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Is there no shame, no sanity, no grip on reality, and no factual speaking or writing any longer?


Wednesday, November 9th, 2022

by Ken Pullen



Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.

Romans 12:2 — English Standard Version


I saw an email in my inbox this morning from a person with no factual reporting, no grip on reality, or no shame — no ethics. A Mr. Jim Hoft writing for Gateway Pundit.

First, let me copy here some of Mr. Hoft’s words before proceeding, along with the lack of facts heading the piece;

Under the heading — BLOOD MOON BLOODBATH… Democrats Steal Midterms, Communism Comes Home to America… Crime, Inflation, Record Gas Prices, War, Open Borders, and Corruption WIN BIG

Some of Mr. Hoft’s panicked, inaccurate, extremist, lost, and clueless words;

“Once again, Democrats proved they can survive anything as long as they have their fraud. Americans reject every single dish the Democrats served. Yet, Democrats shocked Americans on Tuesday to win the U.S. Senate, steal battleground states, and possibly keep the U.S. Congress in Nancy Pelosi’s control, one of the most corrupt and dishonest politicians in U.S. history. Republicans dominated in states like Florida and Ohio, states Democrats have not yet stolen with their mail-in ballots, bloated voter rolls, ballot trafficking, and manufacturing operations.”

“Tuesday was a blood moon. It turned into a bloodbath for Republicans. Republicans believed they would have a great midterm. They forgot that America is now under the control of the Communists.”

There were some other words in his ranting sounding more like a person given over to a reprobate mind than a sane, rational person who works in the realm of reality.

Not a bloodbath. Unless liking to resort to propaganda, hyperbole, and inaccurate reporting of the facts.

Nothing truly out of the norm or radical occurred in the elections that took place yesterday in America.

The election in Ohio and Florida have not and will not be “stolen” by “fraud” once the ” mail-in ballots, bloated voter rolls, ballot trafficking, and manufacturing operations” are tallied. Mr. Hoft sounds more like a lunatic that has lost his ability to reason and live in reality than a man capable of writing factually. An extremist. A person who is a fearmongering man that is swept up in the dirty, vile consuming political torrent far too many are in America. Making elections, politics, politicians, and America the most important matter on earth. This is done more and more by those professing to be Christian, a word that has lost its meaning just as evangelical has. Christian now is used more like being a member of a sports team, a worldly organization than being what it ought to mean — a true disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ, a true child of God, truly transformed, renewed of mind and spirit knowing within any true disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ, any true child of God is but a pilgrim here, a sojourner, an alien and the events — all of them — that occur in this world, in this realm are temporal. Not the most important matter as everything that has ever taken place here on earth, EVERYTHING, other than Who or who, what each individual served, believed, and submitted to — will be forgotten. Including the 2022 American mid-term elections.

Contrary to his rantings it appears the U.S. House of Representatives will be controlled by the Republicans and the U.S. Senate will most likely remain as it has these past few years. Neck and neck. Not dominated by communists, but full of sinful and evil men and women on BOTH SIDES OF THE AISLES. For the democrats are not the spawn of Satan and the republican’s angels from on high!

Mr. Chicken Little is freaking out because Fetterman won in Pennsylvania. Over consumed in the New Age lies and dogma Mr. Oz. As if that one race in one state in one election will determine the historical fate of America. Ranting about the outcomes in California and New York as if those historically liberal and democratic states should have somehow flipped because of fuel prices and inflation and the porous southern border! Get a grip on reality, history, and the facts, please Mr. Hoft and all those that may align themselves with him. His is not the right camp to set up your tent.

It is shameful, it is sinful, it is an abomination that so many professing to be Christians place their love and their priorities in a nation, in sinful men and women, in elections, in a form of human government that like every other one comes and will go, will fall and pass away.

In Ohio, the republican’s won in landslide outcomes in almost every office, ballot measure, and placing of state supreme court judges and chief justice. By massive numbers. Reality. And the republicans won in the states they usually win in, and the democrats won in the states they usually win in. Wow! It’s the end of civilization, the end of democracy, we’re all turning commie it’s the end of the world!!!

Does anyone out there ever breathe? Reside in reality rather than caught up in the whirlwind of dung fed to them by this world?

