The following short opinion piece written by a student from a Los Angeles, California high school speaks volumes about the mind, attitude, and belief system of the overwhelming majority of America’s youth.

First, reactionary. Not understanding our system of government, not understanding the difference between laws, opinions passed down from a court or given rights by our Founding documents Ella Kim works from a point of emotion. Reactionary emotion rather than facts. No one is taking away her perceived right to murder a child in her womb if that is the sin she wishes to commit. If she wants to commit premeditated murder of a child she is permitted to do so in America. The land of selfishness, lost souls, rising evil, making the laws lawlessness, sin, and every abomination under the sun.

Second, it appears from her confession in her opinion piece she spends an obscene amount of time on social media and gleans almost all her information, thus misinformation and emotional dung from various social media sources, rather than implementing critical thinking, reason, rational thought, objectivity and good research of sources and facts.

She can’t study! She can’t continue to focus on self, self, and SELF!

Social media doesn’t make a person acutely aware of politics and world events. Reliable, viable sources do that. NOT social media. But the demographic of people in America from about age 10 up to about 40 think the only source for anything is a social media platform.

The soapbox of the devil. The wails and cries of evil come out on 140 character glowing screens.

Privileged, better off than the overwhelming majority of human beings her age she laments that “My adolescence may have been butchered by history, but I am afraid to leave it behind — because I am terrified of the path our country is taking.”

Because she lives in a bubble world, a fantasy that has been created by modern-day so-called education, what passes fr parenting, the constant barrage of entertainment and social media with really one message from only one source — the lost, the walking dead, the world.

There is no life in such darkness and following such darkness.

Her adolescence has been butchered? No, dear, your spirit, and soul have been enslaved to Satan and you’ve been led along believing lies and not really seeking any truth, any real facts, any real history and now your self-driven train in the fantasy land that has been erected for you is causing something to happen in you. Only it is clear from your words you remain on the wrong track heading into the abyss.

The self-driven trains are derailing all over LaLaLand…

The last of the last days pick up in intensity, as the final act always does.

Only this isn’t a play, a book, a movie, or anything fictional.

This is reality. All the selfish, all the deluded, all the lost, well, at least some of them had better come out from being darkness, in darkness before their eternity becomes the bleakest, darkest most painful thing they can’t imagine. Your adolescence has been butchered, dear? Unless you and every person of any age wakes up and stops worshipping, focusing, dwelling on self and submits, humbles themselves, and turns to the Lord, to imitate Christ, which means abandoning self — all those will be bothered, tormented, submitted to horrors and things unspeakable and unimaginable to our limited minds.

Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life; whoever does not obey the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God remains on him.

John 3:36 — English Standard Version

Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

Isaiah 5:20 — King James Version

Evil promotes, propagates itself, and places its mouthpieces in highly visible places like the Los Angeles Times to make its way on a wider Internet of viewing. If a true Christian high school student living in Los Angeles had submitted their opinion piece would it have been published? Then promoted further on the Internet?


Ken Pullen

Monday, June 6th, 2022



“The toxic and divisive state of our country has completely altered my generation’s perception of the world.”


By Ella Kim, Immaculate Heart High School

The following opinion piece appeared in The Los Angeles Times


I had this thought recently, which sums up my high school experience: How am I supposed to study for my Advanced Placement Statistics exam when other people are taking away my rights?

As I thought about this, I was obsessively refreshing my Twitter feed and rereading a thousand opinions and predictions on Roe vs. Wade until I passed out hours later. I did not study that night.

This kind of social media binge was common for me during the pandemic, as it felt at times like the world was ending. I believe the toxic and divisive state of our country has completely altered my generation’s perception of the world. How do I learn how to become a mature adult when the “adults” are bickering over scientific facts, spewing hateful rhetoric online and spreading misinformation?

While constant exposure to social media isn’t always healthy, it has made me acutely aware of politics and world events. It may erode my mental health, but I refuse to live in ignorant bliss.

My adolescence may have been butchered by history, but I am afraid to leave it behind — because I am terrified of the path our country is taking. Still, I find hope in my peers at Immaculate Heart. In them, I recognize genuine empathy, tenacity and brilliance, and I truly believe we can become an undeniable force of great heart and right conscience.