Bread and Circuses: What It Means for Once-Great Nations?

(Mark Kolbe/Getty Images)




The following article is here for one reason. To reveal that the world, those outside of the Lord Jesus Christ, those who do not turn to God, turn to the inerrant infallible living and active Word of God, those living in the dark, lost utterly demonic world are acutely aware of the earth shaking beneath them figuratively and literally, yet they remain blinded.

Refusing to acknowledge God, refusing to acknowledge Jesus as Messiah, as Lord of their lives, refusing to acknowledge the Holy Bible as the book, the words to believe, know, and live by.

Placing faith in man and manmade systems rather than placing their faith in God.

Nicole James writes, and asks in the following article;

“Will the grand banquet of our times end in a burp of regret?”

No, Nicole, attempts at wittiness that remain ensnared in this demonic world fall flat. I suppose there was a professor at the university you attended that reinforced using such tools in your writing is what captures people. Rather than turning to God, turning to Christ, turning to the Holy Bible, and allowing your eternal soul to be captured by the clear, plain truth of every word within the Scriptures. What is being served up, laid down, and unfolding on the table in this grand banquet as you call it will not end in a burb of regret — but in the wailing and gnashing of teeth as a tragic and utterly sad number of people — billions living this very day more than likely end up with an eternity of regret in the pit of hell. In the greatest tribulation and suffering of people on this earth that has ever occurred. For knowing what they should have done in their fleshly life regarding God, the Lord Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Bible — but they made the choice to reject and spit upon God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Bible and live according to what was right in their own eyes, what is said and written to be right according to this dark, lost demonic world ruled for a season by the prince of the air, Satan.

Yes, this world has been given to him for a season.

And in this spiritual war taking place here every moment of every day within and around every person on earth it is each individual’s choice of who they will serve, what they will believe, how they will live. And thus, where they will spend eternity.

And there are only two possible options as to where their eternal spirit, their eternal soul can go.

Either die once to live forever in heaven.

Or die twice and never taste eternal life in heaven.

This life is not a game. A circus. Or reduced down to political identity, nationality, ethnicity, earthly title, what has been bought, sold, the delusions and banality accumulated within the consumed, confused, too busy to sit still, sit quietly lost life. Placing all emphasis on the physical, immediate feelings, worldly opinion and philosophies, on the emotional while either neglecting the spiritual or if acknowledging that part of their being going off on the wrong path, listening to the lying music in their ears played by Satan taking them to their Second Death, their fate in hell as they refuse to get off the wide path that most are on and take the straight route leading to the narrow gate where few ever enter in.

Oh, and the Roman Empire has never truly fallen or disappeared. It has merely morphed, evolved, and spread almost worldwide — still evident in every Western culture — to be clearly seen and known by anyone willing to pay attention. Don’t believe this? Perhaps it’s time you read, or reread the Book of Daniel in the Holy Bible.


Even if living in Toledo, Ohio. Des Moines, Iowa. Anywhere in America. Anywhere in any Western culture. And most other places on earth, though many of them are merely a continuation of the Huns, the Vandals, the Amorites, the Hittites, the Canaanites…every pagan of many false gods barbaric culture throughout the fabric of world history as it is known.

Yes, the emperors, the militaristic Roman Empire of books, films, and the like centered in Rome no longer exists — but the Roman Empire never truly fell. It merely was altered, dispersed around the world, and adopted, accepted, and put in place. If you live long enough, still not believing this, there is coming a day when you will come to see this is true. But, by that day, it will be far, far too late…

…what are you waiting for? The Second Death to befall you if rejecting, rebelling, and revealing your hatred of God and Jesus? To coast and remain in neutral if calling yourself a Christ follower? Refusing to be active as we are commended by the Lord?

Don’t get angry with me…

…I’m just writing what is told to anyone, everyone in God’s easy to access Word. If only folks would read it, believe it, faithfully live it!

Every nation, including America, has turned against Israel. Pick up a Holy Bible, open it up, search it out, and learn what that means. Do not shrug what you come to learn off. The Holy Bible is the most accurate, true Book ever on this earth. The only book in which every prophecy either has or is coming true. The only book of past, PRESENT, and FUTURE history that has come true, or is coming true. And will come true.

The only book clearly, plainly revealing the only way to eternal life and the consequences of rejecting that truth.

