The Instagram and Facebook logos are displayed at the 2018 CeBIT technology trade fair on June 12, 2018, in Hanover, Germany. Alexander Koerner/Getty Images


Some might think, “Well, this place is on Facebook and it hasn’t been banned.” This place, A Crooked Path is small potatoes and I’m unknown and invisible. To this point and this place will most likely always remain small in exposure. Although, A Crooked Path, which is me, doing what is found here has been suspended from Twitter.

Contrary to some folks out there who think there is no censorship in America, and freedom of speech will always prevail, someone will be there to protect it, and that there isn’t any “banning” or “censorship” of Christians on the social media platforms haven’t been paying attention. The big guys, those that are on these platforms for self-promotion, to make a name for themselves, to sell things. Mostly themselves — some of them have encountered temporary suspensions and some have been banned depending on the depth of their conviction and their closeness to the inerrancy and infallibility of the Word of God. Those who appease the world and use the name of God in vain and to make a name and material wealth for themselves do fine. Those who are true disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ and true children of God rather than of disobedience…they tend to not do as well in being left alone. Especially when running ads and selling things.

If unfamiliar and just a “citizen participant” on Facebook it is unlikely you’re accosted to increase, or boost a posting, place an ad, so on as a person operating a website on one of these platforms. As a person that posts every article on the website they administer on Facebook, I am constantly bombarded to “boost this post” and to run an ad to promote ACP.

A while back, a couple of years ago, Facebook made it very clear in a message they sent out that if a person wants to place an ad, boost a post that person must comply with the STANDARDS set by Facebook, which are a person can’t write the truth regarding homosexuality, what’s really going on, the truth of Scripture, what being a true disciple, a true believer is about.

And those who have disregarded this have been at times suspended and had to go through a process to get back on and promise to never write the truth again, or they have been permanently suspended.

This is real.

This is tyranny. This is censorship. This is not unlike what began in fascist Italy in the 1920s, in Germany in the 1930s, in the Soviet Union after the Revolution of 1917, what takes place in Turkey, Iran, India, Russia, Communist China, and many, many other places today.

The people, many ignore this. Deny this. Refuse to acknowledge what has been and is taking place.

The crushing, the total removal isn’t going to occur overnight. In one swift movement. It’s a 3 act play. An orchestral piece. And the climax, the crescendo is on the horizon. To those paying any sort of attention.

Wake up and smell the evil in the air, in the hearts and minds, see it in the dead eyes. The lying tongues. In the ever-increasing darkness and the rotting stench within that darkness that has gone along without most people paying any attention and just going along with the constant, swift erosion of all foundations, ethics, morals, values, and what was once just, right, the order of the times, holy…and understood.

And lived accordingly.

Wake up. The kingdom is at hand, the last of the last days are upon us. Do not be lax or otherwise deceived.

I have asked nicely, implored, begged those who come to this place ONLY VIA FACEBOOK to please end their addiction, and that’s what it is — a habit of addiction — to Facebook and these so-called social media platforms and to come directly to the website A Crooked Path.

As the person who created and operates this website I am privy to knowing exactly how many people visit and how they arrived here. And on a daily basis, about 99% of you come here via Facebook.

Please reconsider. Please. Begin to develop new habits. Ones that will be needed in the very near future if a person wants to continue to receive certain information online.

I have asked and asked for visitors to please come to this place directly. To the website address and circumvent Facebook.

To no avail. No one pays attention. No one believes. It’s such an ingrained habit, such an addiction at this point. It’s done without even thinking.

And that’s the problem…

It is time to think, to become increasingly aware. To not be complacent, lax, or too comfortable.

The tyranny is present. Real. And increasing. Do not fall prey to it.

Fascism is very real and growing. And the coming short reign of lies, signs, wonders, and deception taking billions into hell for eternity of the Antichrist and his false prophet will be a regime of the greatest fascism ever seen on earth!

It is not going to drop on you like a piano from a 27 story window above you like an old cartoon or a Laurel & Hardy short film…

It’s been the daily, nightly CONSTANT drip drip drip, the winds of erosion and corruption and lulling.

