Do You Still Remember The Tower Of Babel? See Where It Is Located In ...


“While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease.”

Genesis 8:22

The Destroyers Imagine Themselves As Creators


Monday, June 5th, 2023

by Ken Pullen



Vanity and ignorance are two of the greatest consistent production outputs from human beings. Followed by refuse. Let’s be honest, shall we? Do not misunderstand. After disobeying God and eating of the Tree of Knowledge man and woman’s knowledge has continued to increase through the timeline of human history and myriad fantastic and wonderful creations, inventions and discoveries have been made. But let’s not deceive ourselves. It’s all been done, or the overwhelming majority of it has been done with the thinking we are our own gods and we don’t need God. This was the impetus for coming together to build the Tower of Babel (Hebrewמִגְדַּל בָּבֶלMīgdal Bāḇel).

The vanity of progress and greatness coupled with most actions and words spent have their genesis in ignorance and not Genesis. Or do they have any place or room for God.

Even the most proud and greatest unbelieving among the heathen probably have heard at least a skewed, inaccurate account of the Tower of Babel, [which was constructed in the land of Shinar (שִׁנְעָר‎), Babylonia, with its central city, Babylon some time after the Great Flood that covered all the earth [even though many pastors and professed Christians don’t believe this although geologists have discovered the truth as recorded in the Bible; Is Genesis History?] and there is a great irony and example in that. Babylon is considered one of the mightiest, greatest, and most accomplished for its time empires to ever rise up on this world. Babylon had its genesis in the Tower of Babel, in Genesis, in Adam and Eve and their turning to their own selfish, vain, and foolish natures believing the Serpent [Satan] rather than trusting and believing the God Who made them possible!

Ahh, are people smart, wise, perceptive, creative, and great or what? Vanity and ignorance is convincing oneself such is true. If of a truly Biblical worldview rather than the overwhelming worldview [at this writing, according to the latest extensive and in-depth research conducted by the George Barna Group only 4% of Americans possess a Biblical worldview].

RELATED: “Shocking” Survey Finds Only 51% of Evangelical Pastors Hold a Biblical Worldview

Early on, as vain and foolish murdering Cain set off to begin to build the first city on earth man has imagined themselves as great and amazing creators. With a scant few over the course of history giving thanks or credit to THEE Creator for what they have been able to accomplish.

Enter Present Day:

[I used to be a screenwriter and that’s how a scene page might begin, or a change of scene taking place].

The overwhelming majority live in growing disobedience to God, refuting and refusing the Word of God, mocking and discrediting the Lord Jesus Christ if they acknowledge Him at all, and in denial of the Holy Spirit, Who is all but either ignored, neglected, or denied even by the majority of professed Christians in our day!

Vainly, ignorantly, foolishly imagining they can SAVE THE EARTH!

Having earth worship, paganism, pantheism, goddess worship, animism, call it what you will or deny calling it what it is, no matter, the vast majority of those breathing men, women, and children on earth now practice either a form or in whole earth worship.

It’s why electric vehicles are all the rage among the raging and even those appearing cool, calm, and collected who are raging internally [due to sin, fear, being in a void absent from God].

It’s why fossil fuels are reviled and hated with the thinking that if only we could get rid of fossil fuels we could SAVE THE EARTH!

So, let’s create wind turbines [killers of millions of migrating birds, and it takes a lot of fossil fuels to build a wind turbine and to maintain it operating], solar panels [fossil fuels needed, again, and no real viable solution], ban plastic straws, condemn soda, cows [beef, cheeseburgers, and flatulence — but what of the perpetual flatulence of the over 8,000,000,000 people? Are we to be removed also for the wind we make in the ignorant and vain thinking that flatulence is destroying the earth!?]

Someone reading this right now probably broke wind. And somewhere on earth, there are cows thinking, why are you blaming the destruction of this earth on us when it’s your sin and foolishness, your vanity that is destroying the earth!?

As a donkey can speak, God the Creator of all things, all things good that is Infinite In Power can also make a cow to think. You doubt this?

The more men, women, and children [I cringe at having to put this thought into your mind but think Greta Thunberg and a growing number of others as adults allow themselves to be led, ruled over by lads, infants, and children] convince themselves the world is being destroyed environmentally by all the means they foolishly imagine and that it is they who are in control, it is they who are gods, it is they who determine the outcomes of everything and they have no need of nor believe in God, or in the Bible the more this world will writhe, groan, erode and degrade before their eyes and ears.

For it is our sin, our disobedience that makes the creation, all the earth groan. Not our plastic straws, internal combustion engines, our use of fossil fuels, or grilling up some beef on a wood or natural gas-fired grill, or searing meats on a gas stove or roasting them in a gas oven!

The DESTROYERS of Paradise, the DESTROYERS of creation imagine themselves the creators in their blindness, their vanity, their ignorance, their darkness, and increasing sin and evil.

God’s creation endures to the end. Until God determines the end of all things. And then every creation of vain, foolish, and truly ignorant man will forever be dissolved and forever forgotten. Yet we think ourselves to advanced, so progressive, so god-like, and able to determine the course of everything by thinking materialistically, physically denying and omitting the spiritual unless to pursue an empty, false spiritual path.

Even King Darius knew differently a while ago…

Then King Darius wrote to all the peoples, nations, and languages that dwell in all the earth: “Peace be multiplied to you. I make a decree, that in all my royal dominion people are to tremble and fear before the God of Daniel,

for he is the living God,
enduring forever;
his kingdom shall never be destroyed,
and his dominion shall be to the end.
He delivers and rescues;
he works signs and wonders
in heaven and on earth,
he who has saved Daniel
from the power of the lions.”

Daniel 6:25-27

Imagine that…