Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.


Rory Kennedy


Bob Givens, Designer of the Iconic Bugs Bunny, Dies at 99 | Animation ...

Bugs Bunny and Elmer Fudd


Picture 15 of Satan Appears As An Angel Of Light | double-o-raiser

Artist’s perception of Satan as he appears as an angel of light to delude and ensnare.



If you knew me more than from this place, and you had known me a long time and we were close and I was very comfortable around you come an election you might have then heard me say — with regard to BOTH AMERICAN POLITICAL PARTIES — “If Bugs Bunny or Elmer Fudd were on the ticket they would vote for them.”

And it’s true.

Most blindly vote, if they exercise their right to vote, to how their parents voted, what political party they align themselves with — no matter how that political party changes or what that political party pushes, or who they prop up to be the face and voice of their political party.

What the lost Kennedy clan, the surviving ones, don’t get is if their uncle, John F. Kennedy were entering into the political swamp today, infested with all manner of venomous and deadly creatures lurking in the darkness their uncle, JFK would not ever get put on any ballot anywhere as a Democrat. Not even in a local election. He would certainly never have risen to the U.S. Senate or the presidency as a Democrat, and from what he espoused, his policies, his political ideologies were to today? JFK would not even be able to run as a REPUBLICAN! The Republican party wouldn’t have him. The majority of today’s Republicans would have run as Democrats 50, 60 years ago. The political landscape, the hearts, and minds, the way people believe have changed that much in such a short period of our history. JFK would have difficulty getting a seat on a local city council today. We have fallen, radicalized to that degree. If only people would pay attention. To history. To reality.

Have you ever paused to acknowledge just how lost, how far gone our entire nation and its views, and how our beliefs have swung in less than one lifetime? In less than one lifetime! I am still alive. I remember. And I may be old to many but I’m not 115 or so. I’m 71. America has become a totally different country in my lifetime. Unrecognizable from what we once were.

JFK would be considered a right-wing ultra-conservative, a hawk, a radical right-winger!

The Kennedy clan, not one of them, supporting Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. in his presidential bid in the upcoming 2024 election is proof they would vote for Bugs Bunny, Elmer Fudd, or Satan if any of them were on the ticket with DEMOCRAT after their name. And I have it on good authority that while Elmer was certainly a Republican, and Bugs was apolitical, or at least he thought so, Satan makes sure to infect all people. We’ve had ministers of Satan in office under a “D” or an “R” after their names many, many times.

Because the people who do vote — and it is in truth only a small percentage of those who could vote — are creatures of habit and they do not necessarily weigh the quality of the person running. They do not invest the time, nor ask or demand better than what they get. The people do get the government they deserve since most never ever lift one finger, actually do anything other than apathy, silence from most, screaming and shouting from others in the shaping of their government. And live selfish immoral godless lives at this point in history.

And as America has allowed, applauded, and approved of becoming the most drug-addled, drug-taking, drug-addicted nation on earth, the most foolish in legalizing dangerous drugs, doing nothing to halt or at least stop the flow, they have permitted gambling everywhere and it is no longer an immoral act but considered normal and if you don’t gamble? Pop some mood-altering pills? Smoke weed? Get high, get drunk, and party as if there is no tomorrow, you’re considered abnormal.

If living in a family with a Christian father and a mother, a traditional family — which has been utterly obliterated and destroyed in America over the past 50 years to where we now are, and it is the destruction of the family, the destruction of a traditional family with a father, and a traditional family that while they may not have been born again disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ at least they exhibited many of the virtues and values of a godly life, a moral life that has been THE KEY FACTOR IN THE DECLINE OF AMERICA.

No more! Can’t have that, can we? Support Black Lives Matter? Best to read up on how they view and work to destroy the traditional family, friends. Find out how the school you send your children to teach a curriculum of destroying the traditional family. How the politician you love and vote for works to destroy the traditional family of male father, and female mother, in a caring family setting in which the parents teach their children well in the ways of virtues, values, faith, and how to live in a society.

There is no real faith, no morals, no standards, no virtue. It’s anything goes and do whatever makes you feel good in the moment. Believe whatever. And whatever a person believes, even if the most bizarre and utterly banal, delusional, and wrong thing they are not to be disturbed by how massively disturbed they truly are. Today calling someone a liar, who lies, is considered a greater sin than just about anything else.

Relativistic philosophy has saturated the minds and lives of Americans and we are drowning in relativism. All a part of Satan’s plan and work as we abide more in Satan’s way, plan, and work than we do in God’s.

Imagine that.

In a nation where 60% to 70% claim to be Christian while they have no idea what that truly means the truth is that only about 10% are Christian and even among them only about 4% live with a Biblical worldview as opposed to the world’s view of everything.

If you only have sex with your husband or wife, and the husband is always and only a male, and the wife always and only a female you’re now considered abnormal, and the abnormal, the deviant, the corrupt, the immoral is considered not even normal at this point — but superior! And it was always the intent of evil to make it so.

The sexual revolution of the late 1950s and exploding in the 1960s was purely a Satanic, self-gratification, anything goes period in American and Western culture. Just as evil and destructive as is the practices of homosexual sex and feeling the need to have some substance in one’s system to alter reality.

