The Way

CORAM DEO Before the Face of God


By Dr. Burk Parsons, Editor Tabletalk Magazine from Ligonier Ministries

Reprinted from the September 2021 issue. Volume 45 No. 9


In the first century, before Jesus’ followers were called Christians, they were known as followers of “The Way.” Although we do not know the precise origin of the name, it is possible that it was derived from Jesus’ declaration in John 14:6: “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” When the Apostle Paul defended himself before Felix, he said, “I do confess to you, however, that I worship the God of our fathers according to the Way, which they call a sect. I believe everything that is laid down by the Law and written in the Prophets” (Acts 24:14). It is possible that “the Way” originated with Jesus’ teaching in John 14:6 and later developed as a shorthand way of referring to those who identified as followers of Christ, and the kingdom of God inaugurated in Christ. In other words, first-century Christians were people of the all-encompassing way of the Lord, the way of Yahweh, according to all the Scriptures and all the promises and prophesies of God, which are centered on Christ. From the first century on, Christians have employed language of “the Way” to refer to the way of the kingdom, the way of the cross, and more generally, the Christian way.

Unfortunately, many professing Christians have lost their way on account of having strayed from the narrow, old path and have taken the road more traveled by the culture. Many churches have ceased urging people to follow the ancient Christian way because the Christian way is not attractive to those who want something new and fresh. The Christian way is the way of the cross, the humble way of dying to self and sin and taking up one’s cross and following Christ. It is the way of the kingdom — God’s kingdom, not our own self-serving kingdoms. It is the way of servanthood to the One who came not to be served but to serve and to give His life as a ransom for many. It is the way of love for our Savior and to one another. It is the selfless way of putting others first and esteeming others as greater than ourselves. It is the way of keeping Lord’s Day worship and rest as the pinnacle of our lives each week. It is the way of grace and truth. Scripture and its doctrine, surrender and sacrifice, generosity and hospitality. It is the way of persecution and of praying for those who persecute us. It is the way of praying for our governing authorities that we might lead quiet and peaceful lives in all godliness and contentment. The Christian way is the all-encompassing way of living before the face of God, Coram Deo, by doing all that we do for His glory.


Dr. Burk Parsons is editor of Tabletalk magazine and serves as senior pastor of Saint Andrew’s Chapel in Sanford, Florida. He is editor of Assured by God: Living in the Fulness of God’s Grace. He is on Twitter at @BurkParsons.