The Refrain Changed From Zero Population to Depopulation While the Song Remains the Same
The globalist’s death song is not easy to dance to yet is rising to the top of the charts
Monday, May 28th, 2022
by Ken Pullen
And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.
Genesis 1:28 — King James Version
And you, be fruitful and multiply, increase greatly on the earth and multiply in it.”
Genesis 9:7 — English Standard Version
I’m old enough to remember the first Earth Day. April 22nd, 1970. I was seventeen years old. I lived in the place that was the spark to ignite such a thing as an earth day. Cuyahoga County, Cleveland, Ohio. Earth Day got its start when the mighty Cuyahoga River caught fire due to the level of oil, flammable chemicals, and other combustible industrial pollutants that had oozed into the river. The river igniting and causing a massive chemical fire in 1969 wasn’t the first time the river had caught fire. The river caught fire numerous times between 1936 and 1969. The ’69 blaze though caused quite a ruckus among the public.
As a result of the public outcry, Gaylord Nelson [U.S. Senator 1963-1981], who is credited as being the founder of Earth Day initiated a nationwide teach-in to educate the public about environmental concerns. More than 2,000 colleges and universities, 10,000 public schools, and an estimated 20,000,000 Americans participated on April 22nd, 1969. I was one of them. At age 17 I took some large plastic trash bags and began slowly walking the winding, hilly two narrow lane asphalt country road I grew up on picking up litter. Avoiding all the piles of horse manure along the way. I picked up litter on both sides of the road about a mile from the house I grew up in. Six 55-gallon capacity trash bags I recall. I then got the keys to our pea soup green Pontiac station wagon and went back down that country road gathering up those bags. To be set out on trash day to be picked up.
That was the first and only Earth Day I participated in.
Being of that age in the 1960s, one of the most dramatic and important turning point decades in history I was influenced greatly by the music, events, politics, and history unfolding all around me. The constant drumbeat mantra of the Age of Aquarius, the hippie movement, what was happening in music and every pore of culture then seen as a movement to make the world a better place, to bring about peace, love, and happiness as never before is now known for what it really was all about.
The environmental movement, the cultural upheaval, was and now is nothing more than a great tear in the foundational beliefs of a healthy society by pure evil. Though it isn’t seen as such by the overwhelming majority who now live daily with the seepage of the New Age Movement shifting into fifth gear in the 60s and beginning to saturate every institution in its eternal death toxins.
Ironic were it not so tragic.
It’s all just rebranded repackaged Paganism. Nothing more. Nothing new. The names may have been changed but not to protect the innocent in this ever-unfolding true story. There are no innocent characters.
While proponents and historical documentation espousing the need and benefit of zero population growth can be traced back to Babylon [do not forget this] around 400 B.C. to 300 B.C., and in the late 18th century Thomas Malthus was proclaiming the population was going to outstrip food production so people needed to stop procreating, it wasn’t until the late 1960s that the mantra of zero population growth grew among the general public. A Stanford biologist named Paul Ehrlich wrote a bestselling book titled The Population Bomb, which led to his forming an organization called Zero Population Growth that has since been rebranded with the name Population Connection.
One member of the original Zero Population Growth organization and movement, named Les Knight was disillusioned with the pace that Zero Population Growth was going, as evil, always impatient and thrashing and roiling to cause more destruction, delusion, lies, and suffering as quickly as possible to as many as possible formed an organization called Voluntary Human Extinction Movement [VHEMT]. It’s stated goal on its website? “Phasing out the human race by voluntarily ceasing to breed”
in 2006, a South African philosopher named David Benatar wrote and published a book titled Better Never to Have Been: The Harm of Coming into Existence. The Greek Sophocles was one of Mr. Benatar’s idols and motivations, using Sophocles’ words, “Never to have been born is best / But if we must see the light, the next best / Is quickly returning whence we came”
From this, the term anti-natalism is introduced to the world.
Anti-reproduction of human beings on earth.
Adherents to this belief view life not as a gift and a miracle, but as something harmful, an imposition, and that having children is a terrible idea. That no one should have children. This is a rapidly growing belief being adopted by the majority of people in these times. Every Western government, along with independent agencies have reported in recent years a great decline in birth rates in Western nations.
