Coming to America soon…

And worldwide sooner than later…

As everything, everywhere is being set, conditioned, and readied for the appearance of the Antichrist and his false prophet…

Pride UK



How true and faithful to the Lord, the Holy Bible will people be when denied work, a paycheck, access to their savings, bank accounts, and investments all because, solely based upon their Christian beliefs and standing firmly in them?

The answer?

It has already begun. In various places. And it is spreading.

There is no going back once the door has been flung open and the worldly powers blatantly reveal the evil and true intent of their lying dark hearts as they do the bidding of their master, the devil, all under the pretense of being enlightened, progressive, tolerant, compassionate, and all done for love.

Utter rubbish. It’s all done and has been done, and will be done to suppress, oppress and hopefully eliminate Christians and Christianity. To attempt to remove and in being unsuccessful in removing the eternal Word of God then corrupting and perverting God’s Word to make it unrecognizable and adopted by the world.

Don’t shrug or view the following lightly, or think “This will never happen where I live,” because it is occurring in Britain. It’s a mere step or two away from being openly, flagrantly happening in America. And the world.

All in preparation…

Not for the return of the Lord Jesus Christ since most deny God, deny the One True God and thus deny Christ. No, it’s all being done in preparation for the entrance of their master, the one they love and serve. Satan. And they do not serve liberalism, or a political party or ideology — they serve Satan. Enough muddying and blurring the truth and refusing to call things as they clearly are perhaps because acknowledging reality and the truth is unsettling and uncomfortable. Or there has just been so much indoctrination poured in that an individual is drowning in that indoctrination. Which occurs across the political spectrum, the worldly spectrum of ideas and beliefs.

Which, ironically, will bring about the Second and Final Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ and the fulfillment of every word within the Word of God, and the conclusion of world history as it has been known.

Read on…

Ken Pullen, A CROOKED PATH, July 3rd, 2023


Welcome to woke Britain: where murderers can keep bank accounts, but ‘cancelled’ characters can’t


3 July 2023

By Katie Morley

Reprinted from The Telegraph


It’s hilarious that the banks, which have been fleecing their customers for years, now think they can now exclude those who voice the “wrong” opinions. Or it would be, if only it wasn’t so sinister.

Customers who express views deemed to be discriminatory or immoral now face the ultimate punishment by banks: having their accounts shut down so they can no longer function normally in society.

It recently happened to GB News host, Nigel Farage, and a vicar who expressed displeasure at Yorkshire Building Society’s lesbian, homosexual, bisexual, transgender, and queer pride event, among other Brexiteers and other controversial (usually right wing) figures.

It’s crazy that the treatment of these “cancelled” characters is actually worse than many criminals incarcerated in prison. How can it be right that banks are perfectly happy to let people convicted of atrocious crimes like murder and rape continue using their accounts, but then feel the need to pull the rug under the feet of customers they view as a bit bigotted?

It’s a twisted way of thinking that makes absolutely no sense.

Instead banks would do well to remember their place in society, which is keeping our money safe. I mean let’s face it, they’ve been doing a pretty terrible job lately. Interest rates have been shooting up this year, causing a world of pain for their customers.

While banks have been quick to pass on rising interest rates to mortgage borrowers (to protect their profit margins), savers didn’t get the same treatment. At the end of June they were still getting returns as low as 0.85pc even though the Bank Rate had reached 4.5pc. So while we’re all feeling the pain, banks are happily slurping up our money and they don’t care an ounce.

Meanwhile, they’ve been closing down branches and cash machines left, right and centre to save money at the expense of elderly and vulnerable customers who are left with no face-to-face contact with bank staff, or access to physical money.

The impact on these customers, especially those in rural locations which are worst affected, can be profound. It’s hardly the behaviour of an industry that’s apparently so deeply invested in the good of society, is it?

And when it comes to helping the victims of devastating fraud, banks are also putting their interests firmly above their customers’. According to Which?, reimbursement rates for push payment scams remain “shockingly low”, with banks finding victims at least partly responsible for their losses in 77pc of cases assessed, meaning they won’t get all their money back. 

So yes, when it comes to morals there truly may be no-one worse to judge than the banks. They can hand out as many pronoun badges, hold as many Pride events and cancel as many Nigel Farage-types as they like, but at the end of the day customers will see it all for what it really is: virtue signalling designed to further their own money-making agenda.

The bottom line is that no-one should be denied a bank account on the basis of their views. Government intervention to stop this faux moral grandstanding cannot come soon enough.