What choice have you made? How is your life really going?

Read on…

Please make sure to look at, open, watch, and listen [if it’s that sort of link] to the RELATED items provided below the following article.

Ken Pullen, Monday, April 8th, 2024



Bread and Circuses: What It Means for Once-Great Nations?


Today’s political calendar is so crammed with celebrations of the rainbow that one might need a navigation guide.


April 8, 2024

By Nicole James

Reprinted from The Epoch Times


Democracy, that ever-so-fleeting fancy, has a tendency to tumble into a bit of a tizz before it topples over, panting and gasping like a winded walrus.

John Adams, ever the prophet of doom, once quipped, “Democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts and murders itself”—a sentiment echoing through the corridors of time.

And sounding much like the belch of a senator post-banquet in ancient Rome, where democracy was more a concept for philosophical banter than a practice.

Indeed, Rome, with all its pomp and voracious appetite for self-indulgence, serves as a cautionary tale. It’s a well-trodden path.

Once upon a time in Rome, there was Juvenal. Not your garden-variety naysayer, but a man whose tongue was so sharp, he could slice the moral fabric of society with a mere quip.

How a Great Empire Withered on Opulence

And so, Rome bloated, not just in the midriff but in its sense of self, as leisure became the national pastime.

Back then, over 200,000 souls, their fingers sticky from pastry, found the concept of lifting a finger (unless it was to signal for another helping) utterly foreign.

Rome was transformed into a grand stage, where almost every day was a festival, and the citizens were either performers, spectators, or busy in the vomitorium making room for the next course.

Naval skirmishes in makeshift lakes, chariot races that put the fast and furious to shame, and theatre so risqué it could make a statue of Venus look prudish, were all funded by the very people it was designed to distract.

Ninety-three days of sheer, unadulterated spectacle each year, turning Rome from a republic into an extravagant production, where democracy was but a whisper drowned out by the roar of the crowd.

Sound familiar?

As the mighty arm of the empire began to resemble less of a fearsome gladiator and more of a feeble old man waving a stick at rambunctious youths, the calendar started to look like a mushroom farm after a spring shower, each new holiday popping up to toast to victories most had forgotten the taste of.

Seems positively contemporary, what with the world running out of calendar days and having to celebrate Easter Sunday on  rans Awareness Day, an event that surely had the ancients rolling in their extravagantly decorated sarcophagi, perplexed by the modern conundrum of “calendar overcrowding.”

Emperors, those illustrious leaders of men, were reduced to headline acts in this comedic opera, plastering on smiles and feigning a zeal for the games that could rival a wet sponge’s enthusiasm for a desert trek.

In this farce, the once hallowed ceremonies now resembled a confused shuffle of days, where the only thing more bewildering than the holidays themselves was the populace’s ability to keep track of what they were celebrating.

Gone were the days of the iron-fisted rule of Julius Caesar or the cunning Augustus. Now, the sceptre was in the shaky grasp of the likes of Commodus and Septimius Severus, whose reigns were as inspiring as a flat ale on a hot day.

Leadership, once a robust wine, had become a watery vinegar, with emperors inflating their egos and coffers, whipping up the populace into a frenzy with what amounted to little more than patriotic chest-beating and flag-waving.

The spectacles, meanwhile, morphed into a grotesque parade of the bizarre and the barbaric, a stark contrast to the fading reality of employment and land ownership—those became the stuff of fairy tales.

Even the steadfast Marcus Aurelius watched helplessly as the empire’s coinage became as flimsy as modern promises of fiscal restraint, shrinking in both size and worth.

Bread and Circuses of the Present

Leap forward to the present, and the circus hasn’t so much as ended as it has swapped costumes.

Today’s coliseum is filled with Drag Time Story Hours and a calendar so crammed with celebrations of every stripe of pride and culture that one might need a guide to navigate it.

Subsidies shower down like the finale of a firework show, ensuring the populace remains too stuffed on the bread and dazzled by the circus of reality TV outrages and viral sensations to notice the ground shifting beneath their feet.

In this grand festival of the now, one has to wonder if we’ve become spectators in our own version of Rome’s downfall, squinting at the bright lights, too entertained to notice we’re perched on the edge of history’s greatest pratfall.

Will the grand banquet of our times end in a burp of regret?


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