Ultimate judgment is God’s domain. No person ought to stand in judgment of another person as to whether that person is going to heaven or hell, to eternal life or eternal damnation. None are righteous, none are Sovereign as is our God. We should never judge in that manner. Ever.

We need to take to heart, to the core of our being to understand CONTEXT and what is being said and to whom, when and why. The words of Jesus, the words of the apostle Paul, the words of the Bible are taken quickly and easily out of context. And, sadly, far too many professed believers allow themselves to be cowed by unbelievers misusing Scripture as a weapon against the truth of the Word of God, against what is actually contained in the Word and how we ought to live as true disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ. This occurs due to a severe lack of Bible literacy among professed believers as so few actually read, know, study, pray upon and spend time in God’s Word.

Thus, a severe and deadly lack of understanding, lack of discernment, a chasm of wisdom in the Word.

We are to judge — discern wisely — EVERYTHING. Everything. Everything. For how else is a person to distinguish right from wrong? Righteousness from wickedness and unrighteousness? What is good versus what is bad? Think people, THINK!

Are we to act as judge and condemn a person? Heaven forbid!

Are we to discern everything to understand whether it is true or false? Of God or of the world? Right or wrong? A sound teaching and doctrine and words or unsound doctrine, teachings, and word? MOST CERTAINLY! It’s one reason God created us with the minds He did. To use them! To discern wisely. To make the right decisions. The right choices.

And to also be able to discern rightly and wisely when the ministers of Satan, the minions of the devil are using and twisting His Word to us to benefit themselves and their evil while working diligently to undermine, confuse, and make people feel guilty and Un-Christian if they judge something, some act, some words, something as wrong, evil, so on.

And evil laughs and dances as it accomplishes its goal and the so-called professed believer cowers, relents, apologizes, and succumbs.

Stop doing that!

Stop waffling.

Stop being spineless and Bible illiterate so as to permit evil to prevail over what is right.

Can you discern this wisely and rightly?

We’re all at war folks. We’re all engaged in the most important ongoing war in world history. The spiritual war. And if you aren’t trained? Fit? Equipped? Ready? You will be devoured and consumed by the Enemy.

All the training, equipping, making ready, getting one fit as they need to be fit is found in the Holy Bible and in prayer.

Try them on and wear them continually.

Do not let the lies and twisting of some words taken out of context in the Bible make you weak or surrender.

Can you discern this wisely and rightly?

Don’t judge, don’t discern rightly and wisely and you can’t live. You can’t get through a single day. think about it. So why would you then forsake discerning, judging the most important matters? The eternal matters? The things of and ways of God?

Stop permitting the psychology and philosophies of the latter 19th, whole of the 20th and tsunami of the 21st centuries steer you, guide you, and instead be guided completely, utterly, totally by the Holy Spirit and by the inerrant infallible living and active — and ETERNAL Word of God. Why do you allow the evil philosophies and psychologies of man to dominate, direct and determine? To control? While claiming to be a Christian?


Begin judging that…and then push the milk aside, throw the ways and doctrines of man off your table and eat daily and regularly of the meat of the Word of God for strength, for life.

Discern all things. Wisely. All things.


Ken Pullen

Wednesday, May 26th, 2021

ACP — A Crooked Path


“You Have No Right To Judge Me!” Really?


Tuesday, May 25, 2021

By Tim Wildmon

Reprinted from American Family Association


Do you know the favorite Bible verse of those who don’t believe in the Bible’s authority? Think about it. It’s not hard. The favorite Bible verse of those who do not believe in the Bible is: “Judge not, that you be not judged.” Now these folks cannot tell you where this verse is in the Bible because they don’t read it.

But they have heard it is in the Scriptures somewhere, so if they don’t like something you say when you pronounce something right or wrong, they whip out Matthew 7:1, and that is supposed to be the end of the discussion.

One of the problems is, if you tell others they have no right to judge someone else, you have thereby judged them for judging. You have done precisely what you claim to be against – judging. That makes you a hypocrite.

That then begs the question – why is it wrong to be a hypocrite? Who made that judgment? We just assume that to be a true statement, which is a presupposition.

But presuppositions need a foundation to be authoritative. For example, the teachings of Jesus Christ are authoritative for those who believe He is the Son of God.

Each one of us has a worldview on which we base our lives, presuppositions we operate under and make decisions on. Because of our country’s Christian heritage, most Americans, either consciously or subconsciously, derive their presuppositions about life and morality from the Bible.

Ask an average man on the street if lying is right or wrong behavior, and he is going to tell you it’s wrong. Ask him who decided lying was wrong, and he will either say, “It just is” or “My parents taught me it was wrong” or “The Bible says so.”

However, “It just is,” is not an answer to the question; it is an opinion. Neither is “My parents taught me.” Parents are an authority figure, but they do not define morality in any absolute way because they are humans whose opinions are subject to change. “The Bible says so,” is a legitimate answer because if you believe the Bible is God’s Word, then you want to obey God so you don’t fall into disfavor with a supreme being who controls your eternal destiny.

Many Americans will say they subscribe to the idea that a person should be free to do whatever he wishes “as long as it does not hurt anyone else.” This view is based on the presupposition that freedom is good, and it is morally wrong to hurt someone else.

Who made these rules? Who says freedom is morally superior to bondage? And why is it wrong to hurt someone else? Who says? To injure or hurt someone else goes against biblical teaching. That is where the idea of it being wrong to hurt someone comes from in the first place. The Golden Rule was given to us by Jesus Christ.

Some societies use an atheistic state government as the agent for defining what is right or wrong behavior. It’s called totalitarianism for a reason. In Muslim countries, Islamic law and teaching dominate the people’s behavior. Islam defines good and evil, wrong and right.

Most European countries have what’s left of their Christian heritage to guide them, although the continent today is mostly secular with Islam rising as a possible replacement to secularism in the coming decades.

It is a healthy exercise to ask ourselves where we get the moral values that govern our lives. Is it each person for himself, or do we acknowledge a higher power with authority to declare such? God calls on all men to submit to His will and authority. Let us pray that America will become a God-fearing people again. In Matthew 10:28 Jesus declared, “And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear him who can destroy both body and soul in hell.”