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How quickly things turn


Monday, July 25th, 2022

by Ken Pullen



Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

Isaiah 5:20 — King James Version

The life and light choking weeds of evil grow and spread quicker than they can be culled in the current garden of man. The fallen, corrupted evil garden man brought about thinking he knew better than God and thus was booted from the perfect Garden created by God, for man.

It was less than 20 years ago that in survey after survey, poll upon poll by all the most reliable and accurate of places consistently 6, almost 7 out of every 10 people surveyed or polled expressed their being opposed to same-sex “marriage.” Only a handful of years ago in survey after survey, poll upon poll by the same reliable and accurate as can be had places showed that consistently 6, almost 7 out of 10 people surveyed and polled now approve of the sin, the abomination, that which goes against God and nature same-sex “marriage.”

How can there be such a dramatic and telling turnaround in such a short time? When in survey after survey and poll upon poll in America 6, almost 7 out of 10 folks declare they are “Chrisitan?”

Well, the turnaround is reality, but there cannot be that many Christians in a land that approves of such sin. Ahh, could it be why the judgments of God are seen and felt in this lost and sinful land turned to Satan and themselves more than God? Lying about being a true Christian? Not knowing what it means to be a true disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ, a true child of God rather than a child of Satan and disobedience?

Too harsh? Old news? So what. Now what?

Well, as I’ve railed on in this place for a long time that anyone — ANYONE — who places their faith at all in the human system of government, yes, even the so-thought hallowed and revered American one — is foolish and utterly lost. Especially those professing to be disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ. That placing hope and faith in a certain politician or political party is utter foolishness and downright ignorant. No other words for it, well, there are, but I won’t use them here. These ought to suffice. You may not like the forcefulness of those words or their truth, but that is the truth. Not according to me. According to the Word of God. Look them up instead of spending so much time on FOX News, other sources of worldly distraction and illusion, or in reading political drivel and nonsense.

This totally errant notion and belief that somehow Republicans are pure, good, conservative, God-fearing, Bible-fluent, and believing people wearing white hats in the Western movie that seems to play out in most people’s minds, rather than the reality at hand, the reality of this fallen and corrupted world which America is part of and not unlike any other people or place anywhere on earth. And that it’s those leftists, oh, it’s all those leftists, those stinkin’ unshowered dirty leftists in the black hats that rode into town that are the problem.

If only we would replace the lawmen, the judges, the top folks in our little town with all those clean, pure, good white hat wearin’ Republicans all would be well! If only MY POLITICIAN got into office, if only THIS PERSON got into office…if only…if only…if only…

If only people could truly be children of God. Disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ who profess to be Christian! If only people who contend they are children of God, disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ, thus Christians could be objective, honest, actually see, have understanding, not listen to Satan, paid attention, and actually read and understood the Word of God! If only,…if only…if only…IF ONLY!

The political, the electorate, and the systems of man are not the solution. Stop attempting to either create the kingdom of God on earth through the blindness and ignorance that any or all U.S. elections and the U.S. political system can bring such about, or that in blindness, foolishness, and ignorance rather than turn to God, live in reality, live in the now, and become fluent and strong in the ways and the Word of God — as I contend most know more about certain politicians and political agendas than they do anything that’s in the Bible, and I write this about professed Christians — most professing to be Christian are in truth, in reality, mired in, chained to this world. They are in truth servants of Satan rather than servants and disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Placing their faith foremost in men and women, in a nation, in a nation’s system of government.

Rather than in God, in Christ, in the Holy Spirt, in the Word of God, in those things spiritual and eternal rather than unholy, of this world and thus of Satan and so temporary, though determining one’s eternity.

There is no earthly solution. No matter where you may live. What man, woman, or system you place your faith and trust in. The American Republican party is no different than the American Democratic party. It’s an illusion and a delusion they are so vastly different. It is the sleight-of-hand of Satan and his ministers, his assistants on the stage of life which is not entertainment but it is a show, a most serious and deadly reality, to give the illusion and provide the delusion. And most have bought a ticket to this show and deadly reality and have fallen under the spell of the world’s greatest liar and illusionist, and all his well-trained assistants. Many of whom appear as angels of light, just as he does.

