Pretend recycling makes liberals feel better about themselves and their ...



Hello, all you environmentalists out there! That’s about fifty percent of folks these days. Welcome to reality! Your pagan religion of earth worship, vainly imagining you can save the earth with your electric vehicle, denouncing beef, dairy, and plastic straws, and building the altar of recycling will save the world has revealed the flaw in such foolishness.

Before going to the automatic kneejerk and errant argument of, “Well, there are so many more people now! If only we could reduce the world population! Zero population growth, or let’s even begin culling people to save the earth!”

As more and more go to that argument, with fewer going to the latter FINAL SOLUTION, but more and more are even openly voicing such a plan, even though we all know how that goes, and the whole “Never again!” really hasn’t been grasped in the blind pagan fervor in vainly imagining they can save that which they worship by eradicating populations of presently living people — it isn’t about the number of folks living on this earth created by God, an earth in the control of that Sovereign God.

It’s about materials, behaviors, practices, laziness, greed, stupidity, and the perpetual lie.

It’s easy, and dead wrong to exclaim — “It’s because there are so many people now! More than ever before!”

No, it’s about how people lived, the materials they used in daily life, and their attitudes, their ethics, their wisdom versus what passes for wisdom today, and the daily life routine, attitude, and lack of ethics of modern-day man and woman.

According to the organization that is tasked with compiling constant data and statistics on human waste, in America, in 1960, the average person was responsible for 2.68 pounds of solid municipal waste per day.

In 2018 that jumped to 4.9 pounds of solid municipal waste per day.

Worldwide, presently, people are responsible for upwards of 10 pounds of solid waste per day. Now, that is at the high end, but 50, 60, 70 years ago when all those white folks were destroying the earth in their ignorance and greed the earth was in truth, a lot healthier. Due in large part because men and women were healthier. On a spiritual, emotional, moral, and ethical level, and just lived better lives thusly. It was not a throw-it-away world. It was not a world in which an appliance broke within seven years, if fortunate to have it last that long. And a world in which every human being had to be holding a plastic bottle in one hand, like an infant, and a plastic-clad phone in the other hand, driving in their plastic-encased vehicles, off to their plastic-filled store of choice to buy various foods of varying sizes all encased in their plastic containers.

Ben Braddock, the character played by Dustin Hoffman in the movie Mrs. Robinson did not get into the business he was advised to… 

…but many were eavesdropping on Mr. McGuire’s little talk with Ben…

As difficult as this may be to believe and comprehend — especially by anyone under the age of 40 — people in years past, long before the 40 and under crowd were born, that 40 and under crowd that hates older people, that is convinced anyone over 50 is the cause of every ill and the demise of the earth that they worship and foolishly imagine they can save because, well, they’ve been told their entire lives how special, gifted, and smarter that are than any preceding people to inhabit the earth! — people in years past were much better stewards of this world than they are. Or ever will be.

People in the past recycled more items of their own volition. For economic reasons. Because it made sense. And the MATERIALS used to make, house, build, and store things weren’t all made of plastic it was NATURAL to reuse, recycle, and repurpose.

Do you know America’s #1 exported product? GARBAGE. TRASH. REFUSE! Don’t believe that? Look it up. It’s what we do best. Produce rubbish, garbage, waste, and trash.

We generate that which goes into us and we surround ourselves with. Inwardly. Outwardly.

In a little over 60 years the amount of solid waste generated per person in America has almost doubled.

That among all the so-called, so proud, so self-righteous, so condemning environmentalists and the young, who are worshipped as much as the earth is.

And we wonder where things went wrong? Why things are as they are?

Anyone pay attention? Anyone pay attention along the way?

In equal decline with our morals, and spirituality as we have turned from God, from the true Christ, from the Holy Spirit, from the Holy Bible, from the community and being neighborly [and today’s so-thought community behaviors and being so-called neighborly cannot come close to comparing to what took place in decades past], socially — when people actually met over meals, families ate meals together, hospitality was a given, and people actually had real conversations rather than what passes for being social in these most anti-social times, and ethics still existed — we also took better care of the world around us than is done today.

