Want to know how rapid the descent into evil has occurred in America, in what passes for American public education? If I, or anyone in the schools I attended, even up through high school had been discovered with one of the books now used as curriculum there would have been serious consequences. Very serious consequences.

Now? Now these very same are called curriculum, materials to teach and educate young impressionable minds.

But people are still looking for signs of the times? Signs of the last of the last days?

The following will cause a troubled stirring within. It did when I came across the following. I was aware of certain levels of depravity, indoctrination, and evil present in American public schools and the reprehensible curriculums passing for education in numerous school systems in America, but I was not privy to some of the book, authors, and content directly.

Anyone indwelt of the Holy Spirit that learns these things ought to have a troubled stirring, a shuddering of foreboding within them. An unsettling. Awareness of something greatly amiss. From the inside out. To learn this is but a small sample of what is being taught to America’s young people, in some school systems as early as the first years of education.

Anyone who is an unbelieving heathen ought to have a troubled stirring from within in learning these things.

This is the current spiritual disease and dying condition of America. What passes for American education. We ought to all be ashamed! This is what our property tax dollars go towards in paying for school buildings, administrators, teachers, and the books used.

I’m not a prude. I’m not overly sensitive. Not one to blush when these topics are discussed. Neither am I naive in knowing what is really at work here. And it isn’t leftist ideology — it’s evil’s work.

To deceive, beguile, lie, seduce, distract, and keep the attention on it rather than on the truth, on God, on what is right, what is wrong as the Evil One and all his workers so diligent in the field of harvest for them know if capturing a child, a pliable ready to be filled mind as early as possible and filling it with its lies and deceptions, its lusts and distractions it can keep the truth at bay. Evil can fill up the time, fill up the mind. Enslave. And when a child in their formative years hears, sees, takes in like a sponge, adopts, adapts, accepts, believes, and incorporates the dictates of the Evil One as passed on by his ministers and slaves in what passes for institutions of education it is nigh impossible to break the seal Satan has pressed into an impressionable child, young person.

To seduce a child, a young person in such a manner — with nothing but evil intent, on purpose, knowingly doing so?

This is where we are today.

And unless the people of this nation, all those professing to be such good people, good Christians get their heads, their focus, their attention, their time, their hearts, their spirits out from wherever they have them buried and humbly repent, humbly pray fervent faithful prayers of depth and breadth not asking for themselves anything other than God hear their prayer of repentance asking to heal this perverse dying land that has turned from Him. And pray this as never before, from the heart, from the soul, believing — you will not want to be here tomorrow.

And unless God shortens the days, even the elect would fall, the times are going to become so grim, so bleak, so SIN-FILLED.

Always looking for a sign? In need of a sign?

Well, here you go. Here’s one right here. One of many all occurring at the same time with the greatest of pace and extensiveness.

The following is in schools NOW.

Where open public Christian prayer, reading of Scripture, and the teaching of Scripture are verboten!

But the following is just fine.

This isn’t leftist radicalism at work. This is PURE EVIL at work. Let’s stop mincing words and trying to fit in with the world and its terminology and begin to speak clearly, directly, and honestly, shall we?

If evil can speak, and pass on things such as the following why then do the so-called good folks, the so-called Christians, who are saying things, writing things — but why are they appearing no different than the unbelieving pagan insisting on categorizing everything as either liberal or conservative. Democrat/Republican, and political?

When it’s all about either freeing and saving for eternity the spirit and soul of an individual or enslaving it in eternal darkness and death?

What does it avail to continue speaking and writing in language indistinguishable from the world?

Especially when the world has no qualms about speaking and writing, brainwashing as it does?

We’re in a war folks. It isn’t about playing nice. It’s about contending for the faith. It’s about contending for truth. It’s about being an aware and on active duty soldier for the Lord Jesus Christ — NOT TO BE CONFUSED  making it about nationalism or making things political. Can we finally set aside the many overstuffed bags of political dung carried around, just drop them where you now are, free yourself up, and get moving in the right direction, which is the path that all that is taking place is part an parcel of the spiritual war we’re all part of. Relentless. Escalating. Unable to escape from. At least until the Lord returns a Second and Final time.

No, not political, leftist, or any of the lexicon so ingrained and repeated endlessly…

It’s about clearing the stench of lies, the fog of dung that has been permitted and prevails, and speaking, writing the pure, fresh, clean life-giving, sustaining Word of God. And living it by example.

If not now when?

You can’t say you weren’t warned. About the content of the following article, and about what is, why, who is behind it all, where it is leading, and what the only remedy, solution, and fix can be found.

Read on…

Ken Pullen, A CROOKED PATH, Saturday, August 19th, 2023


Radicals Want Porn, Not PragerU, in Schools

Don’t ban graphic porn, ban PragerU, leftists demand.


August 18, 2023

By Daniel Greenfield

Reprinted from FrontPageMag


Florida has been falsely accused of “book bans” for pulling graphic pornography and racism from schools. A Florida school district was sued for keeping,  “All Boys Aren’t Blue”, which features lines such as “he reached his hand down and pulled out my d____”, away from kids.

The Biden administration claimed that it was “incomprehensible” that the DeSantis administration had rejected a black history AP course featuring the works of Amiri Baraka whose poems included lines such as “we are all beautiful (except white people, they are full of, and made of s__t)” and “Rape the white girls. Rape / their fathers. Cut the mothers’ throats.”

