The article below of how thousands of premeditated murders of innocent children have been averted is wonderful news. A blessing. Praise and glory to God in the Highest!

And nothing that happens surprises me or shocks me, unlike every talking head on TV news saying how shocking the next story they are about to report is, or telling us we’re going to be surprised by what’s next in their coverage. Stop telling me what to do, how to think, what I feel. But this has been ingrained now for decades. Do you even hear them say it? The talking heads on TV say they’re shocked and surprised by EVERYTHING, therefore the same is said among most folks these days who have sat back and permitted the removal of critical thinking, logic, rational thought, and sense to be removed from them, sitting staring into the glowing screen to be indoctrinated.

Shocked? Surprised by anything that happens?

I mean weekly we hear of people throwing living babies in trash dumpsters. Killing their young children. An ever-increasing stream of atrocities and lawlessness, immoralities that never occurred before, or if they did perhaps only a few times a year. Nationwide. Now they are weekly occurrences in every place.

Shocked and surprised?


Not me. My coming of age occurred in the 1960s and anyone whose coming of age was in that timeframe of history ought not to be surprised or shocked by anything that happens. Especially if a person also has been transformed by the power of the Spirit of God to be knowing, spiritually discerning, spiritually knowing from prayer and study within the Word of God while paying even a modest level of attention to what has gone on.

But you know what I do find incredible? This place is primarily visited and read by professed Christians. For the most part, the subscribers are professed Christians.

And yet any article posted here about the premeditated murder of children, a.k.a. the euphemism given to these premeditated murders by the world. abortion, are among the least read articles on this site.

What? Ho hum, it’s only another “abortion” article? Why bother spending time reading it?

Yet include a political article about Donald Trump, or Joe Biden, or some scandalous type article of a sexual nature? Or mentioning liberals? Or money? And the bars on the graph letting me know what’s being read spike ever upward!

Imagine that…

By our fruits, we will be known. Where we place our hearts so too…

It’s the premeditated murder of innocent living human children folks! I realize this great atrocity, this great immorality this lawlessness has been made lawful sinfully since 1973 but how about a little less “ho-hum” and a little more life and interest in this great tragedy that has scorched our land and been instrumental in the decline of America in many areas. We do pay for our sins, for our turning from God.

Believe it, or not. Not convinced? Say this is America? We’re special, we’re different?

Hardly. Pick up a Holy Bible, God’s Word, and take the time to study and allow to sink in what God allowed to happen to His chosen people due to their disobedience, due to their love of sin and lawlessness, their immorality, their idol worship of self and this world.

And if God allowed such to happen to His chosen people?

Why do you think America is somehow exempt?

Really. How’d you ever come up with that cockamamie idea we could do as we pleased, turn to growing and great immoralities, sin, abominations, evil and wickedness, and not incur the wrath of God? The turning of God from U.S. as we turned from Him?

But then why even mention this since this is an article about the premeditated murder of innocent children, and therefore…

And to those few who do open and read regularly the articles posted here pertaining to the premeditated murder of our innocent children, forgive me for taking time out to vent my frustrations with the priorities of the majority of people who frequent this place. I just find it incredible the premeditated murder of children has become a topic of such disinterest. As if it’s been going on so long it’s now accepted as normal.

Even among many calling themselves Christians. And especially among those who have of their own definitions and evaluations categorized themselves as “good people.”

Imagine that…


Ken Pullen

Thursday, February 17th, 2022

ACP — A Crooked Path


Thousands of babies alive as a result of Texas ‘heartbeat’ protections


17 February 2022

Reprinted from The Christian Institute [in the U.K.]


Thousands of babies are alive as a result of the Texan ban on abortions taking place from around six weeks except in medical emergencies.

The Texas Heartbeat Act, which came into effect on 1 September last year, has led to a conspicuous fall in the number of abortions occurring in the state.

According to a report by the Texas Health and Human Services Commission, there were 5,404 unborn babies killed in August, compared to 2,197 the following month.

‘Long-term impact’

The new figure is significantly below the average number of abortions which took place in September across the previous four years for which data was available – 4,268 – and the average monthly figure over the previous twelve months – 4,771.

“celebrate the lives being spared as a direct result of this life-saving law”

As yet no data is available beyond September, but based on available figures it is estimated the new law has saved between 11,600 and 14,300 lives, equating to as many as 86 babies every day.

Kimberlyn Schwartz of Texas Right to Life said her group would continue to monitor the situation to see “the long-term impact” of the Act, and that in the meantime they would “celebrate the lives being spared as a direct result of this life-saving law”.


Before the law came into effect it was subject to a legal battle, with abortion giants Planned Parenthood and the Center for Reproductive Rights opposing the pro-life legislation.

They complained that the Heartbeat Act could lead to abortion clinics being closed and accused the State legislature of being hostile “to the rights of pregnant people”, but the Supreme Court voted 5-4 against blocking the legislation.

When the law took effect, it was opposed by President Biden, who called it “extreme” and vowed to “launch a whole-of-government effort to respond to the decision”.

The U.S. Department of Justice subsequently launched a legal action and the law was temporarily blocked by a U.S. District Attorney, before being reinstated by the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals. Biden’s administration then made an appeal to the Supreme Court, but the senior justices have refused to put the legislation on hold while they consider the case.

Also see:

Baby scan

Biden attacks Texas law protecting the unborn

U.S. abortionists launch lawsuit to overturn law protecting unborn

Texas ‘Heartbeat Bill’ protects unborn from sixth week of pregnancy

Arkansas acts to defend the unborn from abortion