When denial, delusion, fear, and ignorance prevail and individuals refuse to face reality, confront the truth, learn and understand history — what happened previously is what to expect in the present and future because every act, every moment in history, made by every individual directly impacts the next moments, tomorrow and beyond.

But who cares about that or wants to know about that, right?

It’s all about banality, keeping so busy that thinking never really takes place. Noise, noise, noise and more noise. Activity, activity, activity, and more activity! Confusion and banality reign. Thinking, conversation, awareness, intelligence, and wisdom are all cast aside and forgotten once trampled on and the mass of people move on.

To the next lie, sleight-of-hand, delusion, manipulated focus.

Very few — VERY FEW — compared to the U.S. or world population have spoken or written accurately, honestly, historically with regard to Islam.

Most either want to ignore Islam or they believe the lies they have been fed about it since September 12th, 2001 when we were told, again, it is a religion, a people of peace, and we are not at war with Islam, so just go shopping and forget things and go back to what you think is normal — but don’t take a bit of time to learn the truth. Reality. History.

Just keep moving on in the darkness, as darkness. All imagining themselves so enlightened and well-informed.

Islam is certainly at war with the U.S. and every place on earth that is not Islamic and under Sharia law.

People who claim to be Christ followers but can’t be bothered to read the Holy Bible certainly can’t be expected to then know some basic tenets and doctrines of the Qur’an.

Since September 11th, 2001 Islamic terrorism has multiplied more than in the previous 1500 years.

Islam and Sharia law have moved in, no problem, begun to take over and spread into every Western nation.

And what has every Western nation’s government, institutions, and people done? Bow to slam. Ignore Islam. Not take the truth seriously while if paying attention at all only paying attention to the perpetual lies that have been broadcast or written about Islam since September 12th, 2001.

The modest, meager, sporadic attempts to crush Islamic terrorism have been a joke. Tens of thousands of American, British, and Western government armed forces that were part of the war in Afghanistan suffered either death — or lifelong physical and mental impairment, and disabilities. Most enduring either traumatic brain injury or loss of limbs.

After 20 plus years, hundreds and hundreds and HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS of American tax dollars were sent there — not only in military equipment, which billions of dollars were left to fall into enemy hands to be used AGAINST us — but BILLIONS were sent to Iraq, Afghanistan during those conflicts in an attempt to bribe tribal chiefs and leaders to be like U.S.!

Iraq is now a satellite of Iran.

Afghanistan is worse now than prior to American forces invading and starting the Afghanistan war.

Afghanistan — a place, a people no world army or leader has ever been able to conquer or defeat. Alexander the Great couldn’t do it. No Roman emperor or army could do it. The Huns, no other tribal army could do it, the Soviet Union couldn’t do it, and America couldn’t do it.

Ahh, vanity, ego, arrogance and delusion.

Worth it?

When will the wake up happen?

I believe…


Hear the chants of “Death to America, death to Israel,” ringing out and growing in volume and intensity?

From where are they coming?


No places all around America.

But avoidance, denial, fear, delusion, and the love of banality, lies, sleight-of-hand dung fed and ingested daily, nightly, week after week, year after year, and keeping busy to block out reality and the truth are really working, are they?

Islam is evil. Islam is a misguided belief leading anyone and everyone who abides in it to a horrible outcome. Islam is against God. Islam is the only world religion founded by a single man who was a murderer, a thief, a rapist, an enslaver, and an extortionist. Islam is the only world religion the Nazis turned to and liked and approved of.

Islam is the result of the most important and biggest family feud in world history. It all started with three people — Abraham, Sarah, and Hagar. And the resulting two offspring. One from Hagar, Ishmael, and one from Sarah, Isaac.

And it’s all happening today due to what happened then.

Don’t believe that? That’s tragic. Sad. But you do believe what men and women of the world are telling you today?

Tragic. Sad. Something’s got to give. Something’s going to give. And it’s either resistance to the truth, loving the world and its lies, loving to reside in darkness — or finally waking up to reality, coming into the Light, the Way, and the Truth.

Leading to life. And to truly knowing. A knowing no source on earth can equal or provide.

Go to the Holy Bible. Not just to read it as if it were any other book. Ask God, in faithful prayer, to open His Word and reveal His will, His heart, and His truth to you.

If doing so, and continuing to do so, your life will be forever changed — and it could even lead to coming to know and receive eternal life.

Imagine that…

Read on.

Ken Pullen, Monday, April 15th, 2024




Majority of Young Muslims in U.K. Want Islamic Law


Poll shows British Muslims want Islam as the national religion and an Islamic political party.


April 15, 2024

By Daniel Greenfield

Reprinted from FrontPageMag


1 in 3 Muslims living in the U.K. want Islam to be declared the national religion and for everyone to live under the brutal system of Sharia law which calls for beheadings and amputations.