This is but one growing form of depopulation.
Directly going against God and the Word of God.
This anti-natalist movement has grown rapidly with its tie-in to the other mantra of evil it is impossible to hear anything on the radio dial or TV remote — climate change, which was once called global warming but since that name didn’t quite work according to scientific data the name changed to be more appealing and not have to stand up to scrutiny.
A number of years ago, in my constant research, after checking more than a few sources, it can be concluded and substantiated by numerous sources that 98% of the population of America considers themselves “environmentalists.” They’re all going to “save the earth!”
And one way all these minions of Satan think they are going to accomplish this, omitting God, omitting history, omitting facts from their pursuit is to no longer have zero population growth as the objective but now to have DEPOPULATION as the goal.
Before we proceed further let’s get something understood. The environmental movement is nothing more than pantheism. Earth worship. Worship of creation and not the Creator. Pantheism is Paganism.
Paganism is demonic contrary to the demonic adherents that decry this truth. Paganism is directly tied to divination, idol worship, self-worship, goddess worship, to sorcery and goes to the very black, cold, dead heart of evil. Satan is at its core if the rotted stench-laden layers are peeled away. Earth worship casting God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Bible aside.
Environmentalism is paganism for at its core is earth worship. Period. Paganism is at enmity with God and all things in the Scriptures.
Some of the past and current proponents of depopulation, with its origins in the eugenics movement of the early 20th century; Theodore Roosevelt, Alexander Graham Bell, Helen Keller, Winston Churchhill, Margaret Sanger [founder of Planned Parenthood an organization who;s whole reason for existing is to cause as much depopulation as possible. Especially people of certain races], W.E.B. Du Bois, Clarance Darrow, George Bernard Shaw, Oliver Wendall Holmes, Jacques Cousteau, John Harvey Kellogg [how were your corn flakes this morning?], Linus Pauling, Bill Gates, and this is but a partial list of well-known often idolized people who openly supported forced sterilization and depopulation methods. And the United Nations hasn’t even been mentioned yet but that corrupt and evil body is directly tied to efforts to depopulate the earth.
Bill Gates has publically stated on more than one occasion the world population needs to be reduced by no less than 10% to 15%. Mr. Gates is a proponent of culling humanity in the convoluted illogic of his evil mind in order to preserve mankind and save the earth.
As of writing this, according to the real-time world population clock, there are 7,948,865,814 people on earth presently. No, wait, it’s now 7,948,865,908.
Let’s round up since there is a slow and steady population growth slightly outpacing worldwide deaths.
8,000,000,000 on earth presently.
Reduced by 10% = 80,000,000 human beings removed from the face of the earth.
Reduced by 15% = 120,000,000 human beings removed from the face of the earth.
Does anyone see genocide here, mass extermination of human beings under the lie of “saving the earth?”
Who decides which 80,000,000 are to be exterminated?
Some current proponents of depopulation are openly saying in speeches they are paid to present, in papers, they are paid to write that the world population needs to be reduced by at least 25% in order to “sustain” life on earth and to “save the earth.”
To reduce the earth’s population of human beings by 25% equals exterminating 2,000,000,000 people.
The Nazis and Stalin were bad but Gates, the folks that gather in Davos, Switzerland are good? Really? Is anyone paying attention out there!?
Who decides which 2,000,000,000 are to be exterminated?
This isn’t fantasy or some plot for a movie. This is the reality being bantered about and preached by the purveyors of evil appearing as ministers of light presently in the world.
Talk about mass murder. Bloodletting. Increased violence. Yet this is spoken and written about by so-called ethicists, eugenicists, and rich and powerful people in such orchestrated academic and so-thought highly educated and sophisticated forums and conferences.
This attitude is another sign of the times. Our Biblical times. Just as there have been rapidly unexplainable, or poorly and incorrectly explained shifts in sexual, moral, ethical, and faith-based attitudes in the past three or four decades unlike any other time in history.
The United Nations Agenda 21 seeks to depopulate the world’s human population by 95% in order to preserve environmental integrity and save the earth.
Agenda 21 policies date back to the 1970s but it got its real start in 1992 at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro when President Bush signed it. President Clinton signed it later and continued the program in the United States.
