All these so-called “minor changes” that occur within society amount to constant erosion designed to eventually tear down every established foundation, every known and established morality and truth. To even alter the human mind so as to deny biology, deny genetics, deny DNA, and to believe the lies of Satan whispered into their itching ears and walking dead in utter darkness minds.

To the point, even so-called professed Christians, who in truth are not Christian, and let’s get 100% clear on this point right now. There is no such a thing as a “cultural Christian,” or a “progressive Christian,” or a “social justice Christian.”

A person is either of the light, in the light, transformed by the regenerative power of the Holy Spirit of God into a renewed spirit and mind to believe and to not only believe but to obey and live according to God’s Word not altering, removing, or adding to it in any way or…

A person is of the darkness. No light in them. No matter what they may say, if they attend a so-called Christian church or denomination, or wear a shiny cross around their necks. If they are not truly transformed in mind and spirit, not truly regenerated into a new creature —- born anew by the power of the Holy Spirit, and their lives come out from the darkness, the world, and into the light? And they then do not live to not only believe all that is contained in God’s Word but to obey what is contained in God’s Word not altering one word and not trying to accommodate the world? They are NOT a Christian. And let’s finally get clear on this fact, shall we?

Not according to me — according to God’s Word. Take some time to search the Scriptures like a Berean in order to learn this, take this to heart if you do not at this time.

What we have witnessed and what is occurring is the constant evil winds of erosion. A subtle word or so here and there. Making the so-called “minor changes” appear like progress, nothing to get up about or rankled about, nothing to really care about or pay attention to. And then within a matter of a handful of years? Everything is forever altered. The brainwashing, the constant indoctrination began in schools some years ago and is now operating at full throttle, full bore. Indoctrinating children as young as pre-school. Molding and corrupting those young minds that absorb and believe what they are fed.

And they are being fed the lies and death that evil knows and brings.

Total darkness.

By the ministers of the devil in every facet of life in these at of the last days. In the media, in government, in corporations, in what appears as innocent TV programs and commercials, in products, in every agency and institution, in the military, in our churches. Evil and its lies and death now permeate every part of daily life and continue to do so because, well, it’s all been subtle “minor changes,” and no big deal, right? I mean, it’s about civil rights, right?


Wake up and smell, see, hear the encroaching darkness, lies, and evil if for a nanosecond you’ve bought into any of these so-called “minor changes” and lies put forward by Satan and all his minions and ministers appearing as messengers, angels of light.

When the serpent approached Eve in the Garden and told her, “Go ahead, eat, surely you will not die,” that could be construed as a minor change in things. Yet it set in motion the fall of every man and woman due to sin and disobedience. It lead to death entering the world.

The minor changes are always what add up to the total collapse, the coming pain and destruction. All the so-called minor changes have what has led to every war ever fought, and every major event in world history taking place.

One so-called “minor change” upon another. Until…

Everything — EVERYTHING =– is either of God’s rightness, God’s righteousness, God’s ways, and Word and the light, or it is of Satan’s lies and death and utter darkness.

There is no gray area. There is not. There is either what is right according to God and then everything else.

I can’t help it you may not like this truth, this fact, you may reject it, refuse to acknowledge it, or to live accordingly. It’s not my ways, not according to me — it’s according to what is in the Holy Bible. The Scriptures. If you do not think so, refuse to believe so, think you can have your cake and eat it too? Live according to the world and please God? I strongly urge you to get ahold of an approved Bible translation and hold it to your eyes, and into your heart, and to your mind, soul, and spirit as perhaps you never have and come to see, come to hear, come to understand God’s will, God speaking to every person who will take serious time, consideration and study of what He has to say. Regarding everything in this modern world which is no different than any time period in the ancient world. Man and woman are no different. Only technology and advancing knowledge advancing technology has changed. Every person in every age they lived not only imagined but knew at that time they were in the most advanced period in world history. The cutting edge. The greatest advancements. They were living in their modern world just as you and I are. And their natures were no different than ours, no different than Adam’s or Eve’s or any person ever born on this earth.

Think folks. Use the good mind God blessed you with to use. Learn His Word and ways and will — and that is all contained within the Scriptures.

Refuse, discard, do not obey the ways and will of the world which are nothing but darkness, death, deceptions and delusion.

There are no “minor changes” truth be told. For they all eventually become a major problem and event.

It’s simple math and simply paying attention folks…


Ken Pullen

Monday, May 24th, 2021

ACP — A Crooked Path


Transgenderism: All of these minor changes amount to a cultural sea change


Thursday, May 20, 2021

By Jonathon Van Maren

Reprinted from Prophecy News Watch & The Bridgehead & LifeSite News


(LifeSiteNews) — I noticed the other day that one of the lesbian, homosexual, bisexual, and transgender activists who enjoys chronicling my columns wrote another piece saying that I am a fearmonger. Specifically, I am a fearmonger because I have spent several years chronicling the myriad ways in which the gender ideologues have embarked on the total eradication of biological sex and the transformation of our society.

Sure, I get that in the grand scheme of things a cereal company launching a Pride Month Kellogg’s box telling kids to pick their pronouns (“they/them” being a grammatically confusing option) is minor, but the reality is that all of these minor changes amount to a cultural sea change that has been surging up the beach, inch by inch.

To illustrate this point, let’s survey just a few recent stories.

Reuters noted on May 17 that the French Rugby Federation (FFR) will be permitting biological men (“transgender women”) to play in the women’s rugby league next season. This is after the governing body, World Rugby, issued guidelines last year after “months of research” stating that it had “concluded that safety and fairness cannot presently be assured for women competing against trans women in contact rugby.” FFR stated that they will instead implement a testosterone threshold that will in fact allow those still “transitioning” to play. FFR’s board voted unanimously on this decision.

In a statement that might leave readers wondering what the point of having a league specifically for women might be, FFR vice president Serge Simon stated that: “Rugby is an inclusive, sharing sport, without distinction of sex, gender, origin, or religion.” One would think a women’s league would be exclusive to women, but there you have it.

Also on May 17, reported that the Peel District School Board in Ontario, Canada, will be flying the Transgender Flag — because the rainbow is now passé. In a release the board stated: “The International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia is an opportunity for PDSB students and staff to acknowledge and reflect on violence and discrimination experienced by lesbian, homosexual, bisexual, transgender, and queer+ communities.” The kids are presumably being faithfully taught the ever-expanding categories which those acronyms represent, as well as their potential for membership in each.

On May 16, there was this, from NPR: “Rev. Megan Rohrer has been elected as the first openly transgender bishop within the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. They will lead some 200 congregations in California and Nevada.” It appears we’ve cruised right on past the debate about female ordination and are on to a debate about the ordination of men in drag who demand that they be referred to as “they.” Ten years ago, it would not have been possible to write a parody of mainstream Protestantism as cruel as the reality currently unfolding at faux synods across the West.

It is true that there has been some state-level pushback to all of this as well as some encouraging signs that high tide may have been reached in the United Kingdom and Sweden, but here in America, President Joe Biden, who identifies as Catholic (you can identify as anything you like these days) assured the trans movement in his first joint address to Congress in late April that he is there for them. “To all transgender Americans watching at home,” he warbled, “especially the young people. You’re so brave. I want you to know your president has your back.”

By that, of course, he means that he supports the sorts of things I listed in the previous stories, and will do all he can to bring such policies to every American community. I grant that my detractors believe this to be a positive development, but to claim that this is simply a belated legal recognition of how things are rather than an utterly transformative revolution on every level is nothing short of gaslighting.


Gender Ideology 
