The so-called “Palestinians” in Israel have more freedoms and a better quality of life than do the “Palestinians” living in Gaza or the West Bank. The Arabs in Israel have more freedoms than do Arabs in every other Arabic nation. There are Arabs in the Israeli Knesset but no Israeli’s are even permitted to live in Arab countries let alone be in the governments of those Arabic states or countries.

Yet the lies, from the father of lies to his enslaved, blindly dedicated minions on U.S. college campuses, in U.S. government agencies and administrations, to schools, churches, corporations — you name it — throughout America as well as the same in every Western nation perpetuates the lies of their master, the devil as he roils and boils and churns the darkness, the lies, the ferment holding them and all who listen to their lies in his captive filthy deadly grasp.

The darkness, the Evil One, the lies will not prevail. It will not win out in the end.

God and His rightness, His light, His righteousness, His justice and will, will prevail. His Son, Jesus Christ the Lord will defeat all evil, all darkness, and prevail. And establish His kingdom and make every nation His footstool. God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Bible will prevail over and above all. God is continually at work for good even though most can’t see it or understand His ways at times.


Ken Pullen

Tuesday, May 25th, 2021

ACP — A Crooked Path


Video: At Florida pro-jihad rally, Muslims screaming ‘Allahu Akbar call for total destruction of Israel


May 24, 2021

By Robert Spencer

Reprinted from Jihad Watch

Link to video

“From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be free” means that Israel would be totally destroyed, from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea. This would necessarily result in the murder of millions of Jews.

Filed Under: FeaturedPalestinian jihadUnited States