The Empty Tomb | The Ursuline Sisters - Catholic Nuns


If Jesus Christ did not rise from the dead…


If Jesus Christ did not rise from the dead there is no hope for the human race.


Tuesday, January 2nd, 2024

by Ken Pullen



If Jesus did not rise from the dead there is no hope for the human race. I’m certainly not the first person to say or write such words. Well-known men in the past have uttered those words, or words to that effect many times over the past 2,000 years or so. The apostle Paul, every apostle and prophet expressed hope in the Lord throughout the Holy Bible. Resurrection in their knowledge. Resurrection is as real as the air they and we breathe, as real as the flesh covering our bodies. One time rabid atheists, such as C.S. Lewis, an intellectually brilliant man, came to know the truth and declare it. As have such a list of others too long to mention here.

Depending on the translations used, and according to one source, the word hope appears in the Bible 316 times. 167 times in the New Testament in the New International Version, and 126 times in the New Testament in the King James Version.

Hope in Jesus is the main focus in the use of the word. Our hope in God. Our hope in Jesus.

Hope translates to faith. Faith translates to obedience to the Lord to know and do His will. To be obedient and to know and do His will translates into being a light unto the world, separate from the world though still in the world, and spreading the gospel — which is Jesus Christ. Christ risen. Christ alone. That heaven is real. That hell is real. That judgment is real and that Jesus is returning to this earth one more time—this time not like the first time [see Revelation 19].

If Jesus Christ did not rise from being dead on the Third Day, fulfilling the promise of God, the One True Triune God Who has never and will never go back on a promise — then there is no hope for any person. For the human race. We are all condemned.

What is in the Holy Bible is either ALL TRUE, VERY REAL, timely, living, and not only history the the key to opening the door to life, to knowing, to truly seeing, to eternal life. All made possible via our faith in, our obedience to, the Lord Jesus Christ.

Or those who do believe are insane. The history, the facts, the truth, the reality are of such extraordinary certainty. Over 500 witnesses testified they saw the resurrected Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ after the third day of His being murdered on the cross and entombed in a grave behind a large sealed and guarded rock.

That He had no beginning, has no end. That He is not a created being but a part of the Triune God without beginning or end. That He is God. He came to earth fully truly God also in His time here in the flesh He was fully truly a man.

Are we who place our trust and faith in that reality nutters? The crazed, lunatics, feeble of mind? Or are we who have such faith the only truly sane ones? For to not believe is the real insanity, foolishness, nonsense, lack of awareness, lack of intellect, insight, mindfulness, optimism, hope, love, joy, and possessing a sound mind.

Our faith in His resurrection from being dead is either the greatest actual event and knowledge on earth or else all of us who thusly believe are certifiably insane. Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs. Nutters.

If the Lord Jesus Christ did not rise to eternal life showing us who by active FAITH believe, also obeying, also submitting and serving, making Jesus Lord of our lives it is not that we are insane…but that there is no hope for anyone in this world.

And that just cannot be.

The Bible, the Church, and the unchangeable God have not been removed, altered, changed, discovered not to exist, or all things considered, it’s all so long, long ago made irrelevant. It no longer applies. Something we can change according to our feelings, and our personal beliefs, which if they, if any of them, go against the Word of God in anything it is clear and plain evidence of being influenced and directed by Satan, the prince of this earth for a season, this his domain for a while longer. Exactly as Adam and Eve in the Garden. No differently.

If Jesus did not rise from the dead there is no hope for the human race.


So, since the Holy Bible is inerrant infallible living, and active… the only book of its kind that has stood the test of time and every weapon that Satan and his minions have thrown at it. Or every attempt to remove God’s Word, alter it, discredit it, keep folks distracted, and kept from reading, studying, meditation upon what is read — thinking deeply about the words read. Pondering. Putting into practice what is read — If Jesus did not rise from the dead there is no hope for the human race…

And I’m not crazy. Are you a true believer? A disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ? Are you nuts? Dumb? A foolish person, lacking sense, a nutter? Crazed? Or are we among the only truly wise and knowledgeable on this earth — those who come to see, hear, know, and faithfully understand the Word of God to be the most real thing on this earth in this fleeting, vaporous life filled mostly with lies, illusions, delusions, and truly crazy people who think themselves so wise, intelligent and knowing that are nothing but dead people walking in darkness, as they are darkness for their lack of faith, for their unbelief.

The truth is that every true believer is in reality the least mentally ill among the people of the world, the least spiritually empty, void, blind, and caught in the whirlwind the devil loves keeping those who are darkness, the walking dead in their sin having not repented — while constantly, repeatedly, intently spiritually dedicated to the Lord, Who is truly King of kings, Lord of lords. Saviour. Redeemer. High Priest. Friend. And Judge of all the world, all the nations.

Do not shrink, shirk, or hide from the truth. Be bold. Stand firm. Stand ever firmer and become ever bolder in the truth, the reality of Jesus, of every word within the Word of God.

Do not fear the world that refuses to think, to see, to hear, to believe. It is those who profess such worldly wisdom and enlightenment, [such as what passes for education] and intellect that are the truly ill. Mentally and especially spiritually sick. Suffering. Diseased of spirit and mind. They exercise their bodies, they dote and spend much time on the physical, and every other aspect of themselves, immersed in the importance of self while neglecting the most important component of their being — their spirit, their eternal spirit and soul. Oh, they also imagine they are refining, honing, and growing there as well as they listen to Satan tell them yoga, Eastern religions, and all the pagan New Age death spiral dung are the way to true enlightenment. But they are starving their eternal spirits and soul to ETERNAL DEATH. They eat of the excrement of death and lies fed to them by Satan while they count calories, fall for every worldly trend, and heed every bit of nonsense [lie, delusion, and dstraction] that comes along. They eagerly ingest Satan’s lies and the road he has paved for them leading to eternal death. Denying the Lord. Denying the truth. Denying the inerrant infallible living and active Word of God.

Even more and more professed Christians are taking up the lies of the world, thus Satan, and abandoning the cross. The truth. The sound doctrine and gospel that brought them into the Light, the Way, the Life. The Truth.

As I have always believed and said, even before by the grace of God the Holy Spirit opened the door of darkness within my heart to let the Light, the Life, the Truth, and the Way to Jesus in — almost all people have everything utterly backward and upside down. For what they adamantly believe to be true is a lie, and what they dismiss as myth, can’t possibly be true, what they deny and refuse to believe acting in their so assured arrogance revealing their true ignorance, is, in fact, the truth. Reality.

Imagine that.

And either Jesus was Who He said that He was, claimed to be, and it is all true. Or else He was the craziest man to ever live. Or, He was and is EXACTLY Who He said He was and is.

If Jesus did not rise from the dead there is no hope for the human race…

As every person who has come to know Him, believe Him, follow Him, and have their lives eternally changed by Him live in that hope, that faith.

Are you living in the Light? The only True Light in this world there is? Or do you love the delusion, the illusion, the lies, and the real myths you cling to refusing the truth that is the Lord Jesus Christ? The Son of God. With every word within the Word of God ringing truer than any word, any sound found anywhere on this earth.

If Jesus did not rise from the dead there is no hope for the human race…or me, or you…

But He did!

Faithfully, enduringly, perseveringly come to that faith and knowledge and cling to it. Hold it. Raise it up in your heart, in your mind, in your life for others to witness what great thing the Lord has done for you, for me, for all who come out from the darkness and into the True Light — the Lord Jesus Christ!