Large homosexual flag hanging outside a U.S. Embassy Building


Ah, what hypocrisy! Evil wails and cries and gets its way every single time when it comes to lying about the separation of church and state thus making sure any and all prayer, Bible references or reading, and all things Christian are verboten in every school, every town square and city hall, every state and federal agency building.

But the religion, and make no mistake it is a rabid religion of sexual deviancy, and sexual immorality, the religion of homosexuality and transgenderism is promoted, revered, elevated, and pushed everywhere greater than was the invention of the wheel or sliced bread!

Excerpt from the article below:

“Like so many, Family Research Council’s Connor Semelsberger, director of Federal Affairs, is horrified by the display and its undercurrent of hostility to religion as a whole. “The Catholic Church’s teachings on the beauty of natural marriage and human sexuality have been known for millennium. This move by the U.S. embassy to fly a ‘homosexual and transgender worshipping flag’ at the Holy See reveals that the radical lesbian, homosexual, bisexual, and transgender agenda is a pseudo-religion that seeks to replace the moral and social teachings of the tradition of the Catholic faith and enforce its rule on all major institutions around the world.”

And the people remain silent and take it.

Rather than submitting to God, submitting to Christ, submitting to the Holy Spirit, submitting to the inerrant living Word of God…

…the people submit to evil.

Willingly. En masse.

What if there were alien life? And they happened to drop in any place in America? They’d think that 99 out of 100 walking upright beings on this planet were homosexual.

And then, supposedly being of higher intelligence, ponder how dd so many people come about if so many are homosexual?

Does anyone really believe this nation has another 100 years before it?

Really? Are you injecting heroin while smoking a crack pipe and polishing off the third quart of Jack Daniels today?

Worshipping sin and evil while reviling and spitting on God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, the Bible, and the truth.

THAT’S America today. And unless some beyond comprehension repentance on an individual basis occurs in this nation? An America that is growing weaker, incurring the wrath of God greater, tumbling into the abyss, and heading to its demise.

This cannot continue as it has without consequences unimaginable.

This is what your federal tax dollars go to. But put up the 10 commandments? Speak of Christ? Mention the Bible in a school or government agency? Read the Bible? Speak the truth anywhere?

And the Enemy has made sure to then make you the enemy as the Enemy has the overwhelming number of people consumed and mired, entombed, and enslaved in their reprobate, wicked, evil minds.

I changed the lame, braindead, complying with evil acronyms used below, as well as changing the lie of “Pride Month” and calling it what it really is.

Ken Pullen

Monday, June 6th, 2022



Federal Agencies Promote Homosexual & Transgender Worshipping, Ignore Memorial Day


June 3, 2022

By Suzanne Bowdey

Reprinted from The Washington Stand


If you’re wondering where America’s heroes rank on Joe Biden’s list of priorities, try below the rainbow flag. While federal agencies have been tripping over themselves to pledge allegiance to lesbian, homosexual, bisexual, and transgender activism, two couldn’t be bothered to recognize the fallen troops who make our freedom possible. Despite a government-wide tweet-fest over Homosexual & Transgender Worship Month, the Departments of Justice and Treasury managed to ignore Memorial Day altogether.

Thanks to social media, Americans are getting a good look at the main obsession of this administration, which has devoted more than 30 posts to lesbian, homosexual, bisexual, and transgender extremism from their official accounts — but couldn’t spare half that attention to the men and women who gave all. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, who was probably too busy promoting abortion as the solution to our tanking economy, failed to mark either occasion. U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland’s team, on the other hand, showed complete disregard for our military by celebrating the worship of homosexuals and transgender but overlooking Americans’ ultimate sacrifice.

Family Research Council’s executive vice president, Lt. General (Ret.) Jerry Boykin could only shake his head at the administration’s tunnel vision. “It’s astounding that any government agency would refuse to acknowledge and honor the military men and women who died fighting for this country. We see this administration setting aside an entire month to recognize and celebrate with the lesbian, homosexual, bisexual, and transgender community, while at the same time, we have a large number of homeless veterans and others with severe disabilities and PTSD. When are we going to set aside a designated period of time to help them?”

Elsewhere, the taxpayer-funded revelry goes on. And not just through June. With gas prices soaring, U.S. Energy officials want Americans to know they’re hard at work pumping out — diversity. “Homosexual & Transgender Worship. This month. Next month. Always,” the office posted to social media. An angry stream of responses followed. “So comforting to know that you’ve invested your time and effort into this nonsense when the Secretary of Energy doesn’t even know how much oil the U.S. consumes daily and Americans are paying the highest prices ever for fuel,” one frustrated American fired back. “Now if only we could celebrate any of you doing your job well,” another said.

At Health and Human Services, where Secretary Xavier Becerra is on a personal crusade to fund children’s transition surgeries with taxpayer dollars, the agency released a novella on the worship in America of homosexuals and transgenders — devoting 1,600 words to the cause and offering 15 separate statements from HHS leaders (including Rachel Levine). Not to be outdone, Education officials decided to change their government seal to the “progress homosexual and transgender worshipping” flag, paying special homage to transgenderism — while the MarinesAir Force, and Space Force hyped everything from rainbow bullets to astronauts “queering” the moon.

Meanwhile, at Agriculture, the occasion eclipsed even National Dairy Month, as banners, logos, and around-the-clock tweets spewed politically correct sexualism. And while the USDA did put up a good fight with its rainbow-colored produce backdrop, the award for lesbian, homosexual, bisexual, and transgender pandering has to go to the U.S. State Department, which — apart from posting more homosexual and transgender worshipping tweets than anyone in government over a 24-hour span — also managed to enrage the world’s religious community with its stunt at the Holy See. The jarring site of the U.S. embassy, just steps from the Vatican, waving the lesbian, homosexual, bisexual, and transgender flag felt like just the latest middle finger from Biden to people of faith.

Like so many, Family Research Council’s Connor Semelsberger, director of Federal Affairs, is horrified by the display and its undercurrent of hostility to religion as a whole. “The Catholic Church’s teachings on the beauty of natural marriage and human sexuality have been known for millennium. This move by the U.S. embassy to fly a ‘homosexual and transgender worshipping flag’ at the Holy See reveals that the radical lesbian, homosexual, bisexual, and transgender agenda is a pseudo-religion that seeks to replace the moral and social teachings of the tradition of the Catholic faith and enforce its rule on all major institutions around the world.”

After its Twitter post showcasing the story-high flag, the U.S. was blasted for its hypocrisy. “The Biden administration would never do this in an Islamic country,” Ben Shapiro argued. “This is anti-Catholic bigotry.” And ironically, it comes at the hands of a self-professed Catholic, Joe Biden. Mary Szoch, Family Research Council’s director for the Center of Dignity insists it’s just one in a long line of betrayals to his faith. “The U.S. Embassy to the Holy See’s decision to fly a rainbow flag is consistent with President Biden’s clear lack of respect for Catholic teaching. … Since his inauguration, President Biden, who calls himself a devout Catholic, has openly supported policies that actively attack the heart of the family. He has pledged allegiance to the wrong flag.”

Imagine being a Gold Star family — maybe one of the 13 who lost loved ones to Biden’s disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal — watching this government-wide gaiety unfold. Your son or daughter, husband or wife, mother or father is gone, and the only thing this White House cares about is giving the full measure of devotion to a vulgar fringe that mocks truth, bullies faith, and divides the nation. They are the few, the inexplicably proud.