Seems odd writing why it’s important for professed believers to have a Biblical worldview, doesn’t it?
Wouldn’t you assume that someone proclaiming to be a Christ follower, a disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ — which is what a Christian ought to be — would surely without any question possess a Biblical worldview? Ahh, but such is not the case. A Biblical worldview in America is rare, very, very rare.
Pastor Greg Laurie wrote the following because he lives and knows how vital it is for professed believers to know, live, and interact with others— exist continually in and with a Biblical worldview. Rather than any other kind of view.
I don’t usually add anything to Pastor Gre Laurie’s daily devotionals, or other pastors’ devotionals, that are reprinted here on ACP from time to time — as an aside these are rarely read by those who happen upon this place, as folks only are interested in postings of a political nature as they vainly believe it’s all political, it can be remedied with an election outcome, a certain politician, by America, even by themselves perhaps, and they neglect the most important material in this place — and that is precisely the #1 reason A Crooked Path exists.
#1 Reason — A drought of Biblical thinking, people possessing and living with and by a Biblical worldview.
It’s why America and the world are in the condition it is. Not because of leftist political ideologies or communist or Islamic ideologies or any other worldly ideology or philosophy — those are merely the results of utterly lacking a Biblical worldview.
Which, by the way, the overwhelming majority, and I mean the overwhelming majority of professed Christians also lack!
If you’re here now?
After reading the short and excellent devotional from pastor Greg Laurie, and perhaps listening to the audio do not neglect — please do not neglect — the RELATED items found below Greg Laurie’s wonderful words.
Seeing how in truth, in America, only 4% of Americans possess a Biblical worldview. Which ought to be evident to anyone — everyone — with eyes that see, ears that hear, a functioning brain that can reason, discern wisely, understand, be objective, rational, and think critically. And can read and understand the inerrant infallible unchangeable eternal living and active Word of God putting it into action. Living it. Being it. Seen as living it by others.
That only is possible with, by, and through holding a Biblical worldview, which few possess. As the times reveal.
Read on — and don’t bypass the RELATED material…
Ken Pullen, Tuesday, October 15th, 2024
Why Believers Need a Biblical Worldview
Greg Laurie
From Harvest
Thursday, October 10, 2024
“Don’t let anyone capture you with empty philosophies and high-sounding nonsense that come from human thinking and from the spiritual powers of this world, rather than from Christ.”
—Colossians 2:8
Everybody has a worldview—a way of looking at, reacting to, and navigating this life. The question is, do you have a biblical worldview? The way to develop a biblical worldview is to read, memorize, and internalize God’s Word. To fill your mind with the truths of Scripture. As those truths become second nature to you, your thinking starts to change. Your priorities start to change. Your perspective starts to change. Your attitude starts to change. And your actions start to change.
As Christians, our worldview should align with Jesus’ worldview as much as possible. And if you want to know what Jesus’ worldview is, read the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5–7. Do you want to know what Jesus thinks? Read the sermon. (And by the way, you can read the entire sermon in one sitting.) Do you want to know how His heart really beats? Study the sermon. Do you want to know how He feels about living life in general? Read the sermon. Not only is the Sermon on the Mount the longest recorded message that Jesus ever gave, but it’s also one of the most beautiful and best-known portions of Scripture.
In it, you’ll discover that a biblical worldview influences every aspect of the way you live your life. How you express your anger. How you express generosity. How you pray and fast. How you establish healthy priorities and pursue what’s truly important. How you deal with anxiety and uncertainty about the future. How you take full advantage of God’s generosity with a truly grateful heart. How you build your life on a solid foundation.
You’ll also find that a biblical worldview influences the way you interact with others. How you repair damaged relationships. How you respond to people who have wronged you. How you treat your enemies. How you judge others. How you avoid being a hypocrite. How you live the Golden Rule. How you ensure that other people see Christ in you.
And you’ll discover that a biblical worldview influences the way you react to events. If you have a biblical worldview, you won’t panic when evil seems to be winning. You won’t see a world spinning out of control. Instead, you’ll draw on your knowledge of biblical prophecy. You’ll see that events are unfolding as God determines. You’ll see His hand in the things happening around you. Instead of panicking, you’ll rejoice and prepare as you anticipate the return of Christ and eternity with God.
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