Isn't It Amazing by The Crests – Vancouver Pop Music Signature Sounds ...


Isn’t it amazing…


Friday, September 29th, 2023

Ken Pullen

A Crooked Path


Isn’t it amazing how submissive, obedient, loyal, dedicated, and devoted a person can be to their boss, their supervisor, foreman, manager, vice-president, president, CEO or company, or to an owner of a business, all of whom reap much greater rewards than they, yet there is present a daily commitment, a daily and continual obedience, submission and dedication to the job they do?

Even if self-employed you are going to answer to someone — your customers or clients, many other someones in order to please them, and keep the business going. You’re going to submit and obey aren’t you or else you won’t have a business.

What’s that you say, it’s how a person lives, earns money, can have things, can eat, and so on. it only makes sense, right?

Oh yes, so right, of course, it is necessary and right isn’t it?

Yet these very same adamantly refuse to submit and obey God, to humble themselves before the Creators, God and Jesus. In brazen and bold arrogance openly rebelling against God. Thinking they know better and have no need of God or Christ or the Word of God. Yet they will submit and obey, willingly, their earthly bosses, their customers.

What’s that, again, you say? But in order to live people must work, submit to their superiors, obey their superiors, and do what is asked, required of them in order to receive their reward, their paychecks so that they can have a home, food on the table, and all the material things they can then buy. Or else they will lose those jobs, and lose everything in the process.

Oh, yes, indeed. So right.

But everything, everything gained here, and some are reaping extraordinary material reward and wealth — yet no matter how much is accumulated, no matter how fine and beautiful, incredible the material things a person is able to attain here in this life it all, all of it will rot, rust, turn to dust, be lifeless and destroyed and in death no person can take anything they have obtained here on earth with them, as their physical bodies rot, decay and turn to dust, being the corruptible flesh we are all made of.

Imagine that.

Conversely, to Whom can provide not only immeasurable blessings while on earth — for no person on earth truly is the power, the authority making what they have, receive, acquire possible, as whatever any person has, whatever amount of money they may make, whatever material goods they may be able to acquire, every dollar, euro, pound, yen, franc and morsel of food, stitch of clothing, roof over one’s head — everything is given by the Lord. Not of their own doing. Not really. It is only by the will of God each person receives what they do.

It is an illusion, sheer delusion what each person has is due to their own power without any outside source making it all possible. And it isn’t possible due to any university degree, network of people, ability to invest, or individual skill. It’s all made possible by the will of God. Period.

Imagine that.

Yet all of these, and this also comprises many calling themselves Christians, willingly submit to and obey those deemed of a higher level than they are while ignoring, rebelling against, denying, being deceiving about being faithful — dishonest [something most would not do to their earthly employers for fear of the consequences] thinking they can ignore the words within the Holy Bible while they would never ignore or go against the words in their companies stated policies, procedures, and job requirements.

Imagine that.

Yet everything gained here while submitting to others, obeying others will fade away and be forever forgotten. Destroyed. By God.

While submission to, obedience to, dedication to, loyalty to, faith in God, in the Lord Jesus Christ, in the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Bible leads to everlasting life. Eternal life. With such great rewards incomprehensible to any man, woman, or child. Rewards beyond obtaining and having all this world’s gold, silver, precious stones, biggest yacht, grandest home, finest of all things available here on earth.

Eternity in heaven with God, with Jesus, with the Holy Spirit will far surpass anything known on this earth.

Yet the people willingly submit to and obey their worldly masters, believe their masters, and they are their masters since many are willing slaves to their jobs, obeying whatever they are told they must do, and the requirements are far more extensive than what the Lord requires.

Yet, there is much, so much rebelling, ignoring, denying, mocking, and disobedience towards God, towards Jesus, towards the Holy Spirit, and towards the whole inerrant living Word of God!

Imagine that.

What would the boss, the foreman, the supervisor, the manager, the general manager, the owner, the vice-president, the president, or the CEO do to employees who daily, continually refused to submit, to obey, to do what is required of them?

Judge them, right?

Fire them, right?

What then since there is such a much greater, and important matter of one’s eternal soul and where it shall be spent for disobedience, for rebellion, for refusing to submit, to do what is required, to believe and live accordingly?

Why, to be cast into the lake of eternal fire, of course, to be perpetually fired and burned.

Imagine that.

The multitudes, the masses of humanity to do whatever is required, submitting, obeying, for a few pieces of silver that will have no value and be meaningless and forgotten when death comes, or neglect, ignore, rebel, mock, and rail against submitting and obeying, believing God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Bible willing to accept the judgment of eternal hell fire

Imagine that.

Isn’t it amazing…

For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, and his ears are open to their prayer. But the face of the Lord is against those who do evil.”

1 Peter 3:12


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