And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. So it is no surprise if his servants, also, disguise themselves as servants of righteousness. Their end will correspond to their deeds.

2 Corinthians 11:14-15 — English Standard Version

The following was sent to me this morning from Tony Perkins’ Family Research Council. A place claiming to have the shield of Christ, God, and the Holy Spirit, which they somehow always leave aside, in some corner, and they always and only march forward in the American political battle, the worldly cultural war vainly imagining if only…if only…if only…enough white hat wearin’ conservative Republican folks sign our petition the Senators and House Representatives will listen and we can win! We can create the kind of nation we want! Hallelujah! A misplaced hallelujah as it’s one they sing and shout to themselves.

Leaving God, the Lord Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, and any knowledge or understanding of the inerrant infallible living Word of God out of things.

Where I live, my Representative in the House, a very outwardly conservative man, appears to be such a good man, always trying to do what is right for our region and state, always appearing to side with the right side of things, always keeping his white hat clean and smiling — he voted in favor of “Respect for the Marriage Act” which is an attempt to codify into law the abomination and sin of homosexual marriage.

A few years ago this Representative opposed such a thing. Now he is in favor of this abomination and sin and this man calls and considers himself “a good Christian.”

How quickly things can turn, eh?

How adept is evil and Satan’s cunning lies, eh?

Below you’ll find the text of the email sent to me this morning from Tony Perkins’ Family Research Council beseeching we do something to save the nation, that there is a political solution omitting the spiritual war and spiritual solution. He and his council are very skilled at their research and work — revealing that there are many in the House of Representatives, declared Republicans, declared conservatives, such as my very own supposed representative who certainly does not represent my beliefs and views as he operates in a worldy context, a secular one, secular being and meaning AGAINST a religious one. Mr. Perkins’ organization lists and beseeches individuals to learn and see the Republicans that only 7 years ago expressed a totally different belief than they do now, as they are undecided how to vote, or poised to vote in favor of the abomination, the lawlessness so-called law to codify the sin of men marrying men and women marrying women. Ah, the white hats are so stained as to become indiscernible from the black ones! Well, imagine that! The political is not the solution after all?

Too bad it took so long to see and know this if you’ve yet to arrive at this reality, this truth, this fact.

Stop being deceived and following the lies and placing your heart and faith here. The eternal consequences of such will be eternally bitter. Much more bitter and painful than the outcome of any election, politician put into office, or what occurs in America, or on this earth, which will vanish and be forgotten. Forgotten for eternity.

But how, where, who, and what do we place our attention on, our faith, our priorities? Well, those will impact and determine if we have a sweet eternity or a very bitter one.

Oh, and I did write to my Representative in the U.S. House with the “R.” after his name letting him know my beliefs, how disappointed I was in him, and how I won’t be voting for him anymore, as I have in past elections. Not that my single letter to him or my lack of a vote will amount to anything, but in the hope, he pauses, or at least the intern or aide in his office reading my letter pauses for even an instant to think about their actions and perhaps allow a moment of light to enter their dark, dead heart and soul. Perhaps…to allow the Spirit of God to reach in and tear open and apart that dark, cold dead heart and bring Light and Truth into it.

I know from past history that this representative has read my correspondence and replied personally to me. It is my hope and prayer he does so this time as well. Not that my actions or words will change his heart. Only the Spirit of God being allowed by him in his heart can do such a wonderful thing.

Stranger things have happened. Read the Bible and BELIEVE!

All of it. EVERY WORD!

Read Deuteronomy. Read Numbers. Read Exodus. Read Joshua. Read Isaiah, Jeremiah, and all the prophets. Read what happens to God’s people who disobey and place the ways, the beliefs, and the practices of this world ahead of the clear instruction from our immutable God. There is not an Old Testament God and a New Testament God. There is One God, One Triune Eternal God of God the Father, the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. Perhaps its time to come to know Them better than the American political system which has failed and will fail more, perhaps it’s time to come to know the Word of God and the REALITY of this fallen and corrupted world believing the Bible and to stop foolishly, ignorantly vainly imagining the solution is political rather than spiritual and stop attempting to create the kingdom of God on earth ourselves and trust in the Lord and serve humbly and faithfully as instructed to do according to the inerrant Word of God.