But now the Left has discovered educational materials in Florida schools that it wants to ban.

Outrage, condemnations, petitions and threats greeted the revelation that Florida had allowed schools to use PragerU materials if they wanted to. After months of accusing Florida of banning books, the media and leftist activists mounted a crusade to ban PragerU from schools.

NPR, which had attacked Florida for keeping graphic pornography and racism away from kids, breathlessly condemned the state’s educational system for potentially allowing videos which correctly state that “slavery was part of life all over the world” and that “the planet has been warming and cooling since prehistoric times”.

The show quoted a PTA president blustering, “I do not want my kids exposed to this – absolutely not.” while its reporter worried that “no Florida school district has yet announced plans to use PragerU Kids videos, but they can’t stop teachers from showing them, either.”

The leftists were for book bans before they were against them, and now are for them again.

After insisting that teachers should not be prevented from discussing their sex lives with kids or secretly transitioning them to the opposite sex, NPR is worried that there’s nothing to stop Florida educators from showing a video about American history.

Among those condemning the PragerU curriculum was the vice president of the Florida Freedom to Read project which had attacked schools for jettisoning ‘Lawn Boy’ which included lines such as, “I was ten years old, but it’s true. I put Doug Goble’s d___ in my mouth.”

Freedom to read means teaching kids about 10-year-old boys performing sex acts, but not that slavery was commonplace in the 19th century or that the climate has always been changing.

“Of all the PragerU propaganda you’ve seen, this might be the worst. Frederick Douglass takes a dig at BLM while praising the founding fathers as abolitionists and calling the Constitution a ‘glorious liberty document,”’ David Heath, a white former CNN reporter, agonized. “Florida is letting schools play this stuff.”

Florida is letting schools teach that the constitution is a “glorious liberty document”, but not provide 10-year-olds with sex manuals. What’s happening to our educational system?

In Tallahassee, black church leaders who, despite their alleged religiosity, are fine with pushing LGBTQ sex on kids, protested outside the state’s Department of Education.

The pastors accused Gov. DeSantis of “wickedness” and “dark work”, and complained that PragerU videos (correctly) “depicts the Founding Fathers as abolitionists” and “states white people led the effort to abolish slavery.”

The Rev. Dr. Joe Parramore (He/Him), who runs a “safe, LGBT welcoming and affirming ministry”, suggested that PragerU videos could lead to a cutoff in federal funding.  “We cannot stand idly by and continue to allow the atrocities of a dictatorial leadership of a scared white nationalist DeSantis to inflict harm on the citizens and students of our state,” he ranted.

CAIR joined the attack by accusing PragerU of “Islamophobic tropes” over an old video of ex-Muslim activist Ayann Hirsi Ali who had been forced to flee Muslim death threats and the factual statement that “there is no moderate Islam.”  That quote actually came from Turkey’s Islamist dictator who had argued, “Islam cannot be either ‘moderate’ or ‘not moderate. ‘ Islam can only be one thing.”  And CAIR has certainly spent its existence proving that.

The final member of Florida’s anti-PragerU coalition was an unindicted co-conspirator in funding Hamas. As the Department of Justice noted, “the evidence at trial linked CAIR leaders to Hamas, a specially designated terrorist organization, and CAIR was named as an unindicted co-conspirator in the case.” CAIR offers a guide for educators and no one objects to that because leftist educators prefer Hamas to PragerU.

While Florida has shown no signs of retreating from allowing teachers to use the PragerU curriculum (as they do supplemental materials from many other organizations), the New Hampshire Board of Ed postponed a vote on allowing a financial literacy course by PragerU on such controversial topics as how to read pay stubs and how compound interest works.

Radicals from Occupy New Hampshire Seacoast to the local AFT-NH teachers’ union rallied to oppose what even opponents admitted was “a non- or less-controversial course on financial literacy”. The Boston Globe weighed in without offering a specific criticism of the course materials.

The two Democrats running for governor, Manchester Mayor Joyce Craig and Executive Councilwoman Cinde Warmington, warred with each other to warn about the threat of PragerU.

Craig claimed that “PragerU does not reflect New Hampshire values”  without clarifying how the educational group’s materials failed to align with the state’s motto of “live free or die”. The controversial mayor’s administration had previously approved COVID relief money to be spent on a high school drag show. That does reflect Craig’s version of New Hampshire values.

Warmington wildly warned that PragerU teaching students how to calculate their taxes would “undermine the bedrock of our democracy”. Democracy can’t survive if kids learn to add. That may explain why leftist public school systems have destroyed math education.

The attacks on PragerU are short on substance and heavy on alarmism. One podcast denounces it as “far-right” and a “right-wing propaganda machine” guilty of a “reactionary political agenda” and “a regressive vision of society”. All of this is a repetitive leftist way of saying that it’s conservative. None of the critiques of PragerU get any less hypocritical.

Leftists who are obsessed with indoctrinating students accuse PragerU of indoctrination. The same activists who claim to be fighting against book bans also want to ban PragerU.

According to teachers’ unions, the media and radical activists, racism, porn and terrorism belong in schools, but financial literacy and the constitution don’t.