I know. I’m an old person. I lived it. I was aware while living it all. I know the differences. The very huge differences.

Contrary to all the propaganda. All the lies. All the delusion.

Looking for solutions and answers in all the wrong places, turning to all the wrong people for those solutions and answers. Greta Thunberg? John Kerry? Jorge Mario Bergoglio? Kamilla Harris? George Cloney? Leonardo DiCaprio?  Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr.? Barack Hussein Obama? Stella McCartney? James Cameron? Brad Pitt? King Charles III? General Motors? Proctor & Gamble? Toyota? the U.S. government? Any world government? Some treaty on paper among nations? Really?

Every effort of man and woman in such endeavors is going to lead to failure. Due to our inherent vanity. We [the collective we, not true disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ which I hope and pray you are as you read this, and as I count myself by the grace of God to save a sinner such as myself deserving nothing but His wrath and condemnation] imagine we are the supreme power and can control everything, do anything and everything.

Omit God, omit the Lord Jesus Christ, omit the Holy Spirit, omit the Holy Bible, omit the spiritual aspect, omit the truth and reality, and look around. It’s the world we have, the world we deserve.

The world gets it wrong. The world gets most things wrong [like the author of the article below]. While always imagining having the answers — if only, if only this is done, if only this is accomplished — all vainly hurtling in the wrong direction. Imagining themselves to be gods not in need of God.

Fess up finally and face reality. O, ye environmentalist [just another pagan]!

RELATED: As witchcraft becomes a multibillion-dollar business, practitioners’ connection to the natural world is changing

Read on…and while here take a bit of time to look over all the related articles found at the conclusion of the article below. Thank you for stopping by. Please come again sometime.

Ken Pullen, A CROOKED PATH, Wednesday, July 26th, 2023


Attention All Environmentalists & That Includes About Half of Folks in America: Scientists Say Recycling Has Backfired Spectacularly


Tuesday, July 25, 2023

By Noor Al-Sibai

Reprinted from Futurism


Reduce, Reuse, Repudiate

While recycling campaigns can help limit what heads to the landfill, scientists are now saying that it’s masked the glaring problem of over-production and de-emphasized other waste reduction strategies that are far more sustainable.

In a new essay for The Conversation, an interdisciplinary group of researchers out of the University of Virginia that’s been studying the psychology of waste found that many people over-emphasize the recycling aspect of the waste management industry’s “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle” slogan. The result, they say, is a major backfiring as the public has come to mistakenly consider recycling a get-out-of-jail-free card, confusing which goods are actually recyclable in the first place and ignoring the growing waste production catastrophe.

In a series of experiments, the UV researchers first asked participants first to list “reduce,” “reuse,” and “recycle” by order of efficacy — the correct answer being the same one in the old slogan — finding that a whopping 78 percent got it wrong. In a second experiment, the researchers had participants use a computer program to virtually “sort” waste into recycling, compost, and landfill bins. Unfortunately, the outcome of that survey was even more stark, with many incorrectly putting non-recyclable waste, such as plastic bags and lightbulbs, into the virtual recycle bin.

Cause and Effect

While over-emphasizing or getting the recycling protocol wrong is an issue on its own, its downstream effects have been devastating as microplastics from consumer waste continue to pollute our oceansland masses, and bodies — and as greenhouse gases from the production of all this stuff keep throttling our planet.

While lots of governmental bodies are, as the researchers note, attempting to stem and even ban the proliferation of single-use plastic goods such as plastic straws and bags, the industries responsible for creating those landfill-bound items keep making more and more of them, and even their own mitigation strategies are voluntary.

The onus to reduce, reuse, and recycle ends up falling on consumers — who, as the aforementioned studies show, aren’t as well-trained on how to do them as we should be. It’s a status quo that does little to tackle the global waste crisis and ends up using a lot of logistical and worker power to boot.


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