New Common Core Sex Education Standards Will Force Graphic Sex and Abortions on Kids


October 14, 2021

By Micaiah Bilger

Reprinted from LifeNews


Pro-abortion groups are pushing a radical new sex education program on public schools that promotes abortions and shows graphic sexual images to young children while undermining parental guidance.

Nick Bell, a former U.S. Department of Education official, warned parents about the new National Sex Education Standards in a recent column at The Federalist.

“… the standards serve as an indoctrination camp in extremist sexual ethics designed to destroy children’s innocence and undermine their attachment to the traditional, Judeo-Christian understanding of sex and marriage,” Bell said.

About 40 percent of public school districts approved a 2011 version of the standards, but Bell said the new 2020 version is “radically more extreme.” The Illinois legislature recently voted to require the sex education standards be taught in every public school in the state, and the Austin Independent School District in Texas is using them, too.

Given their source, parents should not be surprised by how pro-casual sex, pro-abortion and anti-parent the new standards are.

The National Sex Education Standards were developed by abortion advocacy groups, including Planned Parenthood, Sister Song and Advocates for Youth. These “standards” teach children that an abortion is just a “medicinal or surgical procedure that ends a pregnancy” and instruct them on how to find abortion facilities in their area.

Bell said the standards have students starting to learn about abortion in sixth grade.

According to the standards: “By the end of the 8th grade, students should be able to describe pregnancy testing, the signs of a pregnancy and pregnancy options, including parenting, abortion and adoption,”

In 9th and 10th grades, students will be instructed to analyze state and federal laws about abortion, “identify medically accurate sources” about abortion, and identify abortion facilities in their area.

It is clear from the standards report that those “medically accurate sources” include abortion facilities and abortion advocacy groups. The report thanks Planned Parenthood for providing materials and writings for the National Sex Education Standards as well as Planned Parenthood national director of education Sonya Norsworthy for her “valuable contributions to and feedback on drafts” of the report.

Here’s more from Bell’s column:

The standards also insist that children must be allowed to choose their own gender and false pronouns must “be respected by the adults in their lives.”

Kindergartners learn about gender identity, and third graders learn that gender is on a spectrum, about “the role of hormone blockers” for transgender youth, and how to “explain” masturbation. Sixth graders — ages eleven and twelve — must define oral, anal, and vaginal sex as well as the benefits of withdrawing one’s penis before ejaculation during intercourse and how to use dental dams during oral sex.

The standards also undermine parental guidance. They tell young children: “No one else is qualified to label or judge another person’s sexual identity, including their sexual orientation or gender identity, and it is important that the language and terms young people use to identify themselves is respected by the adults in their lives.”

Planned Parenthood and Advocates for Youth have similar notions about parents and abortion. They have been advocating against parental involvement laws for years, arguing that young girls should be able to get abortions without their parents knowledge or consent.

Bell described how Austin Independent School District in Texas uses the standards to teach its students. He wrote:

In sixth grade, teachers should explain that “people [incorrectly] assume that people with a penis are boys and people with a vagina are girls” and that students should not assume boys can only have girlfriends and vice versa. Even in kindergarten, after describing the “scrotum” as “the sack of skin that hangs below the penis,” teachers are to say, “Most of the time, people born with this reproductive system are called males, or boys.”

In eighth grade, students are told that getting an STD is “nothing to be embarrassed about,” and, in sixth grade, students are taught that touching someone’s breasts or genitals “inside clothes” still “may be” considered abstinence, according to the curriculum.

Monica Cline, a former Planned Parenthood sex-ed instructor who became pro-life, told Breitbart previously that the National Sex Education Standards are nothing short of child abuse.

“By looking at the standards and resources the National Sex Education Standards provide, states who encourage adoption of this content are advocating for the abuse of our children by exposing our kids to obscene sexual notions and inappropriate ideas for their age,” Cline said. “Put simply, they are enticing and grooming our children for sexual activity.”


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