Less than 1 in 4 Muslims opposed the move while the majority were unwilling to commit.

Among younger Muslims 18-24, 1 in 5 believed that making Islam “our national religion” was “very desirable”, and a total of 43% supported redefining the U.K. as an Islamic state.

Only 16% opposed it.

This younger group who are the future of Muslims in the U.K. was also the one most likely to sympathize with Islamic terrorists.

1 in 4 British Muslim men expressed a positive view of Jihad. 46% of British Muslims sympathized with Hamas as did 58% of younger British Muslims. None effectively sympathize with Israel. Previously 1 in 4 Muslims had sympathized with the 7/7 suicide bombers in London.

52% of Muslims supported a ‘blasphemy’ ban on Mohammed cartoons. This Sharia ‘blasphemy code’ had already been used to justify violence and Islamic terrorist attacks against artists and magazines. Including the Charlie Hebdo massacre in Paris by heavily armed Muslim terrorists.

previous poll reported on by The Telegraph in 2015 showed that 1 in 4 Muslims supported the Hebdo attacks.

Among younger Muslim settlers, 59% supported a blasphemy ban, with only 20% opposed.

57% of Muslim settlers in the U.K. were willing to call for the “compulsory use of Halal food in all schools and hospitals”. Among younger settlers, 67% were in favor of mandatory Halal.

Setting up conflicts with feminists and LGBTQ activists, 1 in 5 Muslims wanted to legalize polygamy and 1 in 4 wanted to ban homosexuality. While a majority of Muslim colonists would not commit to the move, both measures had similar levels of opposition and support.

Imposing Sharia law would be a ban on most of the social and lifestyle choices of the Left. That is a point that the British Left, like its Western counterparts, has not come to terms with, but may have to as Muslims in the U.K. move beyond supporting non-Muslim parties to forming their own.

39% of U.K. Muslims supported the formation of a Muslim political party potentially of the kind that had been set up by Muslim Brotherhood movements in Middle Eastern countries.

Only 16% were opposed.

Among younger Muslim colonists, 46% favored a Muslim political party to contend for power in Britain. Such a party could then be used to impose Islamic law on the rest of the country.

On most issues, with the exception of polygamy, the younger Muslims are more willing to support the imposition of Islam on the United Kingdom than their elders. The truly relevant poll numbers are not those that cover the entire population, but the next generation.

While most polls group together Muslims, this survey broke down different groups of Muslims showing significant differences among white Muslim converts, Arab Muslims, Pakistani Muslims and African Muslims. White converts have been depicted as the most “extreme” due to their “misunderstanding” of Islam and indeed have been involved in terrorism, but the survey shows that they are actually less likely to support the imposition of Islamic law through blasphemy bans on pictures of Mohammed, Halal, homosexuality, polygamy and other Sharia measures.

41% of Pakistani Muslim colonists in the U.K. want Sharia law and 37% want Islam to become the national religion. Pakistani settlers are the largest single Muslim group surveyed. 61% of Pakistan Muslim settlers supported compulsory Halal and 49% wanted an Islamic political party.

While Muslims women in the U.K. were distinctly unenthusiastic about bringing back polygamy (15% in favor, 38% against), and an abortion ban (19% for and 28% against) they were even more totalitarian about some elements of Islamic theocracy than the men including compulsory Halal (65% for and 7%) against, and even more likely to sympathize with Hamas than the men.

While the poll commissioned by the Henry Jackson Society and conducted by J.L. Partners which was published by The Telegraph found widespread support for Hamas, it also showed that the backing for the brutal Islamic terror theocracy in Israel also translated  into some support for establishing a similar system to the one Hamas is working toward in the U.K.

A growing number of British Muslims not only want to see an end to Israel, but also to the U.K. with Islam as the national religion, the imposition of Islamic law and an Islamic political party.

The current poll does not show that the Muslim settler perspective in the U.K. is growing worse rather it shows that Muslims remained fairly consistent while the British have been in denial.

Similar polls expressing high levels of support for Sharia law have circulated as far back as 2006 when 40% of Muslims in the U.K. wanted Islamic law. 18 years later, 36% support Islamic law.

Across nearly twenty years, Muslims in the U.K. want what they wanted in their home countries, theocratic supremacy and an end to equal rights for non-Muslims. The support for Hamas is an expression of a larger supremacist tendency that killed thousands in Israel, but millions around the world from India to Afghanistan to the Middle East and to London, Paris, and New York City.

A majority of young Muslims in the U.K. want Sharia Islamic law and a political party to impose it.

If the current immigration rates and demographic transformation rates continue, the question is not if it will fall to Islamic rule, but, when Britain will fall.