In this Jan. 29, 2007, file photo Yvette Ibarra holds a Dancing Princess Barbie doll while shopping at a toy store in Monrovia, Calif. Gov. Gavin Newsom signed 92% of the new laws lawmakers sent him at the end of this years legislative session that ended Sept. 10. One of the bills he approved makes California the first state to require large department stores to display products like toys and toothbrushes in gender-neutral ways. It does not outlaw traditional boys and girls sections at department stores, but says large stores must also have a gender-neutral section. (AP Photo/Nick Ut) **FILE**



As I sit here writing this I am completely confident that had we as professed Christians truly had the Lord Jesus Christ as our uppermost thought and priority, had we truly been a light unto this nation, the world as we are commanded to do, had we spent as much time spreading the gospel with the same passion as we have spreading political ideologies and agendas, had we supported Biblical teachings and practices as much as we have supported politicians and political movements this nation, this world would be utterly different than what it presently is.

Do not blame evil or Satan.

Let the responsibility lie with us, for condemnation begins with us, just as the Bible tells us. Don’t know where that is? Then find it. It’s in the Holy Bible. Hint: one of the apostles wrote of it in the New Testament. He is mentioned in this preface to the article below.

Had we been the true disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ we claim to be we would not be where we presently are. You can refute that, deny it, or get angry at that statement. But if you would only pause, take time to consider, ponder, think, you would in the area where truth and objectivity reside within you, where the Holy Spirit dwells and speaks to you in your mind — know this to be accurate and true. You can deny it more than Peter denied Christ, but denial and hiding from the truth does not ever alter the truth.

Our lack of being a light in this world, our lack of spreading the gospel, of being a peculiar people, of being true disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ have brought us to the place we now reside.

Not so? Can’t be? Not us, it’s those awful leftists, those dreadful democrats, it’s the devil I say, it’s the devil, not me! Not Christians, no way!

Yes, Christian, it is us. For we proclaimed to be a Christian nation, and the majority still do, yet we have arrived where we now are? How so, then, Christian? How so? Evil so strong and God’s people, His righteousness so weak? I think not!

Could something else have been happening these past years? Among those professing to be Christians? Perhaps a turning from God, from Christ, from the Holy Spirit, from the whole Word of God? To the world. To not only knowing what is wrong and ought not to be — but approving of it? Being so occupied in the here and now, in America, in American politics and politicians that God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Bible, and living as a disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ took a backseat. Was not uppermost. Our number one priority and way to live.

No? Then why have professed Christian pastors and professed Christians approved of the premeditated murder of human children? The taking of psychotropic drugs, drunkenness, adultery, immoral sex, sex outside of marriage, pornography, not going to church, living and believing no differently than any pagan in the world!?

The following may appear nothingness, inconsequential, and much ado about nothing to most folks. That attitude and practice is precisely one of the main reasons we are where we are. The continual, relentless, always increasing erosion over the past 50, 60 years has brought us to the point where the premeditated murder of human babies is not only acceptable but approved. By law. To where sexually deviant, abnormal, perverted, and immoral sexual practices are condoned, applauded, accepted and approved. By law. Where taking psychotropic drugs, including LSD are accepted, approved of, and have become law in at least one state. Many more to follow. Just as the approval of and laws are in place to legalize cannabis.

All occurring due to the absence of we the people. Not caring. Doesn’t affect me, right? Isn’t happening in my state, where I live, so why bother to ever pay attention or give this any of my time?

Assisted suicide became legal in only one state, Oregon, in October of 1997. Less than 30 years ago. It is now legal in 13 states as well as the District of Columbia.


Being otherwise occupied.

Not my job. Isn’t happening to me. Not where I live. Not what I care about, but do you happen to have the scores from last night’s games, as I laid down some hefty bets and I wonder if I finally hit it big?

Sorry, Christian, no I don’t have those scores for you.

But I am watching and am witnessing the score in the spiritual war taking place. And evil is having a field day, as they say, due to the apathy, apostasy, approval of every abomination under the sun from so-called professed Christians seeming to lack the ability, the talent, the conditioning to be up for this spiritual war taking place.