Just a thought….if only…if only…if only…

America is now a pagan nation. A pagan people. Serving Satan having turned from God, from Christ, from the Holy Spirit, and from the Word of God. No election or politician or political party or political ideology is going to restore, revive, renew, or bring back the “good ‘ol days” as foolishly imagined. We began much better. Placing our faith and trust in God. Believing in God. Having the Bible as our source of education and daily living. But still, sinful men not pure and holy as perhaps imagined. It’s always been created by fallen men and women. Only now as it draws closer to the Lord’s return the darkness, the lies, the evil, the fact men and women think they are god and there is no God, or they know better and do not need God has risen to the height and heat it has. And it’s only going to get worse. A lot worse. From now on.

What’s that? The upcoming election can change things? That if your guy or gal gets in it’ll all get better?

Perhaps, no, not perhaps — what is needed in this lost nation is less time spent peering into FOX News and other sources to distract and delude and put our eyes, heart, mind, and time in the Holy Bible and in fervent humble prayer, dear professed Christian!

Here is what Mr. Perkins’ organization sent to me earlier this morning:

Urgent: The Senate is poised to vote on same-sex marriage. Your senators need to hear from you today.

On Tuesday, July 19th, the U.S. House of Representatives voted to follow the Court in redefining marriage. Now Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer is threatening to bring up the “(Dis)Respect for Marriage Act” in the Senate. Shockingly, he may be close to getting the 10 Republican votes he needs to pass the bill and send it to President Biden’s desk.

Please use this form to contact your senators today!

I’m writing to urge you to weigh in with your Senators today.

When the Supreme Court delivered its blow to marriage in 2015, burning down three dozen state laws and tearing up 50 million ballots, the GOP’s reaction was straightforward.  Outrage.  With a handful of exceptions, the response that echoed across the two coasts was a collective “How dare they?”  As far as Republicans were concerned, what the five justices did on that June day was a betrayal of the people, our system of government, and the pillar that’s upheld society since the beginning of time. “It’s an injustice,” they railed.  Now, seven years later, they finally have a chance to prove it.  The question is: will they?

Keep in mind that when the Supreme Court redefined marriage for America in 2015, we became only the 23rd country out of 195 to do so, and only one of seven to have it imposed upon us by a court.  Still today, there are only 33 countries that have gone down this path of redefining marriage.

But as time has gone on, Republicans seem to have gotten increasingly comfortable letting the court decide an issue they argued was rightly theirs.  That shock was driven home on July 18th when forty-seven House Republicans walked away from the party’s principles and platform to cast a vote for same-sex marriage.  The list included a surprising number of our movement’s friends, men and women we never mistook as anything but conservative.  Now, Senate Majority Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), seeing political opportunity, is eager to drive an even deeper wedge — insisting he’ll move forward with his own vote if he can find 10 Republicans foolish enough to endorse it.

Twenty-four hours later, at least four Republicans had taken the bait, walking into a political trap that could very well eat into the margins the GOP needs in November.  To no one’s surprise, liberal Republicans Susan Collins (Maine) and Lisa Murkowski (Alaska) are on board, as well as outgoing Senator Rob Portman (Ohio).  But the real bombshells started dropping the following day, when more conservatives seemed to be testing the waters on a radical issue that seven years ago they vehemently opposed.  Names like Roy Blunt (Mo.)Joni Ernst (Iowa), and Thom Tillis (N.C.) started popping up in news stories as possible “yes”es.  Then Ron Johnson (Wisc.) announced his support for the bill.

Just as astounding, only eight Republicans have jumped to marriage’s defense: Senators Bill Cassidy (R-La.)John Cornyn (R-Texas)Ted Cruz (R-Texas)Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.)Josh Hawley (R-Mo.)Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.)James Lankford (R-Okla.) who spoke to Punchbowl News, Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), and Roger Wicker (R-Miss.).

A whopping 37, many of them pro-family stalwarts, are either “undecided” or unresponsive, CNN reports.  It’s an eerie silence from dozens of Republicans, who — just seven years ago — left zero doubts about where they stood.

