2263) “The Voice of Thy Thunder” – EmailMeditations



It doesn’t really matter


Wednesday, April 24th, 2024

by Ken Pullen



This is about more than what appears in the opening sentence below…

I read an article this morning extolling how Ali Khamenei, the demonic ruler of Iran and its evil Islamic regime has one burning desire to accomplish — the total destruction of Israel and the removal of the Jews from the face of the earth.

Can demonic evil rulers ever come up with anything new?

No, they can’t. Because it’s all always about God versus Satan, it’s all always about in everything everywhere all the time in everyone the spiritual war taking place within and all around every person on earth.

A burning desire to destroy Israel and remove every Jew from the face of the earth is nothing new.

Let’s take a little history trip. I promise to attempt to be succinct and get to the point, which is, no matter what Khamenei or the demonic Islamic regime desires, no matter what the totally lost and ignorant idiots on college campuses in America are screaming and encamping about as they identify as Islamic murderers, rapists, thieves, and liars, or anyone else anywhere — be they in the U.S. Congress, the White House, Brussels, the U.N. in New York City — no matter who, no matter where they will never succeed and defeat, destroy, or bring about the dissolution of Israel or of the Jews!

It isn’t going to happen. No matter what the demons, the ministers of Satan desire or imagine they can achieve. They are as deluded and loving their lies as the master they serve, Satan, they all are as the lost fools encamped at Columbia University and elsewhere on the streets and campuses of America, or in the halls and assemblies of government in America. Did you ever think it would come to this?

I did.

Not because I’m brilliant or a prophet. No, because it’s in God’s inerrant infallible living and active Word. For any and all to see, know, understand, and believe. If only…

In 1979, when Ruhollah Khomeini returned from exile, after the fall of the Shah and the revolution, there was a sham election held in Iran. In which there was one question on the ballot. “Islamic Republic, yes, or no?”

And the ballot boxes were stuffed with an exceedingly amount of one answer totalling more than the population of Iran. But all elections are fair and demonstrate a democratic effort, right? That’s the brainwashing that has taken hold, isn’t it? Even in America. Especially in America as we now become a godless, dark, demonically controlled lost nation with a remnant resisting and hanging on. Let’s not delude ourselves — this is exactly how it is in America now. As never before. But let’s move on…

What occurred on Saturday, April 13th, 2024 when Iran launched as many as 400 rockets, drones, and ballistic missiles — and according to some reports almost half of those exploded on the launch pad, in Iran before heading towards their target — and almost every one of them was destroyed mid-flight over Jordan or Israel. With only one Bedouin girl being injured. After all of that.

Iron Dome? David’s Sling? The Mighty IAF? U.S.A.F.? The Saudis, and Jordanians help? Yes, okay.


How about the hand of God?


Were is not for God…

I know there is a great concern, many prayers continually reaching the heart of God in heaven with regard to the protection of Israel and its people. Much fear that Israel could be destroyed. Talk on the airways and in print of Iran having nuclear weapons if not now very soon and about Khamenei’s hellbent blind obsession with destroying Israel to open the way for the Mahdi to appear [think Antichrist, ultimate Supreme Islamic ruler to rule the whole world — a worldwide Islamic caliphate — rigging the ballot box of the world not just one country].

Let’s do a brief history study.

The people of God, the Jews, to become Israel — when Jacob became Israel and the people thusly adopted that name for their nation — they were in many battles and struggles in order to survive.

Going back to Abraham who was instructed by God to leave his own country and enter into a foreign land, an enemy’s land, and that God would bless Abraham beyond his comprehension to father as many people as the sands of the earth, the stars in the sky.

If you are not only a Jew, but a Gentile who has heard the voice of the Lord say, “Come,” and you answered, you confessed your sin, repented, and allowed the Holy Spirit to enter and forever change your heart and mind, to make you born again? You are the offspring of Abraham. Yes, you are.

From the time God’s people were finally let go from Egypt, freed at least from Pharaoh and the bondage and idolatry of Egypt, defeating, devouring Pharaoh and the Egyptian army in the coming together of the Red Sea, to David single-handedly defeating the Philistine army, an army much larger, and physically stronger, better equipped than the Israeli army to Joshua and the Battle of Jericho and so many battles of God’s people versus the tribes and kingdoms of the world prior and after to present day God keeps His people when they keep Him in their hearts and make Him their God

Going back to the Battle of Siddim [see Genesis 14] often referred to as the Battle of Kings or Nine Kings. It is the first major battle in the Bible. And it involves Abram. To later become Abraham. Make sure to see how outnumbered Abram was, and it wasn’t due to tactics, weather, equipment, or physical strength and numbers Abram won the battle. It was because of the hand of Abram’s God, the hand of our God, it was God’s will. It’s worth the read, as is a study of all the battles of the Holy Bible between God’s people versus the world.

Take the time to learn how warfare was fought in those times as it was much different than modern warfare and I do not want to take up time and space here now to write of it, but it is well worth your time to learn about this, and it would take you less than half an hour, an hour at most if you became truly engrossed to do so. Or half the amount of time it would take to view some mindless asinine television program on modern American or Western television. You really think things such as The Masked Singer, The Voice, Survivor, and so-called reality shows, and what passes for drama or [HA!] what passes for comedy on current American television trumps an hour of study to learn something to lead to a better understanding of God? Of God’s Word?

Read how in the Battle of Aphek the Israelites lost [see 1 Samuel 4]. Not due to their numbers, the weather, the quality of their equipment, but due to the fact they made the Ark of the Covenant of far greater importance than they did God, their Creator, Protector, Provider in all things.

Then many years passed, the nation of Israel vanished, they were consumed and the people scattered to the four corners of the earth. A land, a nation no more. Oh, the land remained but it was always occupied and under the sandal, the boot, the fist, the spear, the canon, the rifles of the enemies of God and the enemies of the Jews.

Then, on May 14th, 1948 the most incredible thing happened. The only time it has happened in world history. A nation that had vanished and been removed from the face of the earth, its people almost exterminated due to demonic forces was established a second time. Never happened before in world history.

And this time?

Israel and the Jews will not be removed, defeated, or dissolved. God is making sure of that. And the fulfillment of every word within His Word is being fulfilled.

As I’ve written, as many others have written due to our belief in the Holy Bible great hardship, trials, suffering, and tribulation is coming to Israel. Due to their turning from God. But there is redemption and salvation coming to them. There is the knowledge of the Messiah, Jesus Christ the Lord coming to them from the 144,000 to come and appear spreading the gospel while the Antichrist is at war with them all.

All true believers, all truly born again souls will be in heaven at this time. Soon to come back with the Lord in His Second Coming and the defeat of the armies of the world, of the Lord setting His foot once again upon the Mount of Olives — no matter what the Jews call it now, have changed its name — it will again be the Mount of Olives and the first place the returning of God to earth will set His foot. And we, those of His followers, His people, be they Jew or Gentile who faithfully believed and answered His call to “Come,” will be with Him [see Revelation 19, Revelation 19].

You see, it doesn’t really matter what an individual given over to demonic forces desires or deludes themselves about. Israel, the Jews will never be defeated or removed from this point forward. In the short world history remaining.

Don’t believe this? Don’t agree? Don’t like this?

To bad. Study the Holy Bible. Do not be as the lost, the blind, the foolish, the arrogant, the enslaved under the foot of others such as the fools at Columbia University, other colleges and universities, on the streets of America, in our media, in our government institutions.

Be of God. Of Christ. Of the Holy Spirit. Of the Word of God.

Or be of the world and where it is destined to end up going.

Those are the only two choices before every person. And every person has free choice.

God desires you to come to Him. To remain with Him. To not turn from Him or His Word.

But it’s all up to each individual what they will do, who they will serve — and everyone serves somebody or something no matter how deluded they are that they don’t.

Just because Israel will be protected does not mean we are not to remain in continued prayer for God’s chosen land, the epicenter of the world, or to stop our praying for Jerusalem, the heart of that land, or to stop praying for the Jewish people.

This is the time of celebration, acknowledgment of the passing over of death of the faithful people of God, of redemption, of freedom, of salvation, of new birth, of the Lamb of God, and God’s blessing with life and knowledge of His power in individual lives.

Let each of us acknowledge this Passover, and keep it in our hearts, our minds, our spirits, and souls every day our Great and Good God blesses us with breath, a beating heart, a growing faith and love of Him and His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, of a growing trust and submission to the Holy Spirit, and of our commitment to living within His Word.

Awaiting His coming to get us and bring us to Him.

Awaiting when we come back with Him and every word within the Word is fulfilled.

And what nation and what city does that occur?

The demonic forces we are at war with do not win. No matter the hot winds and threats, even the death and destruction they may bring.

God prevails. God is in control. God is victorious and God’s people are victorious with Him!

Rejoice in this truth and sing HALLELUJAH PRAISE THE NAME OF OUR GOD!


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