CERN’S Tower Of Babel
August 19, 2022
By Randolph Jason
Reprinted from TIAR’A PUBLICATIONS & Prophecy News Watch
Is CERN synonymous with The Tower of Babel?
“The way forward, according to Oilp and her colleagues, is to build a vertical accelerator that will put gravity to the test directly” – These are words published on CERN’s official website concerning what they dubbed, The Space Elevator article: An idea proposed by Russian scientist, Konstantin Tsiolkovsky in 1895 – a structure rising from the equator to a height of 35,786 km – the altitude of a geostationary orbit.
CERN’s proposed Space Elevator structure rises 2.5 km above the Swiss countryside. Sounds like The Holy Bible’s Tower of Babel. Now, before we continue let’s eliminate the elephant from the room, come out right and let you know, CERN published their “Space Elevator” article as a harmless April Fool’s Day joke. But was it?
You’ve heard the expression, “hiding in plain sight”. If you’ve lived long enough you must have. If you haven’t, “hiding in plain sight” refers to a situation in which “character one” (who has done something bad, i.e., a crime) jokes with character two (the naïve audience) about what he has done but conceals the truth within said joke. Call it character one’s guilt overflowing to the point he can no longer contain the information. Perhaps, character one is venting, utilizing comedy as the cure for his secret disease. Either way, beware of “jokes” because some of them may indeed be facts simply “hiding in plain sight”.
CERN was created on September 29th, 1954. Its mission, as per the company’s official website: “Provide a unique range of particle accelerator facilities that enable research at the forefront of human knowledge. Perform world-class research in fundamental physics. Unite people from all over the world to push the frontiers of science and technology, for the benefit of all.” For those of you keeping abreast with the narrative, you’ll notice keywords, “all” and “unite”.
Have you ever wondered, who invented the internet? Well, look no further. It was CERN, and its employee, Tim Berners-Lee, a British scientist. Mr. Berners-Lee invented the innovative mechanism that disintegrates geographical, cultural, and language barriers and connects us “all” in 1989. The birth of The World Wide Web.
The tower stretched the surface of the earth to the heavens above – a stairway to heaven, as it were. These ancient persons’ goal was to become like God, and make their way to, or perhaps, back to Paradise. God’s plan, however, was not that this occurred, and so he shattered the Tower of Babel, and separated society, land, and created multiple languages.
Is the saying true, united we stand, divided we fall? The question is, why on earth do we need to unite and go against the natural order of life in the first instance? Surely, if we were intended to have traveled into outer space and beyond, we as humans would have been equipped with the ability to breathe in outer space, let alone fly. But this is not the case.
Speculation concerning CERN’s Hadron Collider – a state-of-the-art particle accelerator that discovered the Higgs Boson or “God particle”, is that it will destroy what we know as time and space altogether. Even the late Stephen Hawkins received a scare when he first heard of the discovery.
In the preface to his book, “Starmus”, the physicist wrote: “The Higgs potential has the worrisome feature that it might become metastable at energies above 100bn gigaelectronvolts (GeV). This could mean that the universe could undergo catastrophic vacuum decay, with a bubble of the true vacuum expanding at the speed of light. This could happen at any time, and we wouldn’t see it coming”. If that isn’t enough to give you the willies, I don’t know what will.
It’s fair to surmise, and I am certain you the reader will agree, that standing “united” on matters such as what is good and what is bad, what is in line with God’s plans, and what is not, is a good thing. To “unite” on all fronts, no matter the subject, as history emphatically reveals, is not part of God’s plan. Written within The Holy Bible, in Luke 12:51, Jesus says “Do you suppose that I have come to grant peace on earth? I tell you, no”. Often, “uniting” on all fronts creates a society that becomes “too big for its britches”. Reflect upon the ancient Egyptians, the Sumerians, the Greeks, and the Romans.
Whether or not CERN is attempting to resurrect similar principles, or directly resurrect the Tower of Babel, and the society that birthed its creation is to be decided. However, their recent strides indicate striking similarities that are almost too obvious to simply omit from our God-given common sense.
It’s good to be aware and to discern the “gravity” of situations that are taking place all around us. Now more than ever, we need to stand divided in mind so that we may know the truth, not a collective consciousness focused on defining its own destiny, and not that of God’s.
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