his latest book which is, in essence, most likely just another worldly self-help book — because everything any person needs at any time in their life can be found in the Holy Bible.

Now, do not misunderstand. There are volumes of wonderful, good, helpful books written by genuine, true Christian men to aid in our walk, in our growth as a Christian, but the majority of what is being sold now? It’s fictional novels, self-help, worldly psychology packaged as being Christian and is not of or from the word of God, It is of and from the words of men to make them money and or money and notoriety.

Turn to God.

Turn to Jesus.

Turn to the Holy Spirit.

Turn to the inerrant infallible living and active word of God.

Always. Every day. In every way.

For the pot is boiling and the god of this world is always adding more into the pot in order to dilute, make more muddied and keep the ingredients in the pot swirling about and dizzy. As they imagine themselves to clear, so it’s of their own doing, they are so wise, so educated, so smart, so advanced, so progressive and knowledgeable.

Know that God’s plan is working. Know that God is in control of all things at all times.

And we had better decide which side we’re on, truly, in this spiritual war and then soldier on for that side and stop believing there isn’t a war, that we can sit it out, or that it’s only in other people and we’re all set and we can merely observe. And we don’t need the Bible. We have it all under control and we’re going to heaven!

Read Matthew 7 for many who take this path in life…

And know… 

“My Father is Always at Work”

And each professing to be a Christian needs to be of…

Authentic Discipleship 


Ken Pullen

Sunday, July 18th, 2021

ACP — A Crooked Path


The Battle For Your Children’s Mind: Parents & Schools Wrestle With Worldviews


Sunday, July 18, 2021

By Tony Perkins / Family Research Center

Reprinted from Prophecy News Watch


As the nation emerges from the set of political, health, and economic crises it has wrestled with over the past year, and as children head back to school in the fall, a battle is heating up: the fight for America’s schools.

Recognizing the growing battles within education, the Associated Press published an article last Friday titled “Tears, politics, and money: School boards become battle zones.” The article highlights debates in school board meetings across the country over new curriculum, how racism and American history will be taught, mask mandates, and transgender issues. How some of these fiercely debated questions are resolved will affect the trajectory of our schools and, ultimately, our nation.
Christian parents face questions even more fundamental than any of these. Namely, what is their responsibility when it comes to their children’s education? And does it matter if said education reflects a biblical worldview?
A quality education is a good thing to desire for one’s children. Desiring good things for one’s children is not a uniquely Christian trait; it is a human one — a reflection of the heavenly Father earthly parents are meant to resemble. Jesus was addressing a large crowd when he said:
Which one of you, if his son asks him for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a serpent? If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask him! (Mat. 7:9-11, ESV)
Desiring a quality education for one’s children is not a uniquely Christian trait, but Christian parents ought to combine this excellent desire with another one — that their children would learn to embrace a biblical worldview.
The process of building a biblical worldview begins in the home. However, this process is also either helped or hurt by what happens in the classroom. A person’s worldview is not merely shaped by how they spend their Sundays or whether they learn good habits and spiritual disciplines. It is also shaped when they are being taught history, science, literature, and math.
Therefore, Christian parents should care deeply about what their children are being taught and who is teaching their children. Children’s worldviews are constantly being shaped, and not necessarily by a biblical one.
Let’s briefly consider the state of worldview in America. According to George Barna’s America’s Worldview Inventory, a person’s worldview (the lens through which they see and understand the world) is solidified by age 13. Although someone’s worldview may change or adjust throughout their life, the overwhelming majority of Americans have their worldview in place before high school, with little to no change afterward.
Barna’s research shows that today only six percent of American adults hold a biblical worldview. Even more troubling is the finding that only 21 percent of those who regularly attend evangelical churches have a biblical worldview (despite 81 percent thinking they do).
Christian parents must consider these numbers. Simply put, most Americans — including those who attend church — do not have a biblical worldview. This means that most of our children’s educators are not teaching from a perspective informed by biblical truth. Even those with good intentions will not be able to help our children see how Scripture answers the most fundamental questions we face.
God has clearly outlined parents’ responsibility for their children. When Moses was passing down the law of God to the people of Israel at Mount Siani, God commanded parents:
And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. (Deut. 6:6-7)
By issuing these commands to parents, God made them ultimately responsible for educating and instilling a biblical worldview in their children. For a variety of reasons, parents may choose to delegate some of this responsibility. If and when they do, they should be careful to do so wisely.
For some parents, ensuring their children are taught a biblical worldview might mean homeschooling them. For other parents, it might mean finding a Christian school that instructs its students from a biblical worldview and enrolling their children there. And for others, it could mean being intentionally involved in the local public school system.
This involvement might look like discussing and supplementing the public school curriculum at home with your children, attending school board meetings and speaking up when appropriate, running for and serving on the school board, or even working as a teacher or principal. Regardless of what form it takes, Christian parents should be intentionally involved in their children’s education.
Active parental involvement in the education of their children is a theme found throughout Scripture. For example, parents are advised to “Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it” (Prov. 22:6).
The apostle Paul wrote, “Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord” (Eph. 6:4). Furthermore, the apostle John embodied the attitude all Christian parents and teachers ought to have when he wrote, “I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth” (3 John 1:4).
Whether parents choose to homeschool their children, enroll them in private school, or send them to public school, they have a responsibility to raise their children in the Lord and will be held accountable for how they steward the blessing of children (Jesus gives a sobering warning in Matthew 18:5-6).
What are our children learning? More importantly, what kind of people are they becoming because of their education? What virtues are they learning to cherish and embody?
These considerations are at the heart of discipling our children because what happens in the classroom does not stay in the classroom — it shapes hearts and minds. Christian parents must be active participants in their children’s education as an act of obedience to God and out of love for both God and their children.