Surprise revelation: Richard Dawkins now says he enjoys living in a Christian society - John Lawrence

Surprise revelation: Richard Dawkins now says he enjoys living in a Christian society – Photo by John Lawrence© Provided by The Telegraph




A person is either genuinely BORN AGAIN, changed from their heart, spirit, and soul within by the Supernatural power of the Holy Spirit, thus having their life forever changed, thus becoming a Christ follower, a disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ, a true child of God and no longer a child of disobedience, a person destined to receive the eternal wrath of God — or they are not.

There is no middle ground.

No gray areas.

No list of options to choose from.

It isn’t like choosing a suit, a pair of shoes, a dress, some underwear, a book to read, a television program to view, or something to eat from a restaurant menu.

Get that straight and solid in the heart and mind now.

Or else.

Not according to me. According to God come to earth to Sacrifice Himself for our sin. According to God. According to all of God’s Word.


For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. For it is written, “He catches the wise in their own craftiness”;

1 Corinthians 3:19

Heavenly Versus Demonic Wisdom

Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show by good conduct that his works are done in the meekness of wisdom. But if you have bitter envy and self-seeking in your hearts, do not boast and lie against the truth. This wisdom does not descend from above, but is earthly, sensual, demonic. For where envy and self-seeking exist, confusion and every evil thing are there. But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality and without hypocrisy. Now the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace.

James 3:13-18


A bit of a preface to the following article written by Madeline Grant for The Telegraph. I understand that in journalism it is considered proper, and in fact almost required, for the writer to interject their personal snippets and wisecracks and sarcasm. Much of it can be humorous, even fitting. But sometimes it crosses the line.

This is the case, at least for me, when it comes to the Holy Bible. God. Jesus. The Holy Spirit. And the personages written of in the Holy Bible, the accounts of God working in their lives. It doesn’t border on blasphemy — it is blasphemy while attempting to be witty, humorous, and to grab the reader.

Mr. Richard Dawkins is still a flaming [eventually if never truly converted to the truth and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ] atheist. He may be “converted” in the view of Miss or Mrs. Grant, but his is a worldly conversion — thus a change of view. Nothing truly spiritual in nature. Still using his worldly wisdom.

There is a way which seems right to a man,
But its end is the way of death.

Proverbs 16:25

Do not be wise in your own eyes;
Fear the Lord and turn away from evil.

Proverbs 3:7

Worldly wisdom is Satanic. Demonic. Most folks can’t abide that truth. It’s called secular to water down reality, to help keep the mind, the heart from the truth. Altered reality does not change real reality, folks. The overwhelming majority resist, recoil, and refuse to acknowledge this fact but if a Christ follower, a disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ, a true child of God rather than a child of disobedience, this world, that which Satan has domain over, the prince of the air for a season and desiring to abide in the truth? It could not be clearer or easier to understand this to be true according to the Word of God. Do you then believe what you read in the Holy Bible? Do you in fact read, study, and meditate upon — think deeply, ponder, and put into practice what is read?

Yes, Mr. Richard Dawkins has had an epiphany. Not a conversion. Words are tricky and used to trick. Subtle. Mr. Dawkins has lived his life, his many years now, as one of the leading voices railing against God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and the inerrant infallible living and active Word of God as all being “nonsense,” and “utter rubbish.” But he now sees at least that with the decline of Christianity in the West and the rise of Islam, and the void filled with other gods — as when something is removed something else fills that void, and as true Christianity has waned, been corrupted by all the false teachers, and there has been a great falling away that void has been filled. With other gods. All created in the hearts and minds of people worldwide by their master, Satan, who appears as an angel of light, as do all his ministers and minions deceiving, and deluding billions…

Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes
And clever in their own sight!