Then-Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.): “Today’s Supreme Court decision is a disappointment. I have always supported traditional marriage. Despite this decision, no one can overrule the truth about what marriage actually is — a sacred institution between a man and a woman. I have always believed marriage is between one man and one woman and I will continue to work to ensure our religious beliefs are protected and people of faith are not punished for their beliefs.”

Senator Roy Blunt (R-Mo.):  “I’m disappointed in this decision.  My view is that family issues in Missouri like marriage, divorce, and adoption should be decided by the people of Missouri.”

Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.): “West Virginia’s greatest strength is our people. Regardless of our differences, we care for our neighbors, friends, and communities in need. Acknowledging that we have differing views, the Supreme Court has made its decision. While I would have preferred that the Supreme Court leave this decision to the states, it is my hope that all West Virginians will move forward and continue to care for and respect one another.”

Senator Steve Daines (R-Mont.): “The Court is overriding the will of the people of Montana and numerous other states that have defined marriage as between one man and one woman. I believe marriage is between one man and one woman.”

Senator Joni Ernst (R-Iowa):  “I am disappointed by the Supreme Court’s decision and its failure to recognize the freedom of our states to make their own decisions about their respective marriage laws.  While it is my personal belief that marriage is between one man and one woman, I maintain that this is an issue best handled at the state level.”

Senator Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa): “Traditional marriage has been a pillar of our society for thousands of years — one that has remained constant across cultures, even with the rise and fall of nations.  I believe marriage is between one man and one woman.  Marriage is a sacred institution.  Its definition should not be subject to the whims of the Supreme Court where five justices appointed to interpret the Constitution instead imposed social and political values inconsistent with the text of the Constitution and the framers’ intent.  Today’s decision robs the right of citizens to define marriage through the democratic process.”

Senator Mike Lee (R-Utah): “Today, five Justices took a vital question about the future of American society out of the public square, imposing the views of five unelected judges on a country that is still in the midst of making up its mind about marriage. That is unfortunate, but it is not the end of the discussion, as Americans of good faith who believe that marriage is the union of a man and a woman will continue to live as witnesses to that truth.”

Then-Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.): “I disagree with the court’s ruling. Regardless of one’s personal view on this issue, the American people, through the democratic process, should be able to determine the meaning of this bedrock institution in our society.”

Senator Rand Paul (R-Ky.): “I believe in old-fashioned, traditional marriage. But I don’t really think the government needs to be too involved with this.”

Former Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney (R-Utah): “I believe that marriage is a relationship between a man and a woman, and that’s because I believe the ideal setting for raising a child is where there’s a mother and a father in the home. Other people have differing views and I respect that, whether that’s in my party or in the Democratic Party. But these are very personal matters. My hope is that when we discuss things of this nature, we show respect for people who have differing views.”

Senator Mike Rounds (R-S.D.): “Today’s ruling is a blow to state’s rights.  I believe states have a constitutional role in setting their own policy on marriage. Marriage is between a man and a woman, and traditional families play an important role in the fabric of our society.”

Senator Ben Sasse (R-Nebr.): “Today’s ruling is a disappointment to Nebraskans who understand that marriage brings a wife and husband together so their children can have a mom and dad. The Supreme Court once again overstepped its constitutional role by acting as a super-legislature and imposing its own definition of marriage on the American people rather than allowing voters to decide in the states.  As a society, we need to celebrate marriage as the best way to provide stability and opportunity for kids. As President Obama has said, there are good people on both sides of the issue. I hope we all can agree that our neighbors deserve the freedom to live out their religious convictions.”

Senator Tim Scott (R-S.C.):  “I continue to believe that marriage is between one man and one woman. The Supreme Court’s overreach into decisions that should be made by states and the people living and voting in them is disappointing. Moving forward, we must ensure families and religious institutions across America are not punished for exercising their right to their own personal beliefs regarding the traditional definition of marriage.”

Senator John Thune (R-S.D.):  “The court has issued its opinion, but on this particular issue, I do not agree with its conclusion.  I support traditional marriage.”