Every state in our divisive red state versus blue state nation, a condition created by the media and so readily and willingly adopted by the people — think about that for a while — remained consistent with previous mid-term or general elections over the past many years. Nothing new. Nothing radical. Democracy did not end. The elections were not stolen. Get over the pure dung about every election is now stolen and dominated by fraud! When MANY MILLIONS of folks turn out to vote in each individual state, save for the ones with smaller populations, which only makes sense, while some mistakes, some fraud, some miscounting of ballots HAS ALWAYS HAPPENED now just because your god, idol, and emperor Donald Trump claims elections are stolen unless he wins and unless it becomes a sea of red states every election is now stolen? Fraudulent? Rife with nothing but communists?

How about at least half the people in America are swept up in liberal ideologies and that’s how they vote? That there is still some semblance of democracy and voting is still stable and the outcomes are the will of the people? Yes, people are ignorant, sinful, and easily manipulated by words, by advertising, by the barrage of words they hear or read, and all the biases those result in. We all are inherently evil save for those who recognize and turn to the Supernatural power of the Spirit of God, and those who are still sinful people while remaining in their fleshly realms. There are no pure, righteous, good, and holy people on earth — save for those deemed holy by God, while still sinners — by their belief in, faith in, the Lord Jesus Christ as God, Saviour, and Redeemer and obeying Him and the Word of God accordingly.

But how about a reality check? A historical perspective? Dealing with facts? The U.S. Senate has not been determined and the House is decidedly clearly going Republican. And Nancy Pelosi is likely to lose her job as Speaker. If there has been any “bloodbath” and radical turning point it is in Pelosi being removed as Speaker and a Republican becoming Speaker in the soon-to-be Republican-controlled U.S. House of Representatives. But why report factually or accurately when writing and spewing dung keeps the base, the people riled up and continued to be misinformed, eh?

The main issue facing republicans in this mid-term election according to more than a few sources?


The main issue facing democrats in this mid-term election according to more than a few sources?

The ability to continue to murder human babies.

Those issues were by and large the main issues between the reds and the blues. By a large margin over the next important issues to those voting.

It is shameful, it is reprehensible, it is disgusting that at this time in history the people, the writers, the speakers, the professed Christians are so ensnared in hyperbole, the propaganda, the distraction set before them by Satan, thus the lies, the misinformation and the inability to appear sane, rational, logical, critically thinking, and objective. Dealing in reality, in the facts.

And most of these, proud, oh so proud republicans and professed conservatives professing to be disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ, children of God!

Oh, what will they do if they do make it to heaven to discover there is no America, no more elections, no more Donald Trump to worship and idolize, no more distortions, no more lies, no more dung!?

How about breathing? Dealing with the facts. Waiting for the final tallies and outcome. And still not freaking out and realizing, if a professed Christian, that every leader, every outcome is ordained by God. And that God, while having nothing whatsoever to do with evil or sin, God is the ultimate purity of righteousness — that God allows evil, and uses evil to further His plan. Don’t know this or believe this? Perhaps you then need to become Bible literate and fluent and spend more time with your eyes and mind in God’s Word than on FOX News or social media. Or some raving mad person so-called pundit.


Don’t like election outcomes?

What’s more important?


Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life; whoever does not obey the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God remains on him.

John 3:36

For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth.

Romans 1:18

Romans 1 ESV

Revelation 19 ESV

Or this…?

U.S. elections 2022

Perhaps it’s then time to grow in spiritual wisdom and understanding rather than the results of exit polls, what political pundits say or write, the political advertising, the polls, and election results.

Ahh, so much available time for the worldly, the temporal, but so little time for the spiritual, for God, for the Word!

How about a REAL radical election outcome?

Elect to…

Live in reality. Live according to the truth, the facts. Live according to the Word of God rather than the words of men and women, of how a singular nation goes.

And wait for the results before screaming, ranting, and raving about the sky is falling it’s the end of the world as it has been known.

For you will know when it truly is the end of the world, if alive then, as it has been known. And it won’t be due to the outcome of any American election!

Shame on anyone, everyone that cannot reside in reality, present things accurately, factually, truthfully, rationally, and is swept up in the polluted tsunami of this sinful world, making this nation its priority rather than living with the Lord Jesus Christ, God, the Holy Spirit, and the Word of God as their priority. Knowing they are but pilgrims here, aliens, sojourners, and all that is and ever was here — all of it — will fade away and be forgotten. And the only true reality? The eternal one. The spiritual realm. Not the earthly realm.

Ponder the outcome of that for a while…