Isaiah 5:21

The world, every person on earth, will be witness to this reality, this truth, this fact — as Christianity declines, as false teachers rise up, as people adopt and approve of every false god that comes along and they turn from God, turn from the Lord Jesus Christ, turn from the Holy Spirit and the Holy Bible to their own ways, doing what is right in their sight they will experience every word of prophecy contained within the Holy Bible brought down upon them. Fulfilling every word of Isaiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Joel, Zechariah, the Lord Jesus Christ, Revelation, and throughout the Word of God.

They will not be able to avoid this reality. Alter this reality to suit their wicked and lost minds. It is coming. It has already begun. It is already well along and being fulfilled…more and more each passing day.

I highly recommend everyone finding themselves here right now strongly consider either purchasing the following books, or seeing if they are available in your nearby library, and if not in the library, ask that they be stocked — or just bite the bullet and buy them! You will not regret doing so;

The Return of the Gods: Cahn, Jonathan

Living in the Daze of Deception: How to Discern Truth from Culture’s Lies: Hibbs, Jack, Pompeo, Mike

Is God Real?: Exploring the Ultimate Question of Life: Strobel, Lee

Oh, and the reference to “LBC” in the article below is London Broadcasting Company, which is a phone-in talk show on radio.

Reminder…there are two articles below…

Read on…

Ken Pullen, Wednesday, April 3rd, 2024



Christianity’s decline has unleashed terrible new gods


Wednesday, April 3, 2024

By Madeline Grant

Reprinted from The Telegraph


Not since the road to Damascus has there been a more notable spiritual volte-face than the one made on LBC this week. Having spent a career breathing threats against the disciples of the Lord, a certain Richard Dawkins is struck by a moment of realisation. And lo, the voice of Rachel Johnson came unto him and said “Dawko, Dawko, why persecutest thou me?”

OK, perhaps it didn’t happen quite like that, but Professor Dawkins’ admission that he considers himself a “cultural Christian”, who is, at the very least, ambivalent about Anglicanism’s decline is an undeniably contradictory position for a man who in the past campaigned relentlessly against any role for Christianity in public life, railing against faith schools and charitable status for churches.

Before we start preparing the baptismal font, it’s worth noting that Dawkins says he remains “happy” with the UK’s declining Christian faith, and that those beliefs are “nonsense”. But he also says that he enjoys living in a Christian society. This betrays a certain level of cultural free-riding. The survival of society’s Christian undercurrent depends on others buying into the “nonsense” even if he doesn’t.

Still, though Dawkins has spoken of his “cultural Christianity” before, this feels like another staging-post on a journey towards the good Professor finally admitting that the New Atheism, of which he was such a shining light, was wrong in crucial respects. First, in its almost touching naivety that a post-Christian world would give way to a values-neutral space, rooted in reason. Second, in its semi-adolescent diagnosis of Christianity as a retardant upon cultural and intellectual progress. A New Atheist would generally cite the Spanish Inquisition or some wacky U.S. creationist as representatives of the world’s largest faith – conveniently ignoring any contradictory examples.

VIDEO CONNECTED TO THIS ARTICLE: U.S. facing huge religious decline in its history

Like all good conversions, there’s an element of repentance; though unlike St Paul, Dawkins hasn’t had to go blind for three days to experience this epiphany. He also speaks of his concern at the rise of Islam in Christianity’s place; perhaps a tacit acknowledgement that some prominent atheists (though not he) focused excessively on Christianity, being an easy target compared to other religions.

One reason for Dawkins’ change of heart might be good old-fashioned scientific observation. It doesn’t take the brains of an evolutionary biologist to work out that New Atheism was mistaken in its diagnosis of what would follow religion’s decline. The rational world we were promised hasn’t materialised and a nastier, less reasonable one is supplanting what was there before.

Nowhere is this more obvious than in Scotland. By the New Atheist logic, it ought to be the most rational place in the U.K. since de-Christianisation has occurred there at a faster rate. Membership of the National Church of Scotland has fallen by 35 per cent in 10 years and the Scottish Churches Trust warns that 700 Christian places of worship will probably close in the next few years. A Scottish friend recently explained that every place where he’d come to faith – where he was christened, where his father was buried – had been shut or sold. This is not only a national tragedy, but a personal one.