Senator Pat Toomey (R-Pa.):  “Today, the Supreme Court has ruled that all states must recognize same-sex marriage. Understandably, many people will celebrate this decision. While I disagree with it, I acknowledge the Supreme Court’s ruling as the law of the land.”

What’s changed?  Certainly not the significance of marriage or the Constitution.  Not the party’s platform or the role of states’ rights.  If anything’s changed, it’s the ferocious war being waged against our children’s innocence, religious freedom, parents, and human biology.  What’s changed is that we have a Republican Party willing to go to the mat for sports but seemingly unwilling to stand up for an institution whose redefinition has ignited a firestorm of persecution in America — the same redefinition that’s at the bitter root so many evils we’re fighting today in school classrooms, public libraries, our daughters’ locker rooms.

Seven years from now, will we be saying that those issues don’t matter?  That the world has “moved on?”  That we know someone who’s transgender, and the only way we can love them is to hand society over to their delusions?

If Republicans want to stick their finger in the cultural winds to decide where they stand on timeless truths, then they are throwing away everything the American people have come to respect about today’s party — their courage, their common sense, their conviction.  Maybe these senators think that linking arms with the Left makes them seem more compassionate or contemporary.  But real leaders don’t vote out of fear or political calculus.  They don’t take their cues from the courts or public opinion.  They do what’s right, no matter what it costs them.  That’s what voters respect.  And that’s what voters, who have stood by this party’s values, deserve.

Rest assured, FRC Action will not change with the prevailing winds. But we need your help. Will you join us by contacting your senators today? Our friends on the Hill tell us that even some of our stalwart friends may waiver; they need to hear from you.

The following Senate Republicans have publicly indicated their support for the (Dis)Respect for Marriage Act, which redefines marriage:
Senator Susan Collins (Maine)
Senator Ron Johnson (Wis.)

Senator Lisa Murkowski (Alaska)
Senator Rob Portman (Ohio)
Senator Thom Tillis (N.C.)

The following Senate Republicans have made unclear or open-ended statements about their stance on the (Dis)Respect for Marriage Act:

Senator Roy Blunt (Mo.)
Senator Joni Ernst (Iowa)
Senator Rick Scott (Fla.)
Senator John Thune (S.D.)
Senator Tommy Tuberville (Ala.)

Forty-seven House Republicans joined all House Democrats in voting to redefine marriage on Tuesday, July 19th:

Rep. Ken Calvert
Rep. Mike Garcia
Rep. Darrell Issa
Rep. Jay Obernolte
Rep. David Valadao

Rep. Kat Cammack
Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart
Rep. Carlos Gimenez
Rep. Brian Mast
Rep. Maria Elvira Salazar
Rep. Michael Waltz

Rep. Mike Simpson

Rep. Rodney Davis
Rep. Adam Kinzinger

Rep. Ashley Hinson<
Rep. Mariannette Miller-Meeks

Rep. Peter Meijer
Rep. Fred Upton

Rep. Tom Emmer

Rep. Ann Wagner

Rep. Don Bacon

New Jersey
Rep. Jefferson Van Drew

New York
Rep. Andrew Garbarino
Rep. Chris Jacobs
Rep. John Katko
Rep. Nicole Malliotakis

Rep. Elise Stefanik
Rep. Lee Zeldin

North Dakota
Rep. Kelly Armstrong

Rep. Mike Carey
Rep. Anthony Gonzalez
Rep. David Joyce
Rep. Mike Turner

Rep. Cliff Bentz

Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick
Rep. Dan Meuser
Rep. Scott Perry

South Carolina
Rep. Nancy Mace
Rep. Tom Rice

Rep. Tony Gonzales

Rep. John Curtis
Rep. Blake Moore
Rep. Burgess Owens
Rep. Chris Stewart

Washington state
Rep. Dan Newhouse

Rep. Bryan Steil

Rep. Liz Cheney


It’s Not the Equality Act, It’s the Homosexual Supremacy Act


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Not politically, or worldly as almost all believe and work towards — only by individual spiritual revival and renewal, only by faith in God rather than man or any system of man can things truly be turned around. How? Well, look how quickly things turned in our turning from God? Our turning from Christ? Our turning from the Holy Spirit, our turning from the Word of God!