So much whining, complaining, gnashing of teeth, anger, angst and rage. Disgust about all that has been taking place.

Thinking that an election will solve the problem. That passivity, that compliance, tolerance of sin and evil will somehow win folks over, soften matters, make things somehow better.


The following may seem much ado about nothing. Inconsequential. Not happening where you live. But it is merely one more sign of the massive, destructive, foundational upheaval and changes that have occurred over only a handful of decades utterly altering how we live, how we think, how to believe in this once truly special and blessed nation.

Judgments have come as a result of our sorely lacking.

Greater judgments are to come due to our refusing to stand firm in the faith. Our allowing so much to enter in without really ever uttering, offering up any truth from Scripture to counter the culture that is now upon us.

And think on this, Christian, it is only going to get worse. Oh, so much worse!

Do you think gender-neutral toys, legalizing suicide, drugs, immoral sex and the premeditated murder of human children are as bad as it can get?

Just wait. It is only going to get worse. Such times as this world has never witnessed. Never witnessed. And never will again.

All due directly to the apathy, apostasy, blindness, deafness, and not only acceptance of every evil under the sun — but the approval of such [see Romans 1].

For certain people have crept in unnoticed who long ago were designated for this condemnation, ungodly people, who pervert the grace of our God into sensuality and deny our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ.

Jude 1:4

if my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.

2 Chronicles 7:14

We either believe all of God’s Word or we don’t. We either become Bible literate in all of God’s Word or we don’t. We either live according to God’s Word, or we don’t. PERIOD. There is no middle-of-the-road, fence-sitting, having one’s cake and eating it too. No one can love this world and be of it while also being a citizen of heaven, a true child of God, and a true disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Isn’t possible. Not according to me. According to God. Look it up in His book which ought to be more of our daily book, for each of us, no exceptions, no excuses.

Rather than making America, a political party, an election, a politician or politicians from a particular political party our occupation let us rather be totally immersed and occupied by the Lord Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, the whole inerrant infallible living Word of God. In being a true light unto the world, which means spreading the gospel more than doing anything else.


Zealot ought not to be a dirty word. A forgotten word. A neglected way to be.

Have such ZEAL for the Lord, for the Word of God that it is revealed in your composure, your speech, your daily living. To be seen by others so that they do not glorify you, or give you cause to boast — but so that in us they see God the Father, the Lord Jesus Christ, the working of the Holy Spirit and give glory where glory ought to be given.

And, who knows, perhaps the change desired will begin to happen.

All things are possible with God, you know…

Read on…

Ken Pullen, Wednesday, January 3rd, 2024


California ready to fine stores without gender-neutral toy sections


Wednesday, January 03, 2024

By  Mallory Wilson

Reprinted from The Washington Times


Major retailers in California are now required to have an aisle dedicated to gender-neutral toys under a law that took effect on New Year’s Day.

Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom signed the law in 2021. It requires any store that sells toys and has at least 500 employees “to maintain a gender-neutral section or area to be labeled at the discretion of the retailer.”

Any store that doesn’t comply could face a $250 penalty for the first violation and up to $500 for subsequent violations.

The law says “keeping similar items that are traditionally marketed either for girls or for boys separated makes it more difficult for the consumer to compare the product and incorrectly implies that their use by one gender is inappropriate.”

Stores can still display traditional boys’ and girls’ sections, but a third, gender-neutral section must be created for children 12 years old and younger.

Assemblyman Evan Low, Campbell Democrat, introduced the legislation after a daughter of one of his staff members asked why she had to go to the boys’ section to get certain toys, the Los Angeles Times reported.

“Part of it is to make sure if you’re a young girl that you can find a police car, fire truck, a periodic table or a dinosaur,” Mr. Low said. “And then similarly, if you’re a boy, if you’re more artistic and want to play with glitter, why not? Why should you feel the stigma of saying, ‘Oh, this should be shamed’ and going to a different location?”

Greg Burt, vice president of the California Family Research Council, a conservative public policy nonprofit group, told Fox News that the law “violates the First Amendment.”

“You got the government now dictating the signage in stores, about what words can be used to advertise products,” Mr. Burt said. “This is opening a Pandora’s box.”

Mallory Wilson can be reached at


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