New Atheism assumed that, as people abandoned Christianity they would embrace a sort of enlightened, secular position. The death of Christian Scotland shows this was wrong. Faith there has been replaced by derangement and the birthplace of the Scottish enlightenment – which rose out of Christian principles – now worships intolerant new gods.

The SNP’s draconian hate crime legislation is a totemic example. Merely stating facts of biology might earn you a visit from the Scottish police. But perhaps Christianity has shaped even this. It cannot be a coincidence that Scotland, home of John Knox, is now at the forefront of the denigration of women. The SNP’s new blasphemy laws are just the latest blast of that trumpet.

Not that things are much better south of the border, where we have de facto blasphemy laws under which a teacher can be forced into hiding for showing his class a cartoon of the Prophet Mohammed. Certainly not the neutral secular space we were promised with the erosion of Christianity’s central role in society.

Yet increasingly, the thesis of Tom Holland’s book Dominion seems to be winning out, via a growing recognition that the ethics we hold as natural and universal are, in fact, anything but. Much of what atheists ascribed to vague concepts of “reason” emerged out of the faith which informed the West’s intellectual, moral, and, yes, scientific life – a cultural oxygen we breathe but never see.

I am reminded of Levin’s epiphany at the end of Anna Karenina. Throughout the novel, Levin, a dissatisfied religious sceptic, is plagued with doubt over the purpose of existence. Yet he finally comes to a stark realisation about the real roots of his belief, and the limits of a “rational” life: “He had lived (without being aware of it) on those spiritual truths that he had sucked in with his mother’s milk. But he had thought, not merely without recognition of these truths, but studiously ignoring them.” The world isn’t morally neutral, and never has been.

Recognising Christianity’s cultural impact is the first step. The bigger task facing the West is living out these values in an age when they are increasingly under threat.

Famed atheist Richard Dawkins says he’s a “cultural Christian”


03 April 2024

By Staff Writer

Reprinted from Christian Today [in the U.K.]


After decades as the poster boy for New Atheism, “God Delusion” author Richard Dawkins says he is a “cultural Christian”.

Speaking to Rachel Johnson on LBC Radio, Dawkins said he was “happy” that the number of professing Christians in the U.K. was declining but said it would be “truly dreadful” if Christianity were to be replaced with another religion.

The straight-talking scientest admitted he was “slightly horrified” to see Ramadan lights being displayed in parts of the U.K. over Easter.

“I must say I’m slightly horrified to hear that Ramadan is being promoted instead,” he said. “I feel that we are a Christian country.”

He continued, “It’s true that statistically, the number of people who actually believe in Christianity is going down and I’m happy with that, but I would not be happy if, for example, we lost all our cathedrals and our beautiful parish churches.

“So, I count myself a cultural Christian. I think it would matter if we… substituted any alternative religion, that would be truly dreadful.”

Reacting to his comments, Christian Concern said, “Who would’ve thought we’d ever hear those words come out of Richard Dawkins’ mouth, even a few years ago?”

Theos CEO Chine McDonald, writing in Christianity magazine, said, “We’ve come a long way from the antagonism of New Atheism that made it its mission to denounce all religion, including Christianity. But I’ll save my excitement for when Dawkins et al start talking about the ways in which their lives have been turned upside down by the radical love of Jesus Christ.”

Later in the interview, Dawkins said that given the choice between Christianity and Islam, he would go for Christianity “every single time”.

“[Christianity] seems to me to be a fundamentally decent religion in a way that I think Islam is not,” he said.

He went on, “I’m not talking about individual Muslims, who, of course, are all quite different, but the doctrines of Islam, the Hadith and the Quran, it’s fundamentally hostile to women, hostile to gays and, I find that I like to live in a culturally Christian country, although I do not believe a single word of the Christian faith.”

Dawkins has in the past spoken about his “normal Anglican upbringing” before abandoning Christianity in his teenage years.


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