The World is Upside Down



An Upside Down World — Finding A Firm Foundation


Billy Graham



“God is not ashamed to be called their God.”
—Hebrews 11:16, NKJV


We live in an upside-down world. People hate when they should love, quarrel when they should be friendly, fight when they should be peaceful, wound when they should heal, steal when they should share, do wrong when they should do right.

I once saw a toy clown with a weight in its head. No matter how it was placed, it invariably assumed an upside-down position. It could be placed on its feet or on its side and when let go it flipped back on its head.

The clown illustrates why the disciples seemed to be misfits to the world. To an upside-down man, a right-side-up man seems upside down. To the nonbeliever, the true Christian is an oddity and an abnormality.

Yet this isn’t the whole picture, for all around us are people who sense something is wrong with their topsy-turvy lives, and they yearn to be right side up. Will you pray for them and ask God to help you point them to life’s only solid foundation—Jesus Christ?

Hope For Today

We can never make a person right-side up any more than we can right ourselves. Only God can cause a person to see that he or she is, indeed, upside down, but we can point him or her in the right direction.

How do you build your home on a solid foundation?