What has happened in New York City is not exclusive to NYC or the coasts of America. What the article below covers is throughout America.

What kind of nation do you believe we’re not GOING TO HAVE, BUT ALREADY HAVE as we all bow to and remain subject to fascism? And contrary to what Kathlyn Barrett-Layne says in the article below, she was not bullied, she was the target of fascism. The target of Christian persecution. How about we all finally begin to use the correct language? Let’s try that for a change, shall we?

Do not think for an instant that using the word fascism, or calling those in the rabid, evil, sexually deviant and sexually immoral homosexual and transgender movement fascists is out of line. An incorrect word.

When one group persecutes anyone and everyone who does not align with their beliefs and views? When that group makes sure people who have opposing views and beliefs are banished from employment? Ostracized? Discredited? It isn’t bullying — it’s pure bitter, hateful evil fascism.

These are the same people who scream bloody murder about their civil liberties, their rights yet make sure the rights and liberties of anyone with opposing beliefs or views are silenced, removed, mocked, and persecuted.

When are you going to finally see, hear, smell and taste the evil fascism all around and what has been and is really taking place here? When?

It’s already too late. The passivity, the nonchalance, the refusing to pay attention, the refusing to believe what was taking place, the apathy, the self-indulgence, the accepting of every immorality that comes along for so many years and then turning into silent statues. Silent little garden gnomes and pottery when the roar and fire of fascism erupts has brought us to where we presently are.

At this pace just imagine what it will be like in America in a scant 3 to 5 years as I read the majority think America has lost its moral compass but that same majority refuses to ever say anything, do anything, stand up for morals, for what is right, for God, for Jesus, for the Holy Spirit, and for the Bible.

You seek signs? You want to know what signs will occur to let you know the end of the world is close?

Open your eyes! Unclog your ears! Inhale, and taste the bitterness of evil that wafts and permeates the air everywhere.

All thanks to being self-absorbed, otherwise occupied, refusing to pay attention, refusing to believe, refusing to speak up, refusing to demonstrate if there is a moral compass within, refusing to demonstrate if a person that professes to be the light of the world…

….while being no different from all the walking dead in utter darkness.

And contrary to what Mr. Perkins contends, and so many others do? While professing to be Christian and they ought to all know better? This is not a leftist, democrat thing. This is an EVIL thing. This is what lies in the hearts and minds of all people. Sin. Rebellion from God. That is not exclusive to leftists or liberals or democrats. Time to grow and grow past the place so many are mired in refusing to be objective, refusing to know and understand what’s in the Word of God, and rather they continue to blame leftists, democrats, liberals spewing out the same insufficient and errant rhetoric as if talking birds in a pet shop.

Enough already. Wise up. Nor is this exclusive to America. Wake up!


Ken Pullen

Tuesday, March 29th, 2022

ACP — A Crooked Path


Welcome To The Big Apple: People Of Faith Need Not Apply


March 29, 2022

By Tony Perkins / Family Research Council

Reprinted from Prophecy News Watch


Not too long ago, there was at least this understanding about hot-button issues: there are good people on both sides. Now, thanks to the woke hijacking of America’s towers of business, tech, sports, education, and entertainment, those days are long gone.

Anyone who disagrees with the Left now is not only undeserving of respect — but cast out as a societal leper. It doesn’t matter how mainstream your beliefs may be. As the firing of Kathlyn Barrett-Layne in New York City proved, there’s no room at the table for anyone with Christian views.

She barely held the position for a day long enough, it turns out, to have the city’s lesbian, homosexual, bisexual, and transgender activists out for blood. Of all of Mayor Eric Adams’s (D) picks, she was the perfect candidate for his Panel on Educational Policy. A retired teacher, assistant principal, and field supervisor with more than 30 years of experience in NYC schools, Barrett-Layne had one glaring problem: she’s an orthodox Christian.

The city’s extremists must not have scoured her name until the appointment was announced, but it didn’t take long for them to find a fireable offense. Several years ago, Barrett-Layne, in her ministry capacity, had written a book that listed “homosexuality” as one in a series of sins.

Leftist groups exploded. The mayor appointed a “virulent homophobe,” one former councilman declared, and she will have “direct impact on lesbian, homosexual, bisexual, transgender, and queer+ students and staff. It’s unbelievable,” Danny Dromm fumed. “She’s got to go.” Within hours, Adams pulled the plug on Barrett-Layne, an African-American woman, withdrawing her name and sending a chilling message that people of faith need not apply.

“I feel bullied,” the shocked educator said. “I believe the city is being bullied. I feel as though my character, my name, my church have been defamed with lies and that everything was taken out of context.” Pushing back against the smear campaign that’s being waged against her, Barrett-Layne insisted to reporters, “I’m not homophobic. The answer is no, absolutely not.” Even so, State Senator Brad Hoylman (D) told reporters that the mayor “seems to have a ‘blind spot'” if he’s willing to appoint people who “make the lesbian, homosexual, bisexual, and transgender community very uneasy.”

This controversy over a Christian with a Christian perspective should be another wake-up call to parents with children in government schools. Don’t think that the iron grip lesbian, homosexual, bisexual, and transgender activists have on public education is limited to big-city schools. It’s everywhere. And these Leftist extremists are making it clear that they don’t want parents anywhere near the decision-making process.

Of course, the other piece of this story is that the city is losing a valuable voice. As part of the education panel, Barrett-Layne would have had direct input in the local curriculum. What does this say to Christian moms and dads in the area who have kids in the public schools? Simple: their views will not be tolerated.

Adams, who’s already signaled weakness with Barrett-Layne, is in for a bumpy road. Once you feed the beast, it only gets hungrier. Lesbian, homosexual, bisexual, and transgender activists won’t be happy until they take out every Christian in the mayor’s young administration. And now that he’s proven he’s vulnerable to their demands, holding the line now will be next to impossible. “We were too nice to him,” Equality New York’s Cathy Marino-Thomas insisted before adding an unveiled threat: “Maybe he needs to see the other side. It’s a little nastier.”

Unfortunately, this is what happens when you surrender to the mob. They don’t go away — they only get louder. In this open season on faith, when believers are the hunted, the only way to stop it is to stand. A lesson Mayor Adams learned too late.