Jigsaw Puzzle Piece Hand | Global Trade Review (GTR)


Some pieces, some time, and a pause


Thursday, July 6th, 2023

by Ken Pullen



I have a friend that I’ve known and been friends with since my earliest memory. We don’t see much of each other at this point. Years pass, sometimes many without our actually getting together in person but we stay in touch regularly online. Via email.

As in every life, more than a little rain falls. Troubles. Trials. Problems. Getting older doesn’t help matters.

We had a very recent exchange and he sounded very melancholy, in the doldrums.

He replied about overworking and being underpaid and a short few other things. This got me thinking of my possible reply to him and it was going to be very similar to this, knowing him and his circumstances as I do;

Today, tonight, tomorrow countless women will be raped, beaten, mistreated, and taken into slavery.

Today, tonight, tomorrow countless children will be abused, beaten, lied to, taken into slavery.

Today, tonight, tomorrow countless people lost their homes, endure severe persecution, are incarcerated, tortured, beaten, beheaded.

Today, tonight, tomorrow countless people are given a death sentence diagnosis when they imagined so much more coming their way.

Today, tonight, tomorrow countless souls lost everything they held dear, first loved ones, husbands, wives, sons, daughters, sisters, brothers, friends as well as those losing everything they held dear and owned in this fleeting life.

Think on these people, today, tonight, tomorrow, and step away from the reflection in the head chatting it up with you from the mirror of your mind. Think of others, even those who will never be known, enduring, persevering, suffering through so much you nor I have ever had to know.

And those troubles somehow become clear, the perspective aright attained.

Do this all with less time in selfish conflict woeful for self with heart, mind, eyes, life first foremost upon the Lord, and upon others, and even the greatest stormiest of days hold more light than the perfect summer day.

As I was thinking about this and how to reply to my longtime friend I happened upon this;

Don’t Be Overloaded

And this;

Before the Silver Cord Is Snapped

And this;

Christians in Pakistan risk greater persecution from blasphemy laws, while living in poverty

Timing, eh?

God does work in mysterious ways, and many times clearly, openly, if only we would take some time to pause and gather up the pieces to paint the right picture within our lives.


Peace be within your spirit and soul, your heart and mind as only the One True God, the loving, believing, and following of His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ can provide, by the power of the Holy Spirit coming into your spirit, your soul, your heart and mind.

Dear Ones;

Get off the glowing screens and into the Word of God, into more faithful prayer than time on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and any of the other banality causing in part the growing insanity.

Pause, this time if not doing so prior, and gather the pieces to reconstruct your most important part, your eternal part, your spirit, and spend less time, much less time in the woe of this fleshly fleeting fallen world — begin by looking upward to God, to Jesus, to the Scriptures, and outward to what countless other people endure, suffer, and the ways in which they spend their today, tonight, tomorrow —counting every blessing given by the Lord, all things given by the Lord, giving Him the glory. That’s the key to every individual’s story with a more than happy ending. A happy journey towards no ending at all, but eternity with the Lord!