Zucchero e dopamina. Gli effetti sul cervello. – Libri Di Psicologia ...



I will go directly to the root at the beginning and then address every point mentioned in the article below.

No one can take a path to understanding, a secure knowing surpassing mere head knowledge, the acquisition of truth, not the relativism that now consumes and dominates and is founded on feelings, illusion, self-ascribed truth versus THE truth, without taking their first steps and continuing their journey down the right path.

Otherwise, the trip taken only results in being lost. Forever lost unless coming to the realization the wrong premise, the wrong first steps, the wrong road was taken and it is time to turn around and finally get on the right way to come to real understanding, wisdom, and knowing beyond the books of man and woman, the philosophies of man and woman adopted.

To address the question asked in the heading of the article below:

No, the human consciousness is not a tragic misstep of evolution. The human consciousness exists uniquely in every individual man, woman, and child as a result of being created in such a manner by the Creator. God. An actual Being, not a force, not just energy, not just a name or idea to assign things to — God is a real individual Being consisting of Three distinct parts — God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Consciousness could never have evolved if abiding by the premise of the discredited and fraudulent THEORY of evolution. Have you ever really taken the time to consider the premise of evolution and how absurd it is? While evolutionists, people of the world subscribing to that errant theory dismiss the Creation of all things by God while believing the Big Bang, bacteria in the vacuum of space surviving, of course, while no earthly known living substance, bacteria, or being, no living thing on earth could survive in outer space, but Genesis, the true beginning, it a big fantasy to them. A myth.

The Big Bang, molecular life able to withstand the cold, the radiation, and the vacuum of space survived for however long — although no known tissue, living cell, living thing, living being on earth could survive such an environment, and then that molecular stuff somehow did survive to end up on the perfect spinning sphere, the exact distance from a certain star to sustain life. And that life evolved from bacteria to building the Eiffel Tower, the radio, the double cheeseburger, the cello, the guitar, and symphonies and song? That is believable to them. But God, the Bible, Genesis is not!? Think about that for a while.

In denying God even though the knowledge of Him exists within every person ever born and by our awareness of all of creation reveals an individual that has decided, using their consciousness, to take the wrong road in attempting to discover that which they seek to uncover and come to know.

Within every individual, unique to them, consciousness is also found.  The knowledge of good versus evil. The conscious voice of righteousness and the conscious voice of sin. The spirit always warring with the flesh.

The tragedy is the overwhelming majority give into every fleshly desire, pleasure, and worldly thought and impulse and they ignore their spirit, their soul, or if discerning they have one they choose to feed it toxic and deadly instruction rather than turning to the Word of God to be fed and receive discernment, understanding, and knowledge that surpasses anything this fading away always changing the theories, the textbooks, the discoveries to fit their misguided pursuits.

Okay. Let’s go over every single argument raised in the article below, but before proceeding — the only tragedy taking place here on earth are all those so readily adopting, accommodating, and approving of the lies, the illusions, the delusions, the errant theories of the world while adamantly opposed to and refusing to believe God, trust in Jesus, allow the Holy Spirit to enter and do a good work in them, refusing to believe the Word of God. THAT is the great tragedy here.

Okay, let’s move on…

To do this I will add content to the article below that will appear in Italics, following the text of the original article.

Ken Pullen, A CROOKED PATH, Monday, July 3rd, 2023

Is the Human Consciousness a Tragic Misstep to Evolution?


July 3, 2023

By Martha A. Lavallie

Reprinted from Viral Chatter


Have you ever wondered about the nature of human consciousness? Human consciousness is indeed a paradoxical phenomenon. It grants us incredible powers of perception and understanding while burdening us with existential questions and struggles. Our self-awareness might challenge the laws of nature, but it also allows us to shape our destiny, explore the unknown, and find meaning in our existence. A video with 1.1 M views sparks an online interest in the human mind. It’s a fascinating subject that often leads us to ponder our existence and purpose in the grand tapestry of life.

The Paradox