

I came upon a load of dung today…


Friday, February 23rd, 2024

by Ken Pullen



In my daily venture of searching out myriad sources of information — or disinformation — that is applicable to these end times, current events, and the state of what passes for Christianity and being a Christian, I came across an article titled 19 Reasons Christianity is Dying in the U.S.A.

Let’s look at some of these as put forth in the article, and of course, I will comment on them.

I will copy the word-for-word reasons given in the article and then comment.

Contention: Scientific Advancement and Skepticism — Advances in science have provided explanations for phenomena previously attributed to the divine, potentially challenging certain religious beliefs. This means that many American, especially younger generations, are turning away from Christianity.

Comment: First, a true understanding of science has to begin with the acknowledgment that there would be no science without God and Jesus Christ creating all that is known. God and Jesus Christ are the Master Scientists Who have made all things. Men and women have merely, feebly been attempting to grasp all that is involved in God and Christ’s Creation.

Man and woman, in our severely feeble and limited capacities, even after eating of the tree of knowledge, get some things right with regard to Creation, and science, but we get much more wrong. As the various scientific disciplines are ever changing their findings and discoveries. A perfect example would be Darwin’s THEORY of evolution, which is riddled with so many holes as science has advanced in DNA research and so on, that the foundation on which so much has been pinned has crumbled and fallen apart, and so-called science is now in league with fantasy, delusion and sorcery are leaning more and more by the day indoctrinating people that earth was “seeded” by extraterrestrial life, that aliens from out there in space are coming to reveal they are the creators and the saviors of the human race and the earth.

On a lesser consideration, almost weekly something changes in the world of science. One week this is the answer, the next it’ll kill you, shorten your life, this is a fact, and the next month it’s tossed aside and supplanted with something else. Revealing the weakness and great limitations of man and woman as they imagine themselves gods and capable of discovering all there is to know.

Along with this, is the great decline in scientific practices. Real science has been corrupted and perverted just as every other aspect of modern life by money, political ideologies, and evil being present.

Contention: Evolving Views on Social issues — Changing opinions on topics like LGBTQ+ rights and gender equality might clash with traditional messages that people have been brought up with. While more Christians are becoming accepting of the LGBTQ+ community, others are resistant to change which discourages many liberal Christians from remaining in the church. 

Comment: Men and women do not know better than God nor can they speak for God unless they speak from the inerrant infallible UNCHANGING Word of God. What has transpired in only about 20 years does not reveal a change towards true Christian beliefs regarding the sin of homosexuality and transgenderism, but just how quickly Satan has blinded people. It was less than 20 years ago the overwhelming majority opposed homosexual “marriage.” From poll after poll only about 16, 17 years ago almost 70% of those polled opposed homosexual “marriages.” Now? That percentage is how many people support homosexual marriage. A shift in culture does not happen that swiftly and to such a degree without evil at work in the hearts and minds of people. Such massive and swift changes in belief have never occurred in history as has the reversal on homosexuality, transgenderism, and the sexually perverted, deviant, and immoral. So much so it has swept in many churches and in the hearts and minds of many professing to be disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ — and no one — no one can truly be His that is not transformed, regenerated from within, born anew and as such follows Scripture and not the ways of sinful, corrupt, evil men and women who are in truth children of Satan rather than children of God. There is no tolerance of sin, wickedness, or sexual immorality with God. That is clearly stated and can be understood by anyone if they would only read and believe what they read in the Holy Bible. And no one — no one — has the authority or the power to contradict God, to override God and think that God made a mistake and they know better.

Homosexuality and sexual immorality are nothing new. That’s why they are mentioned in the Holy Bible. It is just that now, in these very last of the last days the people have become so lost, so wicked, so consumed in sin and in league with evil that for the first time in world history these perversions, these deviances and immoralities have not only been applauded, lauded, and accepted — but approved of. Pushed onto people. And rather than possessing wisdom and the knowledge of God the people have turned to Satan and approved of all these things.

Contention: Emphasis on Personal Experience and Autonomy — Younger generations often value individual expression and carving their own path, leading them to question traditional structures and seek experiences that align with their personal values.

Comment: Younger generations have been spoiled like no others in world history. Especially in America. The “self-esteem” ideology was implemented in schools nationwide a few decades ago [its creator, Nathaniel Branden (1930-2014), a psychotherapist and one-time colleague and lover of Ayn Rand later came out declaring it was a massive mistake and has caused more harm than good].

People have always been consumed with self. Since the beginning. It’s why Adam and Eve disobeyed the one thing God told them they could not do and determined doe themselves, with the seduction of the devil, that they knew better than God. This emphasis on self-worship, self-love, and selfishness, is all about self and the individual knows better than God or anyone else has reached the place it has only in the past 50 years or so.

Younger generations, any generation alive today can carve their own path to an eternity in hell, or an eternity in heaven. It’s up to the individual. But the truth is, every person is going to end up spending their eternity in one of those two places. The individual who places greater emphasis upon self and refuses traditional values and structures vainly, foolishly imagining they know best will find themselves in the former and not the latter eternal place unless they humble themselves, confess their sin, ask the Lord Jesus Christ to become their Saviour and Lord of their lives. And submit to the Lord. Anyone of any age will discover, tragically too late their eternal fate unless this occurs genuinely in their life. The younger generations are all into “authenticity” well, the most authentic thing in the world is God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Bible, and heaven and hell. The real reality is the spiritual realm. Not the realm that will forever vanish and be forgotten.

