Then-Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump gestures during a speech at Liberty University in Lynchburg, Va., Jan. 18, 2016. For conservative, anti-abortion Christians, former President Donald Trump delivered in four years what no other Republican before him had been able to do. He transformed the U.S. Supreme Court into a conservative majority that would go on to overturn Roe v. Wade. (AP Photo/Steve Helber) **FILE**




From the outset — all abortions, no matter what — are murder. Premeditated murder. They cannot be called anything but what they are. No matter how deluded a person may be, no matter how they otherwise attempt to define the act. It’s murder.

And there should be no weekly tally, no this or that attached. Premeditated murder, a.k.a. abortion needs to be made illegal in every state. And enforced.

But that isn’t reality. Not in lost and continually fallen deeper into sin and corruption, lies and delusion America.

And this blindness. Ignorance. Zealotry directed amiss that somehow there will be a national law enacted making this premeditated murder of children illegal is a pipedream. It really is. Our nation is not going to turn around and get better. It’s only going to get worse. And then much worse.

This isn’t being negative. This is observation, awareness, and the age we live in — believing every word within the Word of God.

The only way out of this continual decline and increasing decay is for individuals to turn back to God, or turn to God for the first time in their lives — truly. Fully repentant. Prayer and fasting. Faithful obedience to the Lord our God and living in His Word.

That’s the only thing that will alter anything. Change our course.

I’m going to include in this preface to the article below what would be the single most effective action an individual could take to greatly reduce the premeditated murder of human children. Much more effective than anything else!

I am as anti-premeditated-murder-of-human-children as a person can be. It should be clear to anyone who has spent any time here. Ironically, sadly, for a place that exists where many professed Christians come, the articles and information pertaining to the premeditated murder of human children are among the least read articles on A Crooked Path.

Articles about elections and politicians garner more interest. As do ones pertaining to the economy.

Imagine that, Christian.

If believing that there is going to be this incredible mass movement against the premeditated murder of human children and America will cease to commit these evil acts it is time to wake up and smell the evil. Taste the evil in the air. See and hear the tsunami of evil rising in America.

America. Once the greatest of nations blessed by God and brought into existence by His Divine Providence if knowing anything of history.

America. A land, a people now turned from God. Deluded. Calling themselves Christian yet knowing and living nothing of the sort.

America. The land of paganism. Liars. Great deceivers. The land where evil is increasing by the minute.

Do you really believe that a politician, politicians, a political party, or a court is the solution? The answer you’ve been waiting for?

And if so, did you ever pay attention in school? Did you ever stop writing stupid notes, taking a nap, or doing something other than paying attention in any history class, any civics class — if where you attended something called a school, most likely merely a containment center not really focused on trust education, you may have learned, if paying attention, that the federal government is the LEAST effective branch in directly impacting your life. What your state decides impacts your life much greater. And what your local government decides is even greater than what your state decides.

The premeditated murder of human children is not going to end, or even abate in America. Evil has the upper hand since the people, the overwhelming majority of people have turned completely against God, against the Lord Jesus Christ, against the Holy Spirit, and against the whole of the Holy Bible.

Study Shows 16% of Churchgoing Christians Have Had Abortion, One-Third Don’t Know When Human Life Begins

Supreme Court Seems Skeptical of Challenge to Abortion Pill Access

Abortions rise to highest rate in over a decade amid abortion pill spike: report

The vice president visits an abortion clinic—and the people yawn?

Abortion elevated to human right in French constitution

What France has done Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. and president Barack Hussein Obama want to do in their respective 2nd and 4th terms as president.

Wake up!

Stop living in a daze, a fog, delusion, and illusion.

The states have been systematically stripped of their authority for decades.

Do not continue to fight at windmills, windmills in the mind, placing all emphasis on life here on earth, or on the singular issue of premeditated murder of human children.

Work within your state, your local county, city, town, or village of residence to resist the increase of evil. Work to give your state more power in these decisions. Stop relying, so weak, so foolishly, so blindly, so ignorantly upon the federal government to determine your life, make your life how you want it to be, and think it should be.

Stop placing faith in ANY and EVERY politician. Man, woman, or child — and yes, more and more so-called adults place their faith in children in these last of the last days exactly as the Holy Bible told us it would be, that children would lead them and be their princes.

Fools. Blind deaf fools!

I know this — that every human child that has been the victim of premeditated murder, a.k.a. the mind-numbing soothing word to deflect the true act, abortion — that God foreknew every single child before the foundation of the heavens and the earth being spoken into existence and they have an exalted place in heaven. Right now.

I also know that every individual who has pressed the issue of making the premeditated murder of human children, who has called it a human right, and has worked diligently to maintain this evil? Unless they repent, truly repent, and come out from being the darkness that they are, living in the darkness that they do that they will have an eternity in the pits of fiery hell to lament and gnash their teeth over the evil they did while in this fleshly life.

