The following was sent to me from the George Barna Group/Len Munsil, The Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University and I have worked with it to copy it and post it here on ACP. Please read the brief letter. Then after reading the letter click on the link provided. Thank you.


Ken Pullen

Tuesday, August 31st, 2021

ACP — A Crooked Path…Made Straight By The Word of God


What Does It Mean When People Say They Are “Christian”?

The latest American Worldview Inventory 2021 Release #6: “What Does It Mean When People Say They Are ‘Christian’?” is available on the Cultural Research Center’s Research page.


Dear ______________,

When people describe themselves as “Christian,” what does that mean?

The latest report from the Cultural Research Center finds that an overwhelming majority of American adults—a whopping 69%—self-identify as “Christian.” Yet the meaning of the term is far from monolithic.

In fact, this new research from CRC’s George Barna shows that this large swath of self-identified “Christians” holds diverse and often-conflicting theological views—even beliefs that are thoroughly unbiblical.

What are we to make of the latest CRC report?

Obviously, the findings show an increasingly confused understanding of what it means to be a follower of Jesus. To me, that points to a desperate need for biblical discipleship—especially in churches and Christian colleges, but also among those who think they are believers.

Fragments of biblical truth are still embraced by an overwhelming majority of Americans, which means that each of the estimated 176 million self-identified Christians in America has a starting point of belief that can be built upon and refined into mature, consistent biblical worldview. That’s ultimately the goal.

Here at Arizona Christian University, we call ourselves “courageously Christian.” We’re clear on what that means. We’re committed to building a biblical worldview into each of our students, so they understand biblical principles and learn to apply them to every area of their lives.

This groundbreaking research from the Cultural Research Center once again demonstrates how important it is for our University to continue strategically training the next generation. And there is a hunger for Scriptural truth integrated with an excellent education; while most colleges have experienced enrollment declines, Arizona Christian University is experiencing a 7th-straight year of record enrollment, and a 3rd-straight year of double-digit growth!

But biblical discipleship and worldview training need to be expanded beyond our campus, into our nation’s churches and throughout our culture. Many of the basics are still there.

I pray you will join our efforts, as we work to restore the biblical worldview in the next generation, in communities, and in our nation.

Yours for equipping Christian leaders,

President Len Munsil, B.S., J.D.
Arizona Christian University

The latest American Worldview Inventory 2021 Release #6: “What Does It Mean When People Say They Are ‘Christian’?” is available on the Cultural Research Center’s Research page.