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Free Prize Inside


Monday, October 30th, 2023

by Ken Pullen

A Crooked Path


If I had come up with the heading Biblical Worldview would you have opened the page as you did when seeing and reading the words Free Prize Inside instead?

And there is a free prize here. Facts, truth, information not so easily gleaned and put forward in the world, by the world, or even within numerous churches, from pastors, and from professed Christians.

So, here’s a compilation of related articles, and other pertinent and timely things that perhaps were not opened due to their heading to discover via the following links;

Survey Tracks Biblical Worldview Among U.S. Adults

Antonio Guterres is Not the Worst Secretary-General in U.N. History, But It’s Close 

Biden regime has sent over $1,000,000,000 to a U.N. agency described as ‘effectively a branch of Hamas’
Biblical Worldview Down to 4% of the Population: George Barna Group Release #1: Incidence of Biblical Worldview Shows Significant Change Since the Start of the Pandemic
Church Leaders Abandon Biblical Worldview

“Shocking” Survey Finds Only 51% of Evangelical Pastors Hold a Biblical Worldview
Bridging The Divide Of Christians Who Don’t Have A Biblical Worldview
Only 6% of Americans Have a Biblical Worldview
Christian Research Group: U.S ‘Moving Toward Elimination of Biblical Worldview as Cornerstone of Society’
‘Profoundly Disturbing’: Survey Finds Only 2 Percent of Millennials Have Biblical Worldview

Americans Who Hold To A Biblical Worldview Declines Yet Again
Thinking Biblically About Worldview
American Worldview/Biblical View Results 2020: Next Generation To Fundamentally Change Our Nation

“I Make No Apologies”: New House Speaker Says The Bible Is His Worldview 

Thinking Biblically About Worldview

“For from within, out of men’s hearts, come evil thoughts…”
Baptized Into — Filled With
Branch Life
10 things to know about Communist China’s policies on religion
Canary Mission: Tlaib has ‘extensive fundraising ties’ to Hamas

Despite Western Media Claims – Hamas Enjoys Widespread Support In Gaza
Christian leaders must challenge the mythical ‘wall of separation between church and state’
Why Share the Gospel?
When and Where to Share the Gospel
The Power of Your Personal Story
Biden is Obstructing Israel’s Fight Against Hamas

AOC blames Christian Fundamentalists For Fueling Palestinian-Israeli Conflict
Genesis 12:3 and the moral imperative to speak out
The Emotional Life of an Apostle
U.S. warns of Imminent military invasion in Europe
Amid War, Naval Academy Seeks Another Gender and Sexuality Professor
Why no one can trust the so-called news anymore

In every thing give thanks
Godly Stability
Who Says Hamas Does Not Represent The Palestinians?
The Battle for God’s Land