The State of Theology

2022 Survey Results 


Monday, September 19th, 2022

Reprinted from Ligonier Ministries




What do Americans believe about God, the Bible, and salvation? Ligonier Ministries’ State of Theology survey provides eye-opening insights.

Every two years, we take the theological temperature of the United States to find out what people on the street and in congregations really believe. Understanding the worldviews and beliefs of Americans can equip the church with insights for discipleship. See snapshots of our findings below, or explore the survey data for yourself.

The clearest and most consistent trend revealed by the survey since it began in 2014 is a growing distrust of the Bible among Americans. In 2022, the majority of U.S. adults now reject the divine authorship of the Bible, relegating it to the same category as other religious writings. When people no longer recognize the sixty-six books of the Old and New Testament as the authoritative Word of God, they’ll find it easy and acceptable to ignore any biblical teaching that is out of step with their personal views or broader cultural values.

For Christians, the reality that most Americans reject God’s Word may be sadder than it is surprising. A less-expected result from the State of Theology survey suggests that the majority of professing evangelicals accept a view of human identity that aligns more with American society than the teaching of the Bible. Nearly two-thirds of U.S. evangelicals now believe that humans are born in a state of innocence, showing that the biblical teaching of original sin is not embraced by most evangelicals. This truth is foundational for an accurate understanding of the gospel and of our absolute need for the grace of God in salvation.


The confusion among professing Christians about human nature is also on the rise when it comes to the subject of gender identity. More than a third of American evangelicals affirm the “right” of an individual to choose his or her own gender identity despite one’s biological sex. The increase of unbiblical views among American evangelicals on the subjects of gender and sexuality may indicate the influence of a secular worldview that is making greater inroads into the church.

The results from the 2022 State of Theology survey reveal widespread confusion about the Bible and the relevance that it bears for our identity and our everyday lives. This confusion, present both inside and outside the church, cries out for clear and faithful teaching in Christian evangelism and discipleship. The need is great, but the power and promises of God can equip the church to bring truth and light to a dark world.

How would you answer these survey questions? What do your neighbors and family members believe? You can take the State of Theology survey yourself or create a private group survey for your friends or members of your church. We encourage you to use the State of Theology survey to help you facilitate discussion and better understand the beliefs of people in your community.