Russian-Israeli businessman Leonid Nevzlin. Photo: Screenshot


While there are Christians in Russia according to a 2012 survey conducted by Sreda Arena with 47.4% of the population professing to be Christian the overwhelming majority — 41.1% — are members of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Protestants comprise 0.02% of the population at around 300,000.

I believe I’m safe in writing while there are Christian people in Russia there is no evidence of any Christians in the godless and corrupt Russian government. Still filled with bitter hardline communists and godless evil men. Vladimir Putin being the main minister of Satan in Russia.

Russia never was an ally of America or the West. It was all lies and deception, just as Imperialistic Communist China lulled and hypnotized the West into believing the lie that if America introduced capitalism, consumerism, and trade agreements with Russia and Imperialistic Communist China they would see the error of their ways and with a burning desire to be like America somehow become changed from their thousands of years of history. This was the work of Satan and his ministers in Western governments appearing to be doing something wonderful. Leveling things. Bringing peace. Ending communism and tensions. And all the foolish actions taken by every U.S. President from the late 80s and early 90s to the present did was make Russia and Imperialistic Communist China stronger. Much stronger while weakening America. America ingesting and fermenting a rise in communism and socialism while becoming economically and militarily weaker and weaker. Less free. As America made a blatant and visible, audible turning from God and the Holy Bible while all this occurred. It’s all connected whether folks want to see that and acknowledge that truth or not.

The Cold War never ended, really. All those in the Russian government lied and lulled American and Western leaders. as well as Israeli leaders who have made pacts with Putin’s evil regime.

We invited the enemy in.

We made them stronger and U.S. weaker.

We assisted in making Russia wealthy and fueling the tyrants, the despots, the evil godless dictator, and all his ministers who want nothing more than the collapse of America and Western nations. Sound familiar?

Russia also hates Jews. Always has. Always will. It’s historical and although many think they can somehow change or alter history they cannot. No matter how hard they try, or whatever books of fantasy they get published attempting to erase history and pencil in a false narrative.

Israel, Jews beware. Do not trust or believe one person in the Russian government.

Tragically, every American president going back to 1993 has been blind and foolish in their dealings with Russia. Even George H. Bush, from 1989 to 1993 was too trusting and gullible about Russia no longer being communist, the Cold War ending, and let’s make Russia our friend!

Like making a saw-scaled viper (Echis carinatus) your friend.

Jews beware. Everyone beware. Russia is a dangerous enemy of Christ, of the truth, of freedoms, and every nation in the West.

Ken Pullen, A CROOKED PATH, Tuesday, July 26th, 2022


“Israel Should Have No Illusions About Russia,” Says Prominent Jewish Businessman Who Fled Putin’s Regime


July 25, 2022

By Ben Cohen

Reprinted from the algemeiner


A prominent Russian-Israeli businessman who ran afoul of President Vladimir Putin has called on those Jews who remain in Russia to leave the country at the first opportunity.

In a post on his Telegram channel, Leonid Nevzlin — an energy executive and philanthropist who fled Russia for Israel in 2003 — cited last week’s announcement from the Russian ministry of justice that it is seeking to shutter the Jewish Agency’s operations in the country.

“Israel should have no illusions about Russia, which has become a country unfriendly to Jews,” Nevzlin wrote.

“It is enough to recall Lavrov’s antisemitic statements,” Nevzlin continued, referring to the outrage triggered in May by comments from Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov accusing Israel of backing “neo-Nazis” in Ukraine and opining that Nazi leader Adolf Hitler may have had “Jewish blood.”

Nevzlin said the initial court hearing on the closure of the Jewish Agency, scheduled for Thursday, marked a “new stage” in Russia’s offensive against its Jewish community.

“The Jews must flee from Russia as soon as possible,” Nevzlin declared. “And Israel should stop doubting and send weapons to Ukraine. Protecting democracy is our common cause.”

Nevzlin argued that Russia’s desire to prevent the Jewish Agency from operating in Russia, where it assists Jews seeking to emigrate to Israel, was motivated by Putin’s fear of a “brain drain” of talented Russian citizens opposed to the invasion of Ukraine.

“But, as he often does lately, Putin will achieve the exact opposite: brains from Russia will not just flow, but will rush in a stream,” Nevzlin said. “This was already the case after the annexation of Crimea in 2014, which led to a new, ‘Putin’s aliyah’ – a stream of Russian Jews who no longer want to have anything to do with that country. ”

Nevzlin himself renounced his Russian citizenship two weeks after the invasion was launched. “I am against the war, I am against occupation, and I am against exterminating the Ukrainian people,” he said at the time. “I am an Israeli citizen and if I wanted to think about having another citizenship, I would be proud to receive a Ukrainian passport.”

Nevzlin is a former executive with the Russian oil company Yukos that was targeted by Putin in a 2005 corruption trial condemned around the world as politically motivated and procedurally flawed. Russian attempts to extradite Nevzlin were rebuffed by the Israeli government on grounds of lack of evidence.

On Friday, Russian presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov denied that the moves to shut the Jewish Agency were triggered by anxieties over a “brain drain.”

“No, this is not related to the brain drain, it is related to compliance with Russian law,” Peskov said. The ministry of justice claims that the Jewish Agency violated Russian law by allegedly maintaining a database of Russian Jews planning to emigrate to Israel. More than 16,000 Russian Jews have departed for Israel since Moscow launched the invasion of Ukraine on Feb. 24.

Peskov then told the journalist who asked him the question to direct his inquiry to the ministry of justice, “which made this decision.”

In a separate development on Monday, Russian police detained opposition politician Leonid Gozman over his alleged failure to inform the authorities swiftly enough about his Israeli citizenship. Gozman had argued publicly that Putin has inflicted more damage on Russia by invading Ukraine than any other Russian leader since Josef Stalin, and that post-Soviet Russia had essentially died with the war.