

In these last of last days with Humanism, Relativism, charlatanism, the burgeoning of so many false teachings and their unsound doctrines, along with the choking vine of death which  is euphemistically called the New Age Movement; now so ingrained, so pervasive in every aspect of modern-day life it is not even acknowledged — all the blind, foolish, errant people imagine vainly they can make God into whatever they decide to make God into in their ignorant hearts and minds. Most now consumed with making God into Gandhi, or some other semblance of some old peace and love San Francisco 1960’s hippie with their love, love, love mantra.

Yes, God is love — God is pure love. All love. All and only truth there really is.

But the people of this world in this time get it wrong. They define god in worldly terms and definitions. In the philosophies of men and in unsound inaccurate doctrine they have been taught by the minions of Satan.

To know God, the aspects, character, qualities, attributes, truths of God one needs go to only one source — the Holy Bible. Preferably the King James Version which is untainted and uncorrupted unlike so many later versions. To know God all one has to do is turn to His Word and He will reveal Himself to you.

No pictures. No statues. No ceremonies. No hoopla. No gold and pomp. Just read, meditate, study, and pray upon His Word and you will come to see, hear, and know God better than by any other means possible, or by any other man or instrument could explain God to you, for you.


Turn to God.

Turn to His Holy Word, the Bible.

Turn away from this world. Turn away from the false teachers, unsound doctrine and idol worship.

Spend more time immersed deeply in God’s Word, the Holy Bible, than in any other book or media in this fleeting life.


~ Ken Pullen, A Crooked Path, Tuesday, March 15th, 2016


To whom then will ye liken God? or what likeness will ye compare unto him?

Commentary by — John W. Ritenbaugh


Isaiah 40:18

(18) To whom then will ye liken God? or what likeness will ye compare unto him?

Isaiah 40:25

(25) To whom then will ye liken me, or shall I be equal? saith the Holy One.
King James Version

From the second commandment, it is obvious that God expressly forbids the making of any representation of Him. Any such picture or statue is automatically a lie because, other than knowing that we are in His physical image as to form and shape, everything else that He is cannot be expressed in a mere physical depiction.

John 1:18 confirms this truth: “No one has seen God at any time. The only begotten Son, who is in the bosom of the Father, He has declared Him.” God is unique; nothing compares with Him. There is no point of contact, no physical reference, to which a human being can compare Him, revealing the absolute folly of image-making. Even Jesus‘ declarations regarding God are never about what He looks like, but are all about His authority, position, purpose, character, and attributes.

However, knowing the importance of His purpose to our lives, should we not strive to learn what He is like? God does not want us concerned about what He looks like, for that puts the emphasis in the wrong area. He gives us enough information for us to know that He looks like a man—and that is enough.

However, He greatly desires that we know what He is. The entire Bible reveals His mind, character, attributes, offices, power, will, promises, plan, and relationship to us. The third commandment deals with these areas of study and application because they deeply affect the quality of our response to Him.

— John W. Ritenbaugh

To learn more, see:
The Third Commandment


Related Topics:
False Concept of God
False Image of God
God’s Character
God’s Mind
God’s Word
Image and Likeness of God
Image of God
Picture of God
Relationship with God
Second Commandment
The Second Commandment
The Third Commandment
Third Commandment
Way We Worship