God is in control.

God is the final word and Judge.

God knows best.

Not you, not me, not any political figure. Nor nation.

Yes, make sure you are aware of the issues IN YOUR STATE and vote according to the Holy Bible as best you can considering the people running, and the issues on any ballot before you.

But stop foolishly believing that the kingdom of God is going to be created here on earth, in America by we the people!

Maybe begin falling on your knees, reading the Holy Bible A LOT MORE THAN THE NEWS, and make your heart, your mind, and your spirit ready to stand before the Lord.

And He isn’t going to ask you what you did in any worldly political election.

He may ask you why you made the vanishing nation you lived in the flesh in, why the politician you made into an idol, a worldly government were of so much more importance to you than Him, than abiding in the Word of God.

Just maybe…

Yes, take up the battle! Keep on fighting!

But how about exhibiting some awareness and reality along the way? Do you believe what is contained in God’s Word? Does it tell us that in the last days, everything is going to get better? That righteousness prevails among the people and they see the Light, come to their spiritual senses, and serve the Lord?

Or does it clearly tell us something else?

I do not believe in living in delusion. A fantasy world created in the mind. I believe every word within the Holy Bible and see the times in which we live. The age we are in. And it is THE END OF THE AGE.

It’s all coming to an end. Sooner than later.

This does not mean we coast, get lazy, or foolishly believe we can work to accelerate this. God knows every thought and the exact hour of the Lord’s gathering up His people, of the exact second that the Antichrist will appear on the world scene, and the exact moment His Son, will appear to every eye coming in the clouds as in Revelation 19.

In an ideal world? And has there ever been, or will there ever be an ideal world? In an ideal world, I would love to live in a land where no human child was sacrificed to Moloch. Where evil did not dominate. Where the Lord was loved, praised, honored, glorified, and given thanks.

But I live in America.

Among other sinners.

Most of whom have nothing but evil imaginings and workings within their hearts and minds all the day and night long. Because that is the makeup of human nature.

Don’t believe that? Don’t like that?

Time to get into your Bible, friend…

Time to turn to God and believe in Him a lot more than in any man, any worldly government system, in any election.

Prepare for your eternity.

Tragically, sadly, regrettably, tens of millions of human children made in the image of God, made by God have been sacrificed to the god Molach, to selfishness, to paganism, to hatred of God and the truth. To the lie.

And tragically, sadly, regrettably more will follow them into heaven. With God. For they were innocent, are innocent — and their murderers will pay an eternal price for their evil deeds.

Lest they repent.

I’m not a big Donald Trump fan. But I do know, can see, can hear, and smell the increase in evil created by Joeseph Robinette Biden, Jr, and by his handler and instructor, Barack Hussein Obama, among others. And yes, vote. By all means VOTE! Be active! Be aware! But be wise in so doing…do not have emotion be your guide. How about praying and asking the Holy Spirit to be your guide instead?

Do not cut off your nose to spite your face.

Do not resort to a kneejerk foolish action you will live to regret.

Rather than making the issue of the premeditated murder of human children what you are most zealous about, make being most zealous about the Lord Jesus Christ, God the Father, the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Bible your priority and all things will take care of themselves then.

Not according to me.

According to the Author of the Holy Bible.

Do you believe?


Or do you vainly, foolishly imagine you and others the power?

Okay. Ready for the most effective action an individual can take to reduce the number of premeditated murders of human children in America?

First, an individual needs to be a true born again Christ follower. And as such, in faith, with their complete trust and obedience to the Lord…spread the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. The whole gospel. With confidence. Planting a seed. Praying for the Holy Spirit to work within the person you were face to face with, heart to heart with, and that person hears, sees, and comes to the Lord.

THAT is the most effective tool. weapon, or action any individual needs to believe and take to seriously reduce the premeditated murder of human children in America.

Not standing outside a clinic rubbing a rosary. Not standing alongside the person rubbing a rosary as you hold a protest sign. Does nothing. Does little or nothing. You’ve all been doing it for decades and where are we? You placed your faith in the U.S. Supreme Court, in Congress, in presidents rather than in God, in Christ, in the Holy Spirit, and in the whole Word of God.

Imagine all the time, effort, thought, and work you have gone to protesting, voting, railing, and wailing against the premeditated murder of human children in America and where it has gotten you, gotten this lost evil nation.

Now, imagine if you are willing — putting that same time, effort, conviction, zeal, and faith in PROMOTING CHRIST! In spreading the gospel to people you encounter, people you know every single week. Week in and week out throughout the days, weeks, months, and years so much has been devoted to a politician, an election, a protest, thinking your work in that way is what is required.

