To answer one of the questions from the article below,

Is the Church Ignoring “the Oracles of God”?

Yes, in many places, in many churches definitely. And this ignoring of the Oracles of God is ever-increasing. Unsound doctrine and false prophets becoming the norm.

The last church I went to in an attempt to find a house of God for weekly worship had no Bibles at all. None. Of the no fewer than 90 to 100 people milling about waiting to enter the sanctuary for morning service? Not a Bible in sight. My wife and I were the only two people in the midst carrying Bibles. And good thing, because once inside the sanctuary there were ZERO Bibles inside. Zip. Nada. Zero. None.

And when the pastor got up in front of everyone, after the rock band stopped playing the most simple of one repetitive line over and over and over again so-called “hymns” the pastor did not have a Bible! There was no Bible on the clear plastic lectern on the pulpit. Zip. Nada. Zero. None. The pastor opened with a joke and then went into different stories and illustrations. Never reading from Scriptures, never speaking so much as one verse of Scripture.

There is a picturesque historical church at the end of the road where I live. I’ve never been in the beautiful church picture perfect with the lovely grounds. Because I’ve read the pastors “mission statement” and what he believes and is about on the churches website. How he tossed aside everything he had come to believe that was in the Scriptures after making a trip to India and witnessing Hinduism and Eastern faiths.

He heads what is called a “Christian” denomination and church.

From all the violence, all the terrorism, all the deaths and attacks over the past few years the pastor and his church have only acknowledged one attack and some of the deaths. That and those of the homosexual bar in Florida. Then and only then did this particular church make a statement. Their statement was to stick the homosexuals blasphemous rainbow flags, stealing and perverting God’s promise, the rainbow, in the ground in front of the church. One rainbow flag for every homosexual killed.

In the time I’ve lived where I do there have been no fewer than 10 terrorism attacks worldwide.

The killings in the homosexual bar in Florida were the only ones the apostate worldly church at the end of my road recognized.

Is the church ignoring the Oracles of God? Most definitely!

in ever-increasing numbers.

The world, Satan has overcome more and more churches. Deceiving tens of millions. About to further deceive tens of millions more.

But then, this is how the prophets of God, how Jesus and His disciples told us it would be. How can anyone be surprised?

It is bad now. Just wait. It’s going to become many times worse in the coming days.


Ken Pullen


Friday, October 13th, 2017


BreakPoint: Where is Your Bible?

Is the Church Ignoring “the Oracles of God”?


by: &  Stan Guthrie
Category: BreakPoint, Christian Worldview



The KGB finally got what it wanted—the separation of church and Bible in the West—with disastrous results.Two majors with the KGB stood over Gavin Ashenden, who was caught smuggling Bibles into the old Soviet Union during the eighties. Who were his contacts, and where were the Bibles going? If Ashenden didn’t cooperate, the KGB officers warned, he’d be convicted of smuggling gold bullion into the country—because of his gold wedding ring! Alas, this trumped up charge was no joke. The sentence was 20 years in a Siberian labor camp.

But Ashenden stood firm, and they finally let him go.

If only Christians in the West would do likewise when it comes to the Bible. Ashenden, who’s an Anglican priest and a contributor to the BBC, was back in Russia this month and got an earful from some of the Russian people, who accused Western Christians of capitulating to secular culture, especially when it comes to the redefinition of marriage. They told him “we have lived under the dead weight of atheist secularism, and we know how empty and dangerous it is to human flourishing.”

In “Anglican Ink” Ashenden notes that when the Marxists took control of Russia a century ago, they first set their sights on Christians and the churches—and they’re doing it again. As before, he adds, “The cultural and political screws are slowly tightening against those who do read the Bible and keep faith with it in the public space.”

Tragically, many Christians—or at least those who identify as Christians—have given up the Bible, which Ashenden calls “the bedrock of the church”—without a whimper of protest. A recent survey says that 60 percent of the members of the Church of England “never” read the Bible—that’s right, never. It’s little wonder that so many churches there are dying. As Ashenden notes, “Only the Bible challenges the claims of secularism.”

According to researchers George Gallup and Jim Castelli, biblical illiteracy is running rampant on this side of the Pond, too. Fewer than one in two adults can name the four Gospels. Many Christians cannot name more than two or three of Jesus’s disciples. They say America is “a nation of biblical illiterates.”

No wonder our culture is awash in confusion. What Amos wrote centuries ago is just as true in our day: “ ‘The time is surely coming,’ says the Sovereign LORD, ‘when I will send a famine on the land—not a famine of bread or water but of hearing the words of the LORD.’ ” That was a word of judgment—to the people of Israel and to us today.

We miss out on so much when we fail to tap the Bible’s power. Charles Spurgeon once said, “If you wish to know God you must know his word; if you wish to perceive his power you must see how he worketh by his word; if you wish to know his purpose before it is actually brought to pass you can only discover it by his word.”

In this, the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation—which gave the Word of God back to the people, proclaimed it as the final authority in the Christian life, and unleashed its liberating power in society—it is a scandal that so few Christians read it.

Our worldview is rooted in the Bible. We would not know God, our Savior, or our purposes in this world as beings made in God’s image without it. So let’s get back into it—not with grousing, but with gratitude. Come to for some resources to help you better understand and enjoy the Word of God. One is Stan Guthrie’s great book, God’s Story in 66 Verses: Understand the Entire Bible by Focusing on Just One Verse in Each Book. Another is Martin Luther’s Garland Prayer of Four Strands—it’s easy and helpful!

At Queen Elizabeth II’s coronation, she was presented with a Bible and told, “Here is Wisdom; this is the Royal Law; these are the lively Oracles of God.” If we believe that, as the KGB certainly did, let’s tap that lively power—starting today!


Where Is Your Bible? Is the Church Ignoring “the Oracles of God”?

Be sure the written Word of God is regularly opened, read, and studied. Check out the links below for resources that can help you better understand and enjoy the Bible.



How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth

  • Gordon D. Fee, Douglas Stuart | Zondervan Publishing | June 2014
The Church of England will die unless we read the Bible

  • Gavin Ashenden | Anglican Ink | September 15, 2017
The Bible and the British Throne

  • David F. Lloyd | Vision Media | Winter 2004