Can’t abide or accept or deal with reality. Not in America. No way, Jose!

Wise up.

While there is still time.

While the Great and Merciful God blesses you with breath and a beating heart.

Finally, even if for the first time, wise up. Stand up. Speak up.

And it goes beyond, far beyond going into a polling station and blindly on auto-pilot voting for Bugs Bunny, Elmer Fudd, or Satan. It involves humbling oneself and turning directly, sincerely, truly, and completely to God! To the Lord Jesus Christ. To the Holy Spirit. And to the whole inerrant infallible living and active Word of God!

That is the only solution to every ill, bane, problem, ailment, and lament in this dying nation.

Don’t be a Kennedy.

Unless of an independent mind like RFK, Jr. not afraid to speak up and live for what you believe.

Not that I am voting for him. I have changed greatly in my beliefs over the years. I am not a copy of my parents. Nor anyone in my family. I have a family member who voted for a president one time and I asked her why she voted for him. Know what her reply was? “I like his teeth.”



I was very, very political at that time in my life and I was both a bit stunned [but not that much since I knew her well] and also laughed, knowing the massive ignorance of most people in America when it comes to who they support and vote for if they even bother to register and then vote.

That was her determining factor in placing that man in the most important position in America, perhaps in the world, that would make, need to make decisions impacting everyone on earth. And she voted for him because he had big teeth that he surely brushed and flossed many times a day!

You think that she is an anomaly? One-of-a-kind? Not in America.

And it’s best to believe in God. In Christ. In the Holy Spirit. And in every word within the Word of God above believing, speaking, writing about anything else.

Make God and His Word the foundation of your life and build everything upon that foundation and what is built will be strong, well-built, right, and afford protection and goodness all the days of your life.

Even in this nation that has turned to self, to Satan, to lies, to confusion, and great delusion.

Stand apart.

With the Lord Jesus Christ truly in your heart.

And there have been times, there are times when Bugs Bunny or Elmer Fudd would have been, are better choices than what we have been, or are given to place in elected positions of power and temporary worldly authority.

Don’t believe that? Where have you been? Look around. Listen. Inhale the rot within. Due to our love of sin and our turning from God, turning from the Holy Bible to our own ways, seeking our own pleasures and beliefs.

Satan has won in every election thus far…and he’s on every ticket even if you don’t see his name there, or believe this…

If this were not true, and if 60% to 70% of our people were truly what they claim to be our nation, our people would be quite, quite different than the reality, the truth before U.S.

Read on…

Ken Pullen, Tuesday, March 26th, 2024



If Bugs Bunny, Elmer Fudd, or Satan were on the ticket — Rory Kennedy fears brother will sink Biden’s reelection


Family attempts to protect Democratic dynasty



Tuesday, March 26, 2024

By Seth McLaughlin

Reprinted from The Washington Times


Rory Kennedy is raising concerns that her brother’s long-shot presidential bid could torpedo President Biden’s reelection chances and put Republican Donald Trump back in the White House.

Kennedy family members have started ramping up efforts to put a check on Robert F. Kennedy Jr. in the name of protecting the family’s Democratic political dynasty and preventing Mr. Trump from winning the election.

“I think this election is going to happen in a handful of states, and the votes are going to be very small in terms of what is going to elect the next president of the United States. And so siphoning votes [away from] Biden could most definitely lead to Trump’s election,” Ms. Kennedy, a documentary filmmaker and the youngest daughter of the late Sen. Robert F. Kennedy, said Monday on MSNBC.

But Mr. Kennedy, a 70-year-old environmental lawyer who has attracted the most attention so far for his skeptical attitude on vaccines, has shown no signs of pulling the plug on his third-party bid for the White House.

Dismissing concerns he could play the role of spoiler, Mr. Kennedy has qualified for the ballot in some states and plans to add to the list over the coming months. He plans to announce his vice presidential pick Tuesday.

NFL quarterback Aaron Rodgers, former Minnesota Gov. Jesse Ventura, and businesswoman Nicole Shanahan have been tossed around as possibilities.

Analysts are divided on how he could affect the race, but the Biden camp has shown signs of concern that he will cost the president more votes than Mr. Trump.

The Democratic National Committee has created a team focused on taking some wind out of the sails of independent and third-party contenders.

The new unit is keeping a close eye on Mr. Kennedy when it comes to his push to be on the ballot in battleground states. “Our goals here are twofold,” said DNC spokesperson Matt Corridoni. “One is to make sure people are playing by the rules and two to educate people about RFK.

“He is being propped up by MAGA donors to be a spoiler this election, his family doesn’t support him and he has a lot of extreme policies,” he said.

Democrats have highlighted how one of the biggest backers of the pro-Kennedy super PAC American Values 2024 is billionaire Tim Mellon, who has donated millions to a pro-Trump super PAC and conservative causes.

Democrats also filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission last month accusing Mr. Kennedy of breaking the rules to get on the ballot by coordinating with the super PAC.

Meanwhile, most of Mr. Kennedy’s family have rallied behind Mr. Biden’s reelection campaign. Dozens of Kennedy family members appeared at the White House on St. Patrick’s Day and posed for a picture with Mr. Biden, sending a symbolic message to RFK Jr. that he is on his own this election cycle.