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“Thy words have…”


Thy words have upholden him that was falling, and thou hast strengthened the feeble knees.

Job 4:4 — King James Version


No person, no matter who, no matter their circumstances falls or fails when they turn to and are upheld by the Word of God.

No matter the suffering, the trials, the circumstances (the apostle Paul and those believers who worked with him endured prison, whippings, stoning’s, torture and a tyrannical oppressive regime and sang songs of praise and in Paul’s prayers from prison to the Ephesians we do not hear Paul praying about himself, for himself, about his predicament and sufferings. Quite the contrary. It’s joy. All joy and hope!) anyone — any one on this earth who humbly, earnestly turns to God and to Jesus placing faith in Them, in Their Holy Word given to us will not fall. Our feeble knees will be strengthened and we can stand, ought to stand boldly, assuredly, joyfully no matter our circumstance.

The Word of God is all about life. About strength in time of tribulation, suffering and trials. In times of temptation. The Word of God is the one thing in this life each of us can turn to, ought to turn to in order to stand and not fall, stand and walk upright, not to worry nor fear nor dwell on self or the temporary adversities and events of this world.

If we are to endure pain and sufferings for 100 years what is that to eternity?

I do not write this lightly or capriciously. I know many are suffering, many are having great difficulty and the Evil One preys upon, waits for such opportunity to test in various trials.

I also know firsthand that in thinking in the flesh rather than spiritually, in focusing on self rather than God, Jesus and others no matter the circumstances or life we may imagine we have it is hollow, empty and only leading to death.

While there is only one way to life, true life, true living — eternal life for the spirit and soul of a person unique unto God Who loves us and wants us to know that and to love Him and love His Son, Jesus Christ the Lord.

The way to eternal life is only found in the Holy Scriptures and any situation, any trial, temptation, suffering — anything any person could ever possibly have to experience or endure is found somewhere in God’s Word. It is all there. Nothing is omitted. Seek it. Drink it. Eat it up. Learn it. hold it in your heart and mind and spirit and soul for it will save you, restore you, keep you from falling…and if you believe? If you obey? If you repent and seek the Lord and ask Him to forgive you, keep you, uphold you and teach you?

He will and He will never leave you, let you down or desert you.

Do not leave or desert the Lord and you shall never fall.

God and Jesus promise this. Stand on those promises.


Ken Pullen

ACP — A Crooked Path

Wednesday, May 1st, 2019


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