Sacrificio a Saturno, Moloch, Baal: la risa sardonica, rictus santo ...




Nothing really changes. Not in sin-driven human nature. Not in evil. Not in Satan. We may live in a time of numbness and dumbness, of apathy, laziness, and sanitizing evil acts refusing to know or understand the chain of evil has never been broken. But ignorance, denial, and unbelief are not bliss nor an excuse.

The truth is clear. The evidence is available to everyone and anyone.

Molech and Baal, throwing human children into cauldrons of fire in sacrifice to false idols, to lies, to Satan may be altered and sanitized as the majority, the walking dead go about daily anesthetized to history, facts, the truth — but that does not alter a thing.

We are still to this very moment worshipping Baal, sacrificing human children to Moelch. All done now in clinics, by doctors, and sanctioned and made lawful by human governments, under the lie of rights but it is all a lie. A strong delusion. The people are deceived and they love their delusions, their evil ways. Why they fight tooth and nail for them and to allow evil to increase!

The cry of evil’s followers, demonically possessed individuals be they your neighbor, relative, co-worker, person sitting next to you in church, in school, or the president or vice president of the nation you reside in is to allow more sacrifice of human children to continue is now it’s immoral to attempt to stop a woman from murdering, sacrificing, the child in her womb to the idol of self, to in truth Baal and Molech who are not lost ancient pagan idols. Paganism is not only presently alive as it has been through the millennia, but it is thriving. Gaining. The chief of paganism is not the earth or nature as the lie is told, but the chief of paganism is Satan. Lucifer. The fallen angel who vainly sees himself greater than God the Creator. Even though Lucifer, Satan is a created being. Lesser, far, far lesser than God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.

Nothing has ever changed. Not really.

It may appear cleaned up, and sanitized, the people anesthetized, but they know what they are doing. And there is coming a time of judgment. Of paying for the abominations. And one of the greatest of these is the sacrifice, the brutal murder of human children. In the tens of millions. And counting.

We have individuals in high places, in high offices now visiting these altered altars of Molech declaring any state that attempts to restrict the murder and sacrifice of human children is “immoral.”

But these are not the very last of the last days, right? The Lord Jesus Christ is not close to returning, right? Our best days lie ahead of us, right?

Oh, so lost and so wrong…


Thus says the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel: “Behold, I will bring such a catastrophe on this place, that whoever hears of it, his ears will tingle.

“Because they have forsaken Me and made this an alien place, because they have burned incense in it to other gods whom neither they, their fathers, nor the kings of Judah have known, and have filled this place with the blood of the innocents (they have also built the high places of Baal, to burn their sons with fire for burnt offerings to Baal, which I did not command or speak, nor did it come into My mind), therefore behold, the days are coming,” says the Lord, “that this place shall no more be called Tophet or the Valley of the Son of Hinnom, but the Valley of Slaughter.”

Jeremiah 19:3b-6


They served their idols,
Which became a snare to them.
They even sacrificed their sons
And their daughters to demons,
And shed innocent blood,
The blood of their sons and daughters,
Whom they sacrificed to the idols of Canaan;
And the land was polluted with blood.
Thus they were defiled by their own works,
And played the harlot by their own deeds.

Psalm 106:36-39

The people can create and pass laws making lawlessness, evil, the shedding of innocent blood — murder acceptable and even approved of by the great majority of people but their blatant disobedience to God and God’s Word has had, does have, and will have even greater consequences.

Such pain, suffering, and tribulation are coming to this world, to people they cannot fathom it and remain in utter darkness. Kept there by their master, that Old Dragon the devil.

They even APPROVE of this great evil and the sacrifice of human children, innocent human children. Shedding their blood. Mutilating them. Killing them. Removing the breath and beating hearts from them.

Oh, there are coming judgments and a reckoning!

And we continue to grow more wicked, darker, and eviler arrogantly calling it enlightenment, freedom, rights, and good.

Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

Isaiah 5:20

Molech is here with U.S.

Baal is here with U.S.

Evil grows in the land among the people.

And this will lead to better days?

Oh such a wicked and lost people who will wail, curse, and lament the times and judgments coming to them!

