I was so hopeful when I began to read the following article by Mr. Allen West, a man I respect, as he opened with Isaiah 5:20, a verse frequent readers and subscribers of A CROOKED PATH know I use a lot.

The opportunity to finally present the facts, the truth as it is to people seemed so, so close upon beginning the article below.

But, then, there’s that heading and teaser introduction line…


Why is it professed Christians just can’t get past attaching every evil and ill to the “progressive” left, who are not the originators of sin and evil. They, along with many on the so-called conservative right, are merely instruments of sin and evil being used by the Evil One to do his bidding as they serve him. It is glaring in the absence that professed Christian commentators and conservatives using Scripture and the shield of Christianity and morality always fail to mention a powerful group within the GOP that is directly involved in developing the Republican platform and the Republican Party moving forward — the Log Cabin Republicans. A homosexual lobby that has the ear and attention of the higher-ups within the Republican Party.

All this did NOT begin with Barack Hussein Obama, as Mr. West ascribes. It actually began a little further back. In the Garden of Eden. It’s called human nature in rebellion against God.

I find it incredible that highly intelligent, much smarter than I am folks, that profess to be Christians and have the outlet to speak and write the facts, the history, the truth to people just can’t bring themselves to do so. Instead falling in lockstep with every other speaker, writer, and pundit.

And these are CHRISTIAN speakers, writers, and pundits!

Do they, do you truly believe the left-leaning, progressive, liberal following people and politicians in America have so much more power than the right-leaning, conservative people and politicians over the past 50, 60 years?

Really? Are you kidding? In that span of time we’ve had many so-called conservative justices on the Supreme Court, very conservative presidents, and Congresses, and yet it appears to the mind of most we’ve only arrived at the place we have due to liberal, leftist, progressive political ideology and Barack Hussein Obama.

All those, all that, all of it in which people vainly, foolishly believe as the cause? Only tools, only instruments of evil. Sleight-of-hand. A distraction trick no less than one pulled off by a magician on a stage in front of folks believing they are paying attention. Doing one thing to distract while the other hand, other hands, are making the trick happen.

Just like that.

And we the people, for the most part, have fallen and continue to fall for it.

Oh, it’s those liberals, those Democrats, it’s that #@$% Congress! It’s that ^&@# liberal president! It’s that *!@$ Supreme Court. And if you are naive enough to believe professed Christians aren’t cursing and swearing about it all you need to truly enter reality.

Stop blaming everything on what is presumed a fixed election. Every election over the past 60 plus years has not been “fixed.”

Stop blaming everything on that truly evil man, Barack Hussein Obama. He was and is merely a slick instrument of he who he serves diligently, Satan.

Stop blaming the leftists, the Democrats and pretending we’re all in some old black & white Hollywood Western with distinct noble, just, clean, pure, always right folks in white hats versus those slimy, stinky, dirty, rotten to their core lowdown varmints in black hats.

Which is exactly what has been taking place in America every year for many, many decades.

Stop it already.

If a Christian? Time to finally begin to think, speak and write and live as a disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ rather than a conservative Republican American.

There are no Republicans, no Americans in heaven and there won’t be.


Exactly. Only those obedient and faithful who make Christ preeminent in their life while here, only the true children of God. And entrance into heaven doesn’t depend on if you voted, what political party you were registered as, and if you wore a MAGA hat or a shiny jewelry cross around your neck.

Don’t believe this? Perhaps it’s time to pick up a Bible rather than a Smartphone, or a tablet, turn to social media, turn to the so-called news, and see and know.

Realign. Prioritize. Get right.

With God. With Jesus. With the Holy Spirit.

Rather than being on the right, playing the game, and believing if only an election would go the way you hope and dream America could once more be restored!

Restoration within a nation begins with true repentance within individuals. And not placing their hope and faith on men or women here, on a system of human government here — but by placing their hope and faith in and on Christ alone, in God alone, in the Holy Spirit alone. And this only comes through obedience and faith in God. In the daily, nightly reading and meditating upon the Word of God, in daily and nightly taking everything to God in prayer, faithfully.


Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!

Isaiah 5:20

But nowhere in that verse, nowhere in the Bible does it say Americans or leftist political ideology folks. It’s a universal statement covering all people who are sinners. For no one is exempt or above another in God’s eyes.

And perhaps it’s time we try in our finite and feeble way to finally begin to think and see how God does. We’ll fall far short because God’s thoughts and God’s ways are not our thoughts and ways, but it sure would be a whole lot better to spend time in this pursuit, which only comes from spending time and much thought in the Holy Bible and in prayer, than in watching, reading, and listening to the vain dung produced in endless heaps and reams by the people of this fallen and lost world.

if my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.

2 Chronicles 7:14

God doesn’t say if you vote Republican, if you register to vote, if you’re an American if you identify as a conservative I’ll forgive and heal your land.

No. What does He say is required?

Is any single group of people mentioned? As, say, Democrats? Liberals? Progressives? Or is it that HIS PEOPLE WHO ARE CALLED BY HIS NAME — the children of God, both Jew and Gentile, disciples of His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ rather than the children of disobedience humble ourselves, pray, seek the Lord’s face, and turn from OUR wicked ways — which include placing a nation, a political party, a politician, a worldly ideology above the Lord and that is exactly what has and is happening — THEN God will hear us from His place in heaven and forgive OUR sin and heal our land.

Nothing more than that. Do not add nor omit. Do not attempt to create the kingdom of God in America or on earth by your power or will, or that of people.

God will not be mocked. Nor will He yield to us just because we think He should.

It is we who need to humble ourselves and submit to Him, to Christ, to the Holy Spirit, and to the Word of God.


Then we would see real transformative change occur in this decaying and fallen land.

Ken Pullen, A CROOKED PATH, Wednesday, June 7th, 2023


America’s Version of Bizarro World

The “progressive” Left has rejected Truth, Justice, and the American Way.


June 6, 2023


Reprinted from FrontPageMag


“Woe to those who call evil good and good evil. who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.” — Isaiah 5:20 (NIV)

Perhaps there are those of you who remember the DC Comics venture called Bizarro World? Yes, I am dating myself. There in the Bizarro World also known as the cube-shaped planet Htrae, the society is ruled by the Bizarro Code that affirms that they must do everything in opposition to earthly things. In the Bizarro world it is a crime to basically do things the right way, to make anything perfect. When I think about the introductory verse from Isaiah 5:20, it reminds me of living in a Bizarro world where things are accepted if done in opposition to what should be normal, right, and from a place of common sense. When one ponders this deeply, it appears that this is where we are heading, or have arrived, in America.

Just think about it: inflation and excessive government spending is considered good. Those who believe in fiscal responsibility are considered bad. Heck, you are ridiculed viciously. High energy prices are great because you should not be driving a combustion engine vehicle and high prices will force you into discarding personal freedom of individual transportation. Doggone, in Bizarro World, energy independence is bad.

In Bizarro World, illegal immigration is fine, perfectly acceptable, and embraced as welcoming migrants who are seeking “asylum.” Yeah, a bunch of single, military-aged males, including a surge of Chinese, are here to do good for our country. You should not be concerned about the drug, human, and sex trafficking or child sexual exploitation crisis. As a matter of fact, speaking out against illegal immigration will get you demonized as xenophobic, a hater. But for those who abjectly lie about the illegal immigration situation facing our Republic, well, they are the good guys.

So, yes, we have entered into an alternative universe, if it were not so serious it would be a great comic book series replete with outlandish characters. But this is not funny, and somehow, the good guys are not the evil guys. Oops, for the sake of political correctness, “guys” is a reference to both men and women. Sorry, but I do not reside in the Bizarro World of more than two genders.

