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None of the information below ought to be alarming, if paying attention, if knowing the Lord Jesus Christ in a personal relationship as a sinner born anew, born again, living daily in America. Attending church in America.

Keenly aware.

The information below ought to make one thus experience much in the way of thought and action to take for the truth is distressing, sad, tragic, and heartbreaking. So what do we then do?

Keenly aware.

Let us, knowing the times, living with a consistent Biblical worldview — you do possess such a thing, right? — be that light unto the world, the salt of the earth not only preserving the Word, flavoring our daily lives with the Word, but we being thirsty for the Word and to grow closer to Jesus Christ, Yeshua Hamashiach let us be a light that others see our Father in and glorify Him and in our living, in our praying, in our time in God’s Word we develop a thirst to take Jesus the Saviour and only way to eternal life and heaven to others.

Keenly aware.

The time is short. The day of salvation is at hand. The kingdom of God is at hand! Time to repent, time to live, stand, remain steadfast, bold, and firm in THEE faith that makes eternal life possible, the only faith that does, the only faith with Jesus.

As you read on do not become depressed. Become more aware, more equipped, more checking the full armor of God we are to continually wear is in order. You ought not to be shocked or alarmed. You ought to know the times according to the times and the Word of God.

Keenly aware.

We’re at war. The longest, highest causality, greatest, and most important war ever fought on earth. Spiritual War I, that has never ended since it began and has only increased to the point the people have been given over to their wicked, unrighteous, reprobate minds. Been raging and being waged since the Garden and now is at fever pitch making all of creation groan under the weight of man and woman’s sin, arrogance, rebellion and making good evil and evil good and the decay, delusion, and rise of false teachers that have crept in.

Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

The loftiness of man shall be bowed down,
And the haughtiness of men shall be brought low;
The Lord alone will be exalted in that day,
But the idols He shall utterly abolish.

He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him.

Isaiah 5:20; 2:17-18, John 3:36

John 3:36 — He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him,  is very apropos to tell to unbelievers, but applies as well to the majority of pastors and those entering the buildings with their itching ears pretending, while not ascending to spiritual wisdom, knowledge, understanding and living in the whirlwind of great delusion.

There is only one gospel. There is only God’s truth. There are only two kinds of people on earth. Those who are truly the Lord’s, repented, born again, changed within to love, serve, and obey the Lord — and those who aren’t this. They are of the world. No matter if an atheist, a false teacher pretending to be a disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ or any and every sort between.

Only two kinds of people on all the earth, among all the nations, tongues, stature, wealth, education, what have you. Only two kinds of people on all the earth…

Ken Pullen, Wednesday, August 21st, 2024



Can The Majority Of Churches Be Trusted To Instill A Biblical Worldview?


Decline Of The Church – Half Of Pastors No Longer Have A Biblical Worldview


August 10, 2024

by Alex McFarland

Reprinted from Harbinger’s Daily & Prophecy News Watch


Though we may not realize it, our worldview shapes every decision we make.

A worldview is the intellectual, emotional, and spiritual filter every individual uses to experience, interpret, and respond to reality. Possessing a Biblical worldview (sometimes called Biblical theism, or a Christian worldview) implies that people’s ideas about all aspects of life and eternity derive from Scriptural principles and commands.

Spiritual leadership eventually influences and affects the next generation, either for God and Biblical values or against them. Because so much is at stake, Christians must take care to not sit under woke, or spiritually wishy-washy church leaders and teaching. Parents must not trust their families to those who do not hold a Biblical worldview.

Arizona Christian University conducts an annual worldview survey among incoming freshmen and other respondents. The 2023 study documents significant declines among born-again Christians, indicating that a Biblical worldview does not inform their actions or decisions.

A few of the survey results were alarming:

  • Of American adult “born-again Christians,” only 13% hold a consistently Biblical worldview.
  • While 22% of preteens’ parents are born-again Christians, only 8% of the teens themselves hold a Biblical worldview.
  • About 1% of preteens have a Biblical worldview.
  • Of young teens, only 36% believe God exists and is the all-knowing, all-powerful Creator of the universe.
  • 61% either accept Jesus Christ sinned while He was on Earth or believe it’s possible.
  • The majority think there are no absolute, objective truths or can’t apply a Biblical worldview to their decisions or actions.
  • 21% of born-again teens believe they will live with God in eternity because of a personal decision to trust Christ, but nearly double that believe in reincarnation.
  • Roughly 25% of parents of preteens relegate to their churches the responsibility of instilling a Christian worldview in their children.

Can the church, its pastors, or Christian leaders instill a Biblical worldview in the youth entrusted to them?

So, can parents be confident about the churches to which they have delegated the spiritual mentoring of their kids? You tell me; In America today in 2024:

  • Only 51% of senior pastors have a consistently Biblical worldview.
  • Less than 30% of associate pastors hold a consistently Biblical viewpoint.
  • Only 13% of teaching pastors hold a Biblical worldview.
  • Of youth pastors, only 12% have a consistently Biblical viewpoint.

The research shows churches, pastors, and youth leaders are increasingly unreliable for truly Biblical discipleship. The survey offers several insights parents can use to instill a Biblical Christian worldview in the next generation.

One: Begin early. “Train up a child in the way they should go…” (Prov. 22:6) A person’s worldview starts developing in the second year of life and is largely in place by age 13, giving parents a small window of opportunity for discipleship.

Two: Instill and continuously reinforce your children’s spiritual foundation. Scripture holds parents responsible for developing a child’s Biblical worldview (Deut. 6:1-9Prov. 2:1-1322:623:132 Cor. 12:14; and Eph. 6:4).

Three: “Outsourcing” is a troubling trend, as parents increasingly delegate spiritual child-rearing to others.  I’ve said this before to hundreds of audiences, and I’ll say it here: Lose at anything else but win with your children! 

Four: Given the statistics, it’s a gross understatement to say that current approaches to Biblical worldview development are not working!

George Barna, a trusted survey developer commented, “The impact of arts and entertainment, government, and public schools is clearly apparent in the shift from Biblical perspectives to a more experiential and emotional form of decision-making.”

If you are in a church that teaches a Biblical worldview, praise God!

If not, leave. Do not be misled by clergy who are either unable or unwilling to courageously proclaim God’s truth and call Christians to bold obedience. Take your family and your money and leave. Your children’s spiritual future is at stake.

Our nation’s worldview — and our very survival — hinges on a return to truth in this generation.