Read on…

Ken Pullen, Saturday, March 23rd, 2024



The vice president visits an abortion clinic—and the people yawn?


March 21, 2024

By Jerry Newcombe

Reprinted from


For more than 50 years, the left has promoted abortion in America. But last week we saw something new in this battle. For the first time ever, a vice president actually visited a facility where unborn babies are systematically killed when Kamala Harris toured a Planned Parenthood abortion facility in St. Paul, Minnesota.

She called laws restricting abortion in other states “immoral.” She also said that abortion and religious commitment were compatible, not incompatible: “One does not have to abandon their faith or deeply held beliefs to agree that the government should not be telling women what to do with their body.”

The left, including Harris, call abortion “healthcare for women.” Healthcare? Healthcare is about healing, not taking life. These are not blobs of tissue. These are preborn babies.

A number of pro-life leaders spoke out following Harris’s visit to Planned Parenthood:


  • Gary Bauer, founding president of Our American Values, had a headline on this story in his “End of Day Report” (3/4/24): “Hide Your Babies—the Vice President Is In Town.” Bauer wrote: “Politicians of both parties have long tried to show how loving they are by kissing the babies handed to them by proud parents on the campaign trail. Biden and Harris prefer going to places where babies go to die.” 
  • Marjorie Jones Dannenfelser, president of Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America, said: “Kamala Harris has spent her whole career in the pocket of Big Abortion. When brave citizen journalists exposed Planned Parenthood’s selling of baby body parts, then [California] Attorney General Harris prosecuted the whistleblowers. The corruption continues as the Biden-Harris DOJ throws nonviolent pro-life activists in prison.”

And Dannenfelser added, “Nearly 70% of women who’ve had an abortion say it was unwanted, coerced, or inconsistent with their own values and preferences.”


  • Eric Scheidler, the executive director of the Pro-Life Action League, told me: “Sadly, I can’t think of a more appropriate place for Kamala Harris to appear than an abortion facility. The Biden-Harris administration is devoted to aborting every unborn child they can — especially the children of the poor. Harris seems to take offense at the idea that a poor woman might embrace her right to motherhood. She couldn’t care less that most of those mothers turn to abortion only in desperation, not as a free ‘choice.’ That’s why faithful Christians need to show up at abortion centers themselves, to offer compassionate help to the mothers Harris won’t listen to and to mourn for the precious children Harris has turned her back on.” 
  • Father Frank Pavone, the founding president of Priests for Life, sent me this response to VP Harris’ visit: “First of all, the pro-life side is doing better at showing solidarity with their base. Years ago, under the Trump Administration, the VP [Mike Pence] visited a pregnancy center. Secondly, VP Harris didn’t get the full experience at Planned Parenthood. Did they show her the forceps that rip the baby’s arms and legs off? Better yet, did they show her the arms and legs that have to be reassembled in the tray? Did they even describe the abortion procedure to her? The Democrats are pretending. If they want to bring abortion forward as an election issue, then talk about abortion and show voters what it is. It’s actually the last thing they want to do.” 
  • Jim Harden, the CEO of a Buffalo-area crisis pregnancy center that was firebombed in 2022, emailed me this response: “Receiving $1.8 billion in federal funding over the last three years demonstrates Planned Parenthood is a de facto government agency. And given the Biden/Harris campaign plans to get re-elected on abortion it only makes sense she would visit the largest abortion business on the planet, perpetrating over 40% of all abortions in the U.S.”

I believe that anyone who supports abortion rights should at least be knowledgeable about how abortions are actually performed, including in the first trimester. It’s a bloody mess.

As to later abortions, actor Kevin Sorbo (“God’s Not Dead”) has voiced a 5-minute video explaining what actually happens in those types of procedures. The video is called “The Procedure.” It’s unconscionable that people celebrate these things. The video is only graphic in its descriptions, not images. Yet it is hard to realize this is what people on the left not only push, but celebrate.

Life is a gift. When the founders wrote our nation’s birth certificate, the Declaration of Independence, they said the Creator has endowed us with certain inalienable rights and among these are the right to life. For more than half a century, abortion has been at war with the right to life in America.

The presidency and vice presidency are bully pulpits. Too bad Biden and Harris use their powerful influence to promote death, not life.