Prayer Request #19


Monday, September 2nd, 2019

ACP — A Crooked Path



A.) Equipping Servants International (ESI) Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Columbia, Ecuador, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, Spain, Sweden, Uruguay and Venezuela:

Please pray for the 2,170 Equipping Servants International (ESI) participants that God will use their study of Romans to develop a commitment to honor Christ by being true to the Scriptures — thinking, living and serving Biblically. Pray that pastors and church leaders will grow in their commitment to be Biblical friends — and stop walking alone but rather together with other believers to experience gospel unity under the banner of the gospel. Pray that the church in each country will be strengthened and mobilized to disciple believers and reach the least reached with the gospel of Christ so that no one will live or die without hearing the Good News of Jesus.

Pray for the Equipping Servants International (ESI) Facilitator Training with seven Spanish speaking pastors in Geneva, Switzerland the weekend of September 12-14. Pray for the four ESI groups starting in Paysandu, Uruguay, Valencia, Spain; Guayaquil, Ecuador; and Valdivia, Chile in September.

Also, pray for eight Equipping Servants International (ESI) groups that continue to study the Bible in Venezuela despite many challenges that face on a daily basis. Many people give testimony of God’s transforming work in their lives as they study, understand, and live on the basis of God’s Word.



B.) Tuvalu (Pacific Ocean) Tuvalu was first evangelized by Cook Island missionaries, but decline has set in on the back of nominalism. Pray for renewal and Biblical faith for all who identify themselves as Christians.

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