Agenda 21 is a “soft law” and did not have to be voted on by Congress. A non-governmental organization called the International Council of Local Environmental Initiatives, ICLEI is tasked with carrying out the goals of Agenda 21.
Over 600 cities in the U.S. are members, and that number is growing. The costs are paid by taxpayers.
To read the full document click here.
“The United Nations Agenda 21 has widely been criticized by a number of conspiracy theorists and extreme right-wing conservatives as a global depopulation conspiracy scheme and a cover in trying to impose a worldwide dictatorship by a section of world leaders.
Agenda 21 is a 351-page document divided into 40 chapters grouped in four sections. Established in 1992, Agenda 21 is a non-binding declaration accepted by heads of state at the Earth Summit at the Rio De Janeiro U.N. conference in Brazil. The major aim of the Agenda 21 is to achieve global sustainable development by combating global environmental damage, poverty, and disease through global cooperation or common interests, mutual needs, and shared responsibility. It is an action agenda for the U.N., other multilateral organisations, and individual governments around the world and can be executed at the local, national and global levels.
Like all similar U.N. documents, Agenda 21 is full of positive values that nobody seriously disagrees with in principle like environmental conservation and adequate housing for all. However, Agenda 21 has been presented by many analysts as a vicious, brutal, heartless strategy to impose a global Orwellian state and forcibly depopulate humanity. (Julian Websdale, Agenda 21: the plan for a global, fascist dictatorship.)
Agenda 21 was developed as a means of restructuring the world population to lessen environmental impact. One of the best ways however to achieve such a fete is by encouraging a direct depopulation of the world. To achieve such ambitious plans in the set 2030 time frame, the actions taken have to be drastic, either instituting a world war, global epidemic or widespread starvation caused by crop failures.”
Sabiiti Sylvestre
Vaccinations also play a large role in the upcoming worldwide depopulation agenda.
Legalized premeditated murder of children, the euphemism to make premeditated murder more palatable, abortion, has terminated over 63,808,000 and counting souls in America since Roe v. Wade in 1973, and according to the worldwide real-time premeditated murder of children clock since 1980 more than 1,655,746,341 and counting children have been exterminated.
History, from what can be gleaned, tells us that Josef Stalin exterminated between 20,000,000 and 60,000,000 people. This is known as a major world history atrocity to those that pay attention.
Henrich Himmler, Adolf Hitler, and the Nazi regime exterminated approximately 13,000,000 people, 6,000,000 of them Jews. The world pays a little more attention to this atrocity.
Stalin and the Nazis were called evil, and thus they truly are — yet the world, many revered, honored, esteemed, powerful people presently are calling for the extermination of between 8,000,000 to upwards of 200,000,000 depending on which depopulation proponent a person learns about.
The mass extermination dialog being openly discussed in our time is considered good, what is needed, in order to save the earth!
We’re just beginning this particular discussion.
This began in what appeared a benign, beautiful, oh-so-good way. Let’s all chip in and do our part to save this wonderful world. But all of the cunning, all of the seduction, all of the promises and honey-dripping words of making a better world than the one God created, and worshipping the creation rather than God came from the same source with the same tone as was heard in the Garden of Eden. Uttered by the Serpent. That Old Dragon the devil.
Let’s not be deceived. All this climate change, environmentalism, we need to depopulate and save the earth emanates from the dead lying heart of evil. Not from God and God’s Word.
We’re going to examine, expose and direct anyone interested in learning more about this evil openly parading around under the lie of helping the earth, saving the earth, being beneficial to humankind, and making it possible for life to go on for the heinous evil and plan of Satan and his minions that it is.
We’re going to turn to the Word of God and present more Biblical truths regarding this particular subject as well as make more worldly information regarding the depopulation movement available.
Depopulation is coming. It’s in the Bible. We’re going to discuss that with regard to the Antichrist and his false prophet being in power and their war with the saints and the mass execution of what would amount even in a remnant of millions of souls. All due to evil unleashed and the majority of people accepting the consequences. Reality is much more horrific than anything any screenwriter or novelist can conjure up in their imagination.
Do come back. This isn’t a matter to take lightly or give short shrift to.
If any readers out there have information about the depopulation movement they would like to add here please do so by continuing to scroll down until you find the comment box below.
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