A. W. Tozer Audio Sermons — 1 Peter
A. W. Tozer
Notes by Ken Pullen
Brothers, sisters in the faith of Jesus Christ the Lord, subscribers, and regular visitors to A Crooked Path will know the great value and place I put on a man of God of the 20th century, which passed from this fleshly life in 1963 — A. W. Tozer.
Mr. Tozer saw in the 1950’s and early 1960’s the apostasy looming and growing on the horizon in the body of Christ, the professed Christian Church. I have read many of Mr. Tozer’s books, and reprinted much of his writings here on ACP. I’ve read the writings of many preachers, pastors, so-called men of God, and few truly pass the baptism of fire and come out as purely serving the Lord as Mr. Tozer did.
God placed him here to preach the Gospel and spread the Word of God.
In these unholy, evil, treacherous times, these times of the great falling away, the apostate church, the turning from God, the tsunami of false teachers, unsound doctrine, false prophets, and seemingly nothing but itching ears turning to fables, to our churches where they are more concerned with making people feel good, and they put on big productions, light shows, theater, and most now hold pagan Ishtar egg hunts and display pagan decorated trees of silver and gold in their lobbies, and call it their religion, attempt to proclaim they are only partaking and keeping the pagan practices and festivals alive because they are “doing so in remembrance of Jesus!” and they do it “for the kids,” rather than rearing the kids in a solid foundation of Biblical truths — I find it imperative to begin presenting all of A.W. Tozer’s known audio sermons, with almost all of them recorded in the 1950’s in a church Mr. Tozer was pastor of in Chicago, Illinois, due to all the false preaching, false teaching taking place in these last of the last days.
Better to hear the plain, clear, inerrant Word of God preached here online than to attend an assembly of those who cannot even stand the milk of the Scriptures and only want to hear what they like rather than what they need — more feel good stories, illustrations, bad jokes, rock bands, light shows, and false teacher after false teacher leading flocks further ands further astray.
Beginning today I will begin posting entire blocks of A. W. Tozer audio sermons on a particular topic, or book of the Bible.
I’m beginning with Mr. Tozer’s series of sermons on 1 Peter.
In the weeks to come subscribers and visitors here will find other topics and books covered here by Mr. Tozer’s audio sermons such as;
The Chief end of Man
Spiritual Gifts
The Book of Revelation
The Epistle to Titus
The Gospel of John
The Book of Hebrews
Deeper Spiritual Life
Dangers in the Way
Awake! series
Attributes of God
The Holy Spirit
How to Get Out of a Religious Rut
Men Who Met God…
and a few other subject areas.
It is my hope and prayer you find this series of audio sermons edifying and beneficial to your individual walk with God and Jesus Christ the Lord, and that you share these teachings, this preaching of a man of God with your friends, family members, and fellow brothers and sisters in the faith.
I have been praying and thinking on how to begin a viable, effective, working, truly spiritually healthy online church for those seeking the truth and the Word of God for those who are weary of all the false teachings and out and out evil arising in what passes themselves off as “Christian” churches and “Christian” teachers / preachers / pastors, etc. in these end times of the great falling away.
Let this be a starting point and from here let us pray God our Father reveals to us how we can best accomplish this and best accomplish His will and serve Him, and begin to gather, two, three, or more, in the name of His Son, Jesus Christ the Lord, on a regular basis, on an appointed day and time to grow individually and as a church, a body of believers within the body of Christ, as we obey and are led by the Head — Jesus our Lord.
Here now, is our beginning series of audio sermons by A. W. Tozer (please note all sermons in the 1 Peter series were preached in 1953 and 1954):
I Peter
- Introduction to 1st Peter download 3.51 MBDate Preached: 5/10/53Duration: 30:39Reference: 1 Peter
- God’s Abundant Mercy download 4.63 MBDate Preached: 6/28/1953Duration: 40:26Reference: 1 Peter 1:3
- Begotten Again unto a Living Hope download 3.61 MBDate Preached: 7/26/53Duration: 31:30Reference: 1 Peter 1:3
- The Christians Inheritance download 3.57 MBDate Preached: 8/2/53Duration: 31:11Reference: 1 Peter 1:5
- The Defiled World and Our Undefiled Inheritance download 4.99 MBDate Preached: 8/16/53Duration: 43:34Reference: 1 Peter 1:4
- Rejoice…Though Now…Ye Are in Heaviness download 3.8 MBDate Preached: 8/30/53Duration: 33:10Reference: 1 Peter 1:6
- The Appearing of Jesus Christ download 4.99 MBDate Preached: 9/20/53Duration: 43:36Reference: 1 Peter 1:7
- Whom Having Not Seen, Ye Love download 4.28 MBDate Preached: 9/27/53Duration: 37:20Reference: 1 Peter 1:8
- Heart Knowledge vs. Head Knowledge download 4.2 MBDate Preached: 10/4/53Duration: 36:42Reference: 1 Peter 1:8
- Grand Mystery of the Bible (Salvation) download 3.99 MBDate Preached: 10/18/53Duration: 34:52Reference: 1 Peter 1:9-12
- Wherefore, Gird Up Your Minds and be Sober download 4.26 MBDate Preached: Date Preached:11/8/53Duration: 37:10Reference: 1 Peter 1:13
- As Obedient Children download 4.33 MBDate Preached: 11/22/53Duration: 37:47Reference: 1 Peter 1:14
- On Fashioning Ourselves as Christians download 4.07 MBDate Preached: 11/29/53Duration: 35:31Reference: 1 Peter 1:14
- Be Ye Holy, For I am Holy download 4.12 MBDate Preached: 12/13/53Duration: 36:01Reference: 1 Peter 1:15,16
- The Precious Blood, Our Only Hope download 3.74 MBDate Preached: 1/3/54Duration: 32:39Reference: 1 Peter 1:18,19
- Christ…Foreordained, Manifest download 3.31 MBDate Preached: 1/10/54Duration: 28:56Reference: 1 Peter 1:19-21
- Seeing Ye Have Purified Your Souls download 3.62 MBDate Preached: 1/17/54Duration: 31:36Reference: 1 Peter 1:22
- On Laying Aside Certain Things download 4.48 MBDate Preached: Date Preached:1/24/54Duration: 39:05Reference: 1 Peter 2:1-3
- The Chief Cornerstone and Us Cornerstones download 4.43 MBDate Preached: 1/31/54Duration: 38:41Reference: 1 Peter 2:3-5
- Ye Are A Chosen Generation download 2.72 MBDate Preached: 2/14/54Duration: 23:42Reference: 1 Peter 2:8-10
- As Strangers & Pilgrims, Abstain From Fleshly Lusts download 2.12 MBDate Preached: 2/21/54Duration: 18:32Reference: 1 Peter 2:11
- Our Walk in the Presence of the Unsaved download 4.04 MBDate Preached: Date Preached 2/28/54Duration: 35:14Reference: 1 Peter 2:12
- The Christians Relation to Government download 3.4 MBDate Preached: 3/7/54Duration: 29:42Reference: 1 Peter 2:13-16
- Venerate All God’s Creation download 4.65 MBDate Preached: 3/14/54Duration: 40:34Reference: 1 Peter 2:17
- On Wives and Their Place in Family Life download 3.43 MBDate Preached: 4/4/54Duration: 29:58Reference: 1 Peter 3:1-16
- Be Ye All of One Mind download 4.18 MBDate Preached: 4/11/1954Duration: 36:30Reference: 1 Peter 3:8-9
- Who is He That Will Harm you? download 4.43 MBDate Preached: 5/16/54Duration: 38:43Reference: 1 Peter 3:13
- Who Is He That Will Harm You? download 4.44 MBDate Preached: 5/16/54Duration: 38:46Reference: 1 Peter 3:13
- After Conversion, the Remainder of Your Life Should Be Different download 2.74 MBDate Preached: 6/6/54Duration: 23:55Reference: 1 Peter 4:1-5
- False Teaching On Obscure Teaching download 3.98 MBDate Preached: 6/13/54Duration: 34:43Reference: 1 Peter 4:6
- Suffering In God’s Will and Out download 3.3 MBDate Preached: 6/27/54Duration: 28:50Reference: 1 Peter 4:12-19
- Christian’s Trial and His Committal download 2.99 MBDate Preached: 6/27/54Duration: 26:07Reference: 1 Peter 4:12
- On God’s Sheep and Their Needs download 3.25 MBDate Preached: Date Preached:7/11/54Duration: 28:20Reference: 1 Peter:1-4
- Humble Yourselves Under the Mighty Hand of God download 3.45 MBDate Preached: Date Preached:8/1/54Duration: 30:05Reference: 1 Peter 5:5,6
- Casting All Your Cares Upon Him download 2.97 MBDate Preached: 8/8/54Duration: 25:53Reference: 1 Peter 5:7
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