God Always Acts Like Himself

19th century American Paintings: Albert Bierstadt, ctd


God Always Acts Like Himself


A.W. Tozer


Since true faith rests upon what God is, it is of utmost importance that, to the limit of our comprehension, we know what He is. “They that know thy name will put their trust in thee” (Psalms 9:10). The name of God is the verbal expression of His character, and confidence always rises or falls with known character. What the psalmist said was simply that they who know God to be the kind of God He is will put their confidence in Him. This is not a special virtue, I repeat, but the normal direction any mind takes when confronted with the fact. We are so made that we trust good character and distrust its opposite. That is why unbelief is so intensely wicked. “He that believeth not God hath made him a liar” (1 John 5:10). The character of God is the Christian’s final ground of assurance and the solution of many, if not most, of his practical religious problems. Some persons, for instance, believe that God answered prayer in Bible times but will not do so today, and others hold that the miracles of olden days can never be repeated. To believe so is to deny or at least to ignore almost everything God has revealed about Himself. We must remember that God always acts like Himself. He has never at any time anywhere in the vast universe acted otherwise than in character with His infinite perfections. This knowledge should be a warning to the enemies of God, and it cannot but be an immense consolation to His friends.

Bible Verses: 

Psalms 9:101

John 5:10

About the Author:

I am a simple God-fearing, Bible-believing man. A sinner who by the free gift of grace from God, and the Sacrifice made by the Lord Jesus Christ for my sin has been transformed, born anew, to serve the Lord my God as best I humbly can with my limited gifts. I've been directed to do this work. Even though at times I've fought and resisted doing it. I don't deserve anything but condemnation were it not for the mercy, forgiveness, grace, and love of God the Father, Jesus Lord of my life, and the work of the Holy Spirit.

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