Dear Readers finding themselves here;

It is now time to abandon the lies and indoctrination that the so-called left is the problem and those aligning themselves with the right are the ones that are, well, always right.

It’s now time to push past the distractions and lies put forward by political pundits, talking heads, commentators, politicians, media outlets and the general adopted misinformation infecting almost every person breathing.

Unless you abandon the lie that it’s the left, it’s those liberals, it’s those Democrats in America and finally come to the knowledge, the wisdom, the insight, the clarity, and truth that — IT’S EVIL VS. GOD’S PEOPLE PERIOD and knock off all this political dung keeping everyone, or most everyone up to their backsides in manure you’re never going to be able to see clearly, hear clearly and know what is really going on.

The so-called “left” just happen to be the biggest loudmouths and visible proponents of the Evil One, the devil, that Old Dragon, Satan. That doesn’t mean those on the so-called right are not also serving Satan.

Make no mistake the so-called right is so not right. Because most of the so-called right are not Bible-believing, Bible-centered, Bible worldview true Christians. I personally know many such people.

And what it all REALLY is about is the spiritual war between God’s rightness, God’s ways, God’s Word, God’s people versus the people serving the Evil One. Period.

Contrary to the delusion, the lie, that everyone on the right or so-thought Republican conservative side is a godly Bible worldview person. A “good person.” That’s impossible since most possess a worldly worldview and only 6% of Americans possess a Biblical worldview according to the fine researcher George Barna of the Barna Group from Arizona Christian University.

All the upheaval, all the tearing down of the foundations, all the making of lawless and immoral things lawful, all the ramped-up amped up sin is not an American exclusive. Get past the nationalism folks. Get past the political. Get past yourselves and the distractions and lies, the sleight-of-hand you’ve been fed and eagerly gobbled up, and come to the realization, the clarity, the fact it’s all about, only about, the spiritual war, the escalating spiritual war in these last of the last days beside God’s Word and God’s people on this earth, a small army compared to the world population, versus the Evil One, Satan and his legions of the walking dead. Lost in being darkness refusing the truth. No right. No left. No American exclusive. Only God’s people and everyone else. Period.

Unless and until you do this, see this, act upon this there will be no understanding, no seeing and hearing clearly, no real understanding, and therefore no solid foundation to actually do something to serve the Lord rather than serving a political ideology or agenda.

Get with the program people! There isn’t much time left!

Yeah, it’s ugly, it stinks, it’s all falling apart, evil is rising up and devouring. But it won’t be defeated in the voting booth or by electing that man or woman you think is the answer.

Get wisdom and understanding while you can. And that doesn’t come from FOX News or any worldly source folks. Time to wake up and smell the stench of the spiritual war we’re all in and clearly recognize the Enemy. And it isn’t the liberal leftist commie pinko socialist Democrats. It’s evil. It’s Satan. And most of those liberal leftist commie pinko socialist Democrats only happen to be pawns used, mouthpieces used by evil. Don’t get distracted as to who and what the Enemy really is.

It’s the evil of Satan. Nothing really to do with America exclusively, any specific election or politician.

Stop getting sidetracked and distracted like a cat mesmerized by a piece of string or a paper bag. An insect drawn to a bug zapper!

When reading the article below replace the words “left” and “democrats” and anything skewed in that direction that makes a point of never discussing God, or the spiritual war, or how all of this pertains to the Bible and see evil in place of those words. Knowing full well that those considered on the left, liberal, or democrats, progressives, or whatever label is applied DO NOT HAVE THE EXCLUSIVE RIGHTS TO EVIL.

About time some objectivity, logic, sense, rational thought, honesty, and truth entered in wouldn’t you say?

I make Ronald Reagan appear like Abbie Hoffman but that has nothing to do at all with my spiritual self and being a disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ. What matters to God my Father. We are pilgrims here. Sojourners. Stop making this earth the kingdom of God that is in Scripture. Stop thinking you are going to bring about Christ’s return or create some Christian Utopia here on earth and instead get yourself deeply immersed in the Word of God, in prayer, rather than FOX News, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, or whatever source or sources you are being fed by. Malnourished and held hostage by.

Eat and drink of the Word of God if you want real health, real life, and the THEE SOURCE of TRUTH!

Go to the Lord in prayer. Faithful, believing fervent humble prayer!


Ken Pullen

Tuesday, May 24th, 2022



Voters are rejecting the Left’s war on common sense


May 16, 2022

By Kaylee McGhee White

Reprinted from the Washington Examiner


Democrats seem to have convinced themselves that locking parents out of their students’ classrooms and eliminating sex-based protections in schools will win them elections. However, a new poll suggests the opposite.

The American Principles Project found in a survey of several battleground states that the vast majority of voters oppose leftist positions on transgender and education issues. For example, when asked whether they support laws prohibiting biological males from competing on girls’ K-12 sports teams, 56% of respondents said they supported such measures, while only 33% opposed them. Another 56% of respondents said they support laws banning puberty blockers, hormonal treatments, and physical sex-change surgeries for minors; 60% said they support a Florida law forbidding public schools from teaching K-3 students about sexual, age-inappropriate subjects, including gender ideology and sexual orientation; and 59% said they would support a law requiring public schools to notify parents if their child begins identifying as transgender.

Notably, support for these laws did not vary among the different demographics polled. A majority of white, Hispanic, black, male, and female voters sided with conservatives on every one of these issues, as did self-described independents.

This should not come as a surprise. After all, these are just commonsense positions.

However, the Left wants you to believe that it is not only controversial but bigoted to oppose opening up girls’ restrooms and locker rooms to male students who identify as girls. They want you to feel ashamed for objecting to experimental sex-reassignment procedures on minors. They expect you to accept, without question, the teaching of gender ideology as fact in public school classrooms. And, if you don’t, they will do to you what they did to Florida Republicans and dishonestly accuse you of endangering the lives of LGBT persons.

But the APP’s poll proves there are still plenty of people who see through the Left’s lies. Hopefully, they also reject the ideology from which these lies stem.