The following are going to be combined since they are closely related;

Contentions: A.) Disillusionment with Organized Religion, B.) Existential Questioning, C.) Desire for Spiritual Exploration Beyond One Religion, D.) The Church’s Opposition to Social Justice Movements, E.) Issues of Gender Roles and Equality, and the F.) Rise of Individualism and Consumerism:

A.) Studies indicate a decreasing percentage of younger generations identifying with organized religion compared to older generations. Instead of Christianity, young people put emphasis on individual autonomy, critical thinking, and social justice might not always align with perceived rigid structures and interpretations within certain religious institutions.

B.) Seeking answers to life’s big questions can lead people beyond traditional religious explanations. Questioning can raise doubts about traditional interpretations of God, scripture, or religious authority, potentially leading them away from established faith structures.

C.) Younger generations emphasize self-expression and finding meaning in their own way. Traditional religious structures might not always align with this desire for individual exploration. Increased exposure to different cultures and traditions fosters openness to exploring spiritual paths beyond their upbringing.

D.) Younger generations often prioritize social justice, inclusivity, and equality, which may clash with certain stances of some religious institutions on issues like LGBTQ+ rights, women’s rights, or racial justice.

E.) Certain interpretations of scripture can be used to support traditional gender roles, assigning leadership positions primarily to men and limiting women’s participation in religious activities. For many younger generations, such gender inequality means they can never be a part of Christianity.

F.) Individuals are prioritizing personal fulfillment and experiences, potentially leading them to question traditional religious structures perceived as restrictive or outdated. Consumerist values might clash with spiritual teachings focused on inner peace, leading some to distance themselves from religion.


From The Banner of Truth and their upcoming conference “What Is Man?” in Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania, in May;

From its very first chapter, the Bible makes it clear that human beings are unique within the created order. More than this, it defines our uniqueness by saying that we – both male and female – are made in the image and likeness of God himself (Genesis 1:26–27). The implications for this in terms of understanding our identity and recognising our responsibilities in life are traced upwards to God and our relationship with him.

The post-Enlightenment era, in which we live, has reshaped and redefined our self-understanding as a race; and, despite its claim to usher in new freedoms, it has created a level of confusion, angst and social disintegration not witnessed before. Many Christians have been left floundering as to how we should respond.

KP comment: To reply to items A through F above is simple. So simple most people refuse to believe the answer. The reasons young people are recoiling from organized religion is because it’s religion and not true faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. It is not Biblical faith. It is not Scriptural. It has become immersed and entrenched in the world, hypocritical.

As to answering life’s big questions and doubts pertaining to God and Scripture this is due to ignorance, refusing to be an individual and swept up in mass mentality, and demonic forces creating doubt, confusion, arrogance, apathy, and high-mindedness keeping them from submitting to, humbling themselves and allowing the Spirit of God to work in them. They are drowning in the philosophies of the world which have all been created and perpetuated by the prince of the air, the devil — who they willingly serve and allow themselves to be enslaved to. Such a great irony, a tragic irony is they imagine themselves the enlightened ones. This is tied to item “C” wherein they imagine their self-expression, their individual RELATIVISTIC philosophy trumps everything. This is nihilism. Vapid arrogance. Being lost and then taking an even greater wrong turn.

Onto item “D” — this is pure demonic forces revealing the reprobate minds, the love of wickedness and unrighteousness in not only rebellion against God but blatant hatred of God, of Jesus, of the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Bible. This is Isaiah 5:20 visible, audible in our time. This is Romans 1:18-32.

The same applies to items “E” and “F”. Being drawn to and loving sin and wickedness. Approving of it.

If their religion is gender equality in religious activities — which translated means open rebellion and rejection of God’s Word wherein women are not to teach men, not to be pastors, reverends, priests, or ministers overseeing a congregation, a flock, and teaching both men and women and they see Christianity as antiquated, restrictive, and limiting then they are truly ignorant and have never sincerely attempted to understand. Such prejudice, bigotry, and intolerance from those portending to the oracles of justice, love, and tolerance. Imagine that.

Perpetuating lies as they contend empty, fruitless, only leading to eternal damnation paths such as Eastern religions and New Age [Pagan] religion and practices make them feel better — all devoid of the One True God, devoid of the only way to heaven, the Lord Jesus Christ, devoid of the only Spirit of true instruction and guidance and protection, the Holy Spirit, and they are devoid of the salvation and light, peace, hope, and eternal life found that Book that repels them, that they distort, condemn, and alter its contents to suit their wickedness the Holy Bible.

Ahh, well, this isn’t the only dung that will be found along the way. The stench, the volume of dung dispensed from the world, and the workers of iniquity and darkness increase by the day.

I don’t know if anything contained here helps. But when coming across this I was compelled to respond.

We live in ever-increasing demonic, perilous dark times. The last of the last days. And so much is transpiring daily, and it’s all part of the intensifying spiritual war that each of us is involved in on one side or the other.

We need to be aware of the Enemy.

We need to make sure we know what side in this most important war, with the most casualties, with either the greatest reward or the most horrific of outcomes we are truly on.

And then soldier on. Daily. Diligent, observant, serving not silent, not apathetic watchmen and watchwomen on the wall increasing in faith daily. In the Word continually. In prayer continually.


Living In The Daze Of Deception — Part 1 

Living in the Daze of Deception: How to Discern Truth from Culture’s Lies: by Jack Hibbs

Better Off, but Not Better
Against the Dark

Please, let me translate…
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The Intimidation of Evil