About kenpullen

I am a simple God-fearing, Bible-believing man. A sinner who by the free gift of grace from God, and the Sacrifice made by the Lord Jesus Christ for my sin has been transformed, born anew, to serve the Lord my God as best I humbly can with my limited gifts. I've been directed to do this work. Even though at times I've fought and resisted doing it. I don't deserve anything but condemnation were it not for the mercy, forgiveness, grace, and love of God the Father, Jesus Lord of my life, and the work of the Holy Spirit.

See How Quickly Evil Moves In These Times: Merriam-Webster Alters Its Definition of ‘Sexual Preference’ as Barrett Gets Called Out for Using Term

By |2020-10-16T16:18:28-04:00October 16th, 2020|Contemplations, History 101, Last Days News, Recommended Reading|

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