This whole episode of being upside down in America did not just happen in this current administration. It began with one Barack Hussein Obama . . . his Bizarro world name. I would suppose in the normal world his name was Barry Soetoro. Consider the oxymoronic — emphasis on moron — of the healthcare law title “Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act,” As with things in the Bizarro World, that insidious piece of legislation did nothing to protect patients nor was affordable. That goes right along with Operation Fast and Furious. Hint to leftist readers: this is not about the movie series. Eric Holder and Obama came up with an evil plan to undermine our Second Amendment rights by flooding weapons into Mexico, which ended up being used to kill Mexican citizens, and a US Border Patrol Agent, Brian Terry. But in the progressive socialist leftist Bizarro World, that was perfectly fine.

See, you can abandon Americans to die in Benghazi or make fateful decisions resulting in American troops losing their lives in Afghanistan. But in the leftist Bizarro World, at this point, what difference does it make? Everything is opposite to right, perfect, what things should be.

If you do not want your children to have your bodies mutilated, as Joe Biden asserted in an interview, that is just pure evil. If you do not want to murder unborn babies by dismemberment you deserve to be investigated by the FBI, have your church vandalized, or have your pro-life advocacy center firebombed . . . but you do want to murder babies in the womb right up to and after birth, well, that ain’t radical, that is just perfectly fine on the leftist planet of Htrae, known as Bizarro World.

Heck, in Bizarro World, a biological male can pretend that they are a female – playing make-believe — and we are supposed to accommodate that imperfect concept. Then again, in Bizarro World, the perfect is rejected. There, it is perfectly fine to expose children to mentally disturbed perverts who display their genitals to our kids.

In Bizarro World, the bad guys are the ones who believe in the Constitution. The good guys are the ones who burn down buildings, destroy property, and attack law enforcement officers. It is more acceptable to investigate the leftist opposition on the Bizarro World, and that is called unity. On the normal planet Earth, it is conformity by threat, coercion, intimidation, and ultimately violence. Bizarro World leftists believe that real law enforcement are the ones who make up lies and false dossiers and, in turn, conduct surveillance against those wrongfully accused. See, in Bizarro World, there is no rule of law. That is the perfect way, there is just rule, and by any means necessary. Intelligence agencies do not conduct intelligence operations. As a matter of fact, in the progressive socialist leftist Bizarro world incompetence is rewarded, not intelligence. It is there that these intelligence agencies create deceitful documents, letters, and memorandums and refer to truth as “disinformation” and “misinformation.”

In the Bizarro World, those who deny the freedom of speech of others are just fine, those wanting freedom of speech and expression are called fascists. In the Bizarro World, everyone who disagrees with the principles and values of the Bizarro World are labeled “white supremacists,” regardless of actual skin color.

What I find very interesting is that the planet where the Bizarro World exists is called Htrae. Just a simple re-lettering and you come up with the word “Hater.” Joe Biden, the current presiding official of Bizarro World, recently made a statement about eradicating hate. I would offer that in the state of delusion we know as the Bizarro World, if we got rid of the progressive socialists, leftists, Marxists, communists, who masquerade in the political party referred to as Democrat, there would be a lot less hate. No, I am not talking about eliminating y’all, but preventing leftists from having any semblance of power. Remember, that Superman, that simple fella from Smallville, Kansas, was punished on Bizarro World for trying to do something perfect, right? What could that have been?

Well, Superman stood for truth, justice, and the American way. The planet Htrae was established in cube form as his punishment. The progressive socialist left in America do not believe in truth, justice, and the American way. They are therefore punishing us all on this planet they have renamed Hater, and the establishment of Bizarro World.

Let’s return to normal, perhaps take the “red pill” and exit this Matrix of delusion. It comes down to a simple decision: accept the wrong, evil, for right, good. Embrace the darkness and call it light, or refer to the bitter taste of progressive socialism as “sweet,” or restore our Constitutional Republic.

I reject the Bizarro World because you cannot Live Free there. The opposite is to live in bondage under tyranny.

Steadfast and Loyal.


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