When what is most required is to spread the gospel and have faith in the Lord to work in the one you told. Thus, perhaps not only in saving an unborn child — but perhaps in having the Holy Spirit come alive within the individual you told about Christ, about the Holy Bible, about your personal testimony and story — thus having the mother, the father brought to Christ, saving them…and a child.

How many individuals have come to Christ as the result of an election? A law passed by any court? Due to any U.S. Supreme Court opinion? [They only can put forward opinions, not make law or make a legal decision — it’s always, only their opinion offered up. Check the facts of American history and the establishment of our branches of government if you do not believe this]. How many people have come to Christ by shouting a political slogan at them? in a hostile confrontation or shaking a sign at them?

Is this the way the Lord worked?

Are we to be imitators of Christ, or of the white-hot blinded in zealotry of the world, making the world uppermost rosary rubber or loudmouth focusing on only one thing?

Imagine what the political landscape might look like in America if all the shouters, political activists, protestors, and voters who are true Christ followers invested that amount of time and zeal into spreading the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ rather than all the time and effort as it has been spent…

When the elect choose to follow the Lord and the Holy Bible rather than an election, a politician, or an issue, making where they live uppermost forgetting they are but sojourners here, pilgrims, and this world is not their home amazing things happen.

Imagine that!

Read on…

Ken Pullen, Thursday, April 11th, 2024



Pro-life community, why are you so hard on Trump?


Wednesday, April 10, 2024

By Kelly Sadler

Reprinted from The Washington Times


As a woman who has suffered through infertility and has gone through the in vitro fertilization process, I find abortion abhorrent. Still, that does not negate my sympathy or empathy for women who are faced with a choice no woman wants to make: Whether to go through an abortion or not.

To save America, Republicans must win elections. To do this, they need to recognize where voters are and meet them there — including on the topic of abortion.

On Monday, former President Donald Trump did just that, saying states should decide what is to be accepted, putting the decision closer to the people. He reiterated his belief in exceptions for rape and incest and to save the life of the mother. He declined to endorse a 15-week federal ban, earning the ire of many in the pro-life community, including his former vice president, Mike Pence.

Mr. Pence said that the former president’s stance was a “slap in the face to the millions of pro-life Americans who voted for him in 2016 and 2020.”

Others were harsher.

Pro-life advocate Lila Rose slammed Mr. Trump, saying he “supports killing some preborn children and will even make that his position in an attempt to get pro-abortion votes,” warning that support from the pro-life movement won’t materialize if he doesn’t backtrack on his position.

Although I admire Ms. Rose, does she sincerely believe reelecting President Biden will further her cause? And to Mr. Pence, who rode to the White House on the back of Mr. Trump, does he sincerely believe Mr. Trump is not ardently pro-life?

It was Mr. Trump who nominated the three Supreme Court justices who overturned the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision. It was Mr. Trump who reinstated the Mexico City policy that barred federal funding going to organizations abroad that perform abortions. It was Mr. Trump who blocked federal funds for Planned Parenthood and other centers unless they stopped providing abortions or referring people for abortions.

So, to the pro-life community, is he so bad?

Let’s debate the meaning of abortion “rights.” It was never a constitutional right, but it’s an unfortunate reality we need to address. Nowhere did our Founders believe this “right” could come up. Nowhere in the Bible is it explicitly clear that abortion should be allowed under the 11th Commandment.

It’s nuanced, it’s personal, and it’s a plague on our society that shows us how sick we are.

There would be no Planned Parenthood if there weren’t a demand. Unfortunately, there is a demand. We, as conservatives, must recognize this fact. We must address it. As I was talking to my editor this week, murder is outlawed, but murder still exists. This is an issue of the soul.

No woman gets an abortion because she wants to. Those who do suffer psychological trauma and feel they can’t get help from anyone. Those who do fear they’ll be alone and desperate. We all probably know a woman who has made this choice, and it’s heartbreaking.

In our communities, we must help these women. We must show them there are other options. We must guide them to pregnancy centers, which can help them with health care, their career, financial management, adoption and child care options, and material support for things like diapers, clothing and formula. We must show them that they’re not alone.

Is the pro-life movement ready? That’s the question. Donald Trump just gave us the road map — it’s up to us, in our towns and cities, to make a difference. Will you show up to vote in November? If not, you are guaranteeing Mr. Biden’s victory. Once again, I ask: Will that further your cause?

Hearts and minds need to be won, but they haven’t been yet. It’s up to us to help convince the wary, show compassion and empathy, debate, and hold firm in our stance. It’s not productive to throw away an election because we haven’t won 100%.

Pro-life movement, you’re not there yet. But don’t help reelect President Biden.

• Kelly Sadler is the commentary editor for The Washington Times.