An AI expert has warned that systems could soon be powerful enough to inflict real damage


Extremism, anxiety, fear, confusion, and a lot of reactionary behaviors are the mark of the times. People, everyone, ought to really take time and know the facts before making public statements, rash statements, predicting the possibility of the world ending, or at least enduring horrendous and widespread destruction.

It is understandable to see this in people who are not grounded in the faith of the Lord Jesus Christ, living as true disciples of the Lord. They have nothing to hold onto except their life here as they know it and believe it to be, and to also cling to this earth. As they most likely are chock full of misinformation.

Yes, Artificial Intelligence does pose great threats to mankind. Worldwide. AI has grown too powerful too quickly without any controls placed on its research, development, and IMPLEMENTATION. 

In light of the potential and quickly becoming immediate dangers and threats from AI, nations, and governments are attempting a coming together to garner a consensus as to regulations, controls, how far development ought to go, and other aspects of AI.

How did AI become so big? In the 21st century, computers got more powerful, which enabled AI to take flight. The launch of ChatGPT in November was a game-changer and more than 100 million people now regularly use the AI chatbot. AI has been around a lot longer than the release of ChatGPT suggests, with the term’s origins being traced back to the early computers of the 1950s.

Problems and the potential of AI operating in the removal and termination of tens of millions of lives is a reality as the intelligence may be called artificial, but the AI operating systems do so with an ever-increasing intelligence devoid of emotion, without family, without a spirit and soul. As people vainly, foolishly become either enticed and mesmerized by AI, or they are put off by AI big time, and there certainly are and will be people who profess to be Christians that fall into all those groups fail to pause and acknowledge that it is God Who decides when the world will end. And while AI will certainly be a tool used by the Antichrist and his false prophet.

God decides.

Not people.

People bring about God’s decision that the Day of the Lord is at hand and He then permits by His will the unfolding of every word within the Book of Revelation and the books of Daniel, Joel, and Isaiah as well as every prophet in the Word of God.

While the inventions of man will lead to greater and increasing sufferings and tribulation, and will certainly be tools implemented in the Great and Final Tribulation, it is the sin of men and women, it is the rampant turning from God and approving of every wickedness and sin under the sun that brings about the fulfillment of every word within the HolyBible.

God is in control.

God is Sovereign over all things. Including every invention of man, including artificial intelligence.

I can understand the people who are only faithful in themselves, a false god or thing to put faith in, that put their faith in this earth to develop and increase in fear and anxiety regarding AI but true believers ought not be part of that group filled with fear.

No one can tell us when the end comes. How much time this world has remaining. But if faithful to the Lord, truly, and if fluent and literate within the teachings of the Scriptures — not merely in reading them, not merely in intellectualizing them, but in loving the Word and being nourished, strengthened, and made wiser by the reading and meditation upon God’s Word — thinking deeply on it asking the Holy Spirit to help in our understanding and discernment of the Holy Bible we come to see, hear, and know everything is in God’s hands and we ought not fear.

We should be made stronger and resolute in the faith, in the spiritual knowledge of the Word, prepared for the Day of the Lord. Our eyes and hearts on the reward of eternal life to come by our service, belief, faith, and living of the Word of God.

AI is no match for God, the Lord Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, or a true believer. No matter what may come.

Ken Pullen, A CROOKED PATH, Tuesday, June 6th, 2023


Two years to save the world, says Sunak’s AI adviser

Matt Clifford warns of bioweapon and cyberattack threats


Monday, June 05, 2023

By Mark Sellman, Tom Whipple