And as in the song, “I’ve grown accustomed to your face?” Folks have grown accustomed to the removal of freedoms, the massive changes in societal norms, appeasement, that anything goes, and that tyranny and fascism are ever-rising but they call it, interpret such as “everyday life now.”  And they accept this. Tragically. Sadly.

I hope those coming here are not going to be among that number.

Prepare for the times ahead. For they are going to be of such tribulation as the world has never witnessed and never will again.


“For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been from the beginning of the world until now, no, and never will be.”

Matthew 24:21 — English Standard Version


Jesus knows.

Why don’t more of us? Especially if we profess to be one of His…

We’re told plainly, clearly, directly, truthfully.

Be aware. Be a watchman or watchwoman on the wall. Eyes open. Do not be as the virgins who were otherwise occupied and failed to keep oil in their lamps [see Matthew 25] because what happened to them? Will happen to every person imagining they are being “a good person, a good Christian” when the Bridegroom comes and they have no light, no oil, nothing in their lamps since they were always otherwise occupied, refusing to look, hear, prepare accordingly — ask in faith not double-minded [doubting] for SPIRITUAL wisdom from God who gives generously to His FAITHFUL children who seek Him and ask Him [see James 1].

And what do we do daily with regard to this truth?

We’re to live in each day, the moment given. Looking to heaven and things eternal. As if the Lord can return His second time at any moment. Do we believe this? Do we live accordingly?



When the Larger Culture Abandons God and Biblical Values

Why people lie

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American Gospel (Video)


Ken Pullen

Monday, September 27th, 2021

ACP — A Crooked Path


Facebook is banning Christians but allowing sex traffickers on the platform, says Movieguide’s Ted Baehr


Monday, September 27, 2021

By Anugrah Kumar

Reprinted from The Christian Post


While Facebook is known for cracking down on accounts linked to Christians and politically conservative individuals and groups, the platform is doing little to stop criminal organizations that use the networking site to profit off sex trafficking, said entertainment critic Ted Baehr.

The connection between human trafficking and drug cartels on social media is a “gigantic” problem, Baehr told CBN News.

“I was one of the founding board members of the National Coalition on Sexual Exploitation. It’s been a bigger and bigger problem, especially when we talk about the crackdown on conservative sites or Christian sites,” he said. “Because they say on Facebook that the cost of doing business in Africa and the Middle East is allowing all of these different businesses to use it. These businesses are sex slavery. These businesses are trafficking.”

Facebook employees sent numerous alerts to their bosses to report on human traffickers in the Middle East and armed groups in Ethiopia that are using the platform for sex trafficking and inciting violence against ethnic minorities, according to internal documents released by The Wall Street Journal in an investigative report.

Facebook was informed that a Mexican drug cartel was using the platform to recruit, train and pay hitmen, but the company didn’t stop the cartel from posting on Facebook or Instagram, the documents show.

“Anybody will tell you who’s concerned about this issue that there’s more slavery today than there’s ever been in terms of sex slavery,” Baehr said. “So these cartels are using Facebook. Facebook has said, ‘We are going to address the issue.’ They’ve never really addressed it.”

For Facebook, harm in developing countries is “simply the cost of doing business,” Brian Boland, a former Facebook vice president who oversaw partnerships with internet providers in Africa and Asia before resigning last year, told the Journal.

Facebook’s safety efforts are focused on wealthier markets with powerful governments and media institutions, he added, noting that more than 90% of monthly users are now outside the U.S. and Canada.

“There is very rarely a significant, concerted effort to invest in fixing those areas,” he added.

In the U.S., Facebook and other social media platforms use Section 230 of the U.S. Communications Decency Act to protect themselves from lawsuits over what users post online. One of the clauses of Section 230 states that what users say or write online is not akin to a publisher conveying the same message. However, the same clause that shields online platforms from liability is often used to ban conservative viewpoints.

In 2018, Facebook restricted Republican congressional candidate Elizabeth Heng’s campaign from placing a video ad, deeming it too “shocking, disrespectful or sensational” because it featured her American immigrant parents who survived brutalities by the Khmer Rouge communists during the Cambodian Civil War.

In 2017, a Christian mother said Facebook censored her page, which was suspended over posts on what the Bible says about homosexuality and sin.