When an agnostic Jew says…


Monday, April 18th, 2022

by Ken Pullen

ACP — A Crooked Path


The world, no matter if believing the greatest historical event in world history or not, just experienced Resurrection Sunday. Or Easter as most folks know it as. The day the Lord Jesus Christ who was truly fully God and also truly fully man has risen from death to life. Fulfilling Biblical prophecy, being the firstfruits of the promise of God the Father of the resurrection from the dead and eternal life.

If having visited this place a few times then at some point at least one article from FrontPageMag has most likely been seen. Those originate from the David Horowitz Freedom Center. I’ve mentioned briefly in the past how Mr. Horowitz went from a nationally known extreme leftist radical in the 1960s to a very conservative national voice. In the 60s at the height of radical extremism in America, Mr. Horowitz came to learn up close and personal reality rather than idealism or ideology.

In the office Mr. Horowitz worked his tear down the system utterly rebellious efforts, with all his cohorts, the office was also home to a number of Black Panthers. The Black Panthers one day robbed the office and in the process murdered the secretary in the office. This was a known fact by many in that particular organization, that office. After an investigation took place there were never any charges brought against the Black Panthers. Out of fear rather than upholding the law at that time. Mr. Horowitz came to know for a fact that they were responsible for the secretaries murder. And they walked away from murder.

That incident began to work a change in Mr. Horowitz.

Sadly, only a political change and not a spiritual change.

But when an agnostic Jews says;

Friend, turn to God. 

Not to government, not to media, but to God. 

As an agnostic Jew, this might sound surprising coming from me. 

But as we approach such important holidays for both Christians and Jews, with everything happening around us, it’s time for our country to honor the religious roots of our freedoms. 

Those were the opening words to an email I received from the David Horowitz Freedom Center. Just a blanket email. I do not know Mr. Horowitz other than through his work, his writing, and his conservative Freedom Center which brings together some of the best conservative journalists working today.

The point being — when an agnostic Jew is sending out an email nationally and beseeching folks to…turn to God. Not to government, not to media, but to God?

Why is it I ask, so many professed Christians are so lax? So idle? Seeming on auto-pilot, or neutral and going through some motions imagining they’re all set. No problem. Or, rather than having the Lord Jesus Christ, God the Father, the Holy Spirit, and the living Word of God as their uppermost priority and where they turn to they are mired in the world and turn to government, to politics, to a certain politician [though they get really ticked off when this truth is exposed as they are in intense denial regarding their actions, their words, their deeds, how they live and may declare otherwise].

My wife and I drive past 14 churches on the way to the church we attend and became members of. We didn’t gravitate to a church of convenience only a few minutes from home but to a Bible-centered, Bible-preaching, Bible-teaching, Bible-believing church. I spent a lot of time going here, there, everywhere in the wilderness of modern-day professed Christian churches and it’s tragic how many approach the Bible —- well, they don’t approach the Bible but everything else under the sun. Thus the passing 14 of them on the way to where it is we go.

This past Sunday, Resurrection Sunday, every parking lot of those 14 were packed out with far more vehicles than normally seen. People come out in droves twice a year to go to a church. Christmas and Easter.

Who do you think you’re fooling folks? Do you honestly think God is licking the back of a gold star and putting it on some tally sheet in heaven and since you attend a church twice a year you’ve got a “Get out of hell, pass Go and collect an eternity in heaven” card? This is not a game.

I may not be your cup of tea, all cuddly squishy soft and accommodating, appeasing, and writing what so many are saying, such as; just say you believe and you’re in. Anything goes — why you can bring in Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, various pagan practices and beliefs, we don’t care because we’re all one and we’re all going to heaven! It’s all about feeling good!

Dung. Pure heaping piles of deadly dung.

Those telling you that, no matter who they are — a pastor, a minister, a person that is your friend and professing to be a Christian, a teacher, a relative — no matter who might be taking you along ways to think such as those examples? Such as; there is no hell, everyone goes to heaven, and there are varying degrees of sin in God’s eyes, well, Jesus was a really nice guy and impressive but ya’ know, he wasn’t really God, you don’t believe that do you? Or that he actually rose from the dead and went up to heaven and that God is his Father? You can’t really believe that, I mean, it’s a nice story, but come on…

That person, those people are not your friend and they do not really love you.

The person that loves you is going to tell you the most important thing any person can do in their life is to turn to God, the God of the Bible — to repent, submit, commit your life to Jesus Christ making Him Lord of your life. And that everything in the Bible is true. That every person is a sinner. Every person needs to repent. Every person needs Jesus.

Yes, believe every word within the Word of God.

I’m not here to be your friend, although that would be a wonderful bonus — I’m here to continue to declare YOU HAVE A FRIEND IN JESUS. And unless and until you come to know that by a truly life-changing transformation to take place in your heart, your mind? And you come to believe and make Jesus Lord of your life? If you do not do this? You’re going to hell for eternity. Don’t like that? Who would!?

Don’t fight reality and continue to reside in delusion making it your reality.

This world is broken. Decayed. Rotted and falling apart swiftly. It’s coming to an end. It’s on its way out. [You can read all about it in the Bible. The only book in which past, present, and future history is written of and every word of it is true, every word of it is coming true, every word of it will come true].

Here’s another clue for you all. God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Bible are UNCHANGEABLE. Through eternity. Beyond human comprehension existing BEFORE the foundations of the world, and throughout eternity — no end ever — God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Bible are UNCHANGEABLE.

Pastors, ministers, those professing to be Christians which ought to mean true disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ cease changing God, changing Jesus [not even mentioning the Holy Spirit], and changing what’s in the inerrant and UNCHANGEABLE Scriptures! What makes anyone think — ANYONE — think they have the power and authority, the spiritual wisdom to circumvent God Almighty, and instead of turning to the Bible to hear clearly and concisely how God speaks about all things SUBMITTING HUMBLY to God so many, more and more foolishly think they know better than God and what God says in His living Word isn’t what He meant, or it doesn’t apply today?

Stop playing down to people. Playing to people. Concerned about approval, not offending someone. Stop trying to be a spiritual hipster. Stop worrying about being liked and concern yourselves with does God approve of what you’re doing? Stop allowing youth to dictate to eternal spiritual wisdom which is commonplace and pervasive.

The truth of the Bible and the Lord Jesus Christ offends the people of the world.

The truth of Jesus, of God, of the Holy Spirit, the truth about sin, about hell, about eternity, and about what is going on in the world and why must be declared. Spoken. Written. Continually.

The gospel can permeate the world. And the gospel, the truth always can, will, and does overcome the darkness, the lies, the delusion, and rebellion.


The real question is can you, will you if rebelling and refusing to believe, refusing to submit come to the realization of the truth regarding Jesus and the Bible? Before that eventuality arrives for all the world and the Lord Jesus Christ returns? As He most definitely will. Before your last breath, your last heartbeat and you never bothered to…

Ahh, tragically. Too late.

The real question for all those lax and lukewarm folks professing to be Christians who love the world more, do not spend enough time in prayer, or in prayer not amiss, do not spend enough time in studying, reading, and meditating upon God’s Word, who are turned away to feel good false teachings will they heed to the proclamation of an agnostic Jew who says…

Friend, turn to God. 

Not to government, not to media, but to God. 

As an agnostic Jew, this might sound surprising coming from me. 

Will you turn to God? No matter who you may be. No matter your past experiences, beliefs, what religion you grew up in, or denomination that you may have followed that is not the Christianity of the Bible, no matter if you have greatly sinned and never believed anything in the Bible, no matter who you may be, what you’ve done, how old you are — the Lord Jesus Christ was willingly nailed to that tree to die a horrible and shameful death — crucifixion is among the world’s most painful deaths to endure — and he died to be put in a tomb, the large stone rolled in front and sealed to close the tomb, to be found resurrected from the dead on the third day after hanging lifeless on that cross FOR YOU. Personally. TO TAKE YOUR SIN UPON HIMSELF as the Supreme Sacrifice for any and all who come to believe in Him, obey Him, and commit to taking Jesus as Lord of their lives. Permitting the Holy Spirit to work in your heart to transform you into a new life, a changed life here in the flesh that can begin its journey of spiritual growth walking daily towards God and heaven and being perfected a bit more each day until complete and in sight of the Lord in heaven.

Can you turn from this world, from faith in government, in politics, in listening to media, in loving this world and believing its lies and delusion to turn to God? Turn to Jesus? Turn to the Holy Spirit? Turn to the Holy Bible as a daily source of nourishment, of life?

And to the lax, the lukewarm, the coasting professed Christian.

Isn’t it about time you began to walk the walk and if not truly transformed by the Supernatural power of the Spirit of God turn to and become renewed of mind and spirit, born anew? And if you have experienced being born anew why are you lagging? What is going on? What’s wrong that you can’t see the Lord, love the Lord to put Him, God the Father, the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Bible atop your “TO DO” list? Making your faith, your discipleship, and your relationship with Jesus your #1 priority?

There isn’t one person on earth that prays enough.

There is not one person on earth that reads the Bible enough.

But each person can pray more, not amiss, praying large and boldly.

And each person can spend more time in deep thinking, fervent study within the Holy Bible upon reading God’s Word daily, nightly, every opportunity that is available coming to cherish the Word of God above all things. For what that Book can and will do in your life. If believed. If applied and lived out.


Peace be with you.

And that can only truly happen in turning to God, turning to Jesus, turning to the Holy Spirit, and turning to the Word of God.

If you don’t believe me?

Believe the agnostic Jew who is now telling people to turn to God!

Turn to the Lord Jesus